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Urinary system
 Composed of 2 kidney, 2 ureters, a urinary bladder and the urethra

 Function:
 Control acid-base balance of the body fluids, excrete waste products of
metabolism and maintain normal value of extracellular fluid by eliminating
excess water
 Endocrine function
 Erythropoietin- stimulates production of erythrocytes in the bone marrow
 Renin- has a role in blood pressure control
 Kidneys are located retroperitoneally on the posterior wall of the
abdominal cavity on either side of the vertebral column
 Cortex of kidney is made up of 1.5-3 million tubular
subunit called nephrons ( renal corpuscle, proximal
convoluted tubule, the loop of Henle, and distal
convoluted tubule).

 Cortex- contains the renal corpuscles, proximal and
distal convoluted tubules and collecting tubules
 Medulla- loop of Henle and the greater part of the length
of the collecting ducts
 Uriniferous tubule- a unit that is made up of a nephron,
collecting tubule and collecting duct
Renal corpuscle(glomerulus)
 Bowman’s capsule- thin –walled expansion of the
proximal tubule
 Glomerulus- tuft of convoluted capillaries that occupy
the concavity of this capsule
 Vascular pole- where afferent
and efferent arterioles are
continuous with capillaries of
the glomerulus
 Urinary pole-where the
capsular space (between the
outer parietal layer and inner
visceral layer of Bowman’s
capsule) is continuous with the
lumen of the proximal
convoluted tubule
 Podocytes- cell’s at the visceral layer of the Bowman’s
capsule that have several radiating primary processes
that embrace the underlying capillaries
 The primary processes give rise the numerous secondary
branches called foot processes or pedicels
 The slit created by the interdigitation of the foot
processes is called the filtration slit, about 25 nm wide
which looks like a zipper
 The” teeth” of the zipper are molecules called nephrin ,
 Mesangium- it is a connective tissue that surrounds the
glomerular capillaries
Proximal covoluted Tubule
 The cells are simple cuboidal to low columnar and has
spherical nucleus
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
 There is a brush border that results in 20-fold increase in
surface area
Proximal Convoluted Tubule
 The proximal convoluted tubule absorbs about 85% of
the water and salt of the glomerular filtrate. It also
absorbs glucose and amino acids and excrete creatinine
into the urine.
Loop of Henle
 Descending and ascending thick limb – the epithelial
lining is simple cuboidal while in the thin descending
limb it abruptly becomes simple squamous
Loop of Henle
 The thin limb of loop of henle pumps Na and Cl out of
the lumen and reabsorbs 5 % of water of the glomerular
Distal Convoluted Tubule
 They have simple cuboidal epithelial lining . They have
no brush border but has a few short microvilli
Distal Convoluted Tubule
 The thick ascending limb of the loop of distal convoluted
tubule actively transports Cl out followed by Na
 Its function is controlled by the antidiuretic
hormone(vasopressin) of the neurohypophysis
 It reabsorbs Na and secretes K

 It absorbs about 8 % of water filtrate

Collecting tubule and collecting duct
 They have low columnar
epithelial lining
 Two cell type
 Principal cell- have short
microvilli . The nucleus is
ovoid and the cytoplasm
contains randomly oriented
small mitochondria
 Intercalated cell-dark-
staining with the presence
of numerous small folds
called microplicae
Collecting tubule and collecting duct
 The collecting duct is
controlled by
antidiuretic hormone
and absorbs about 4% of
the water in the filtrate
Juxtaglomerular Complex
 3 components:
 The specialized cells of the
macula densa in the distal
 Juxtaglomerular cells in
the wall of the adjacent
afferent arteriole of the
 Pale staining mesangial
Renal interstitium
 The content of the spaces between renal tubules
constitutes renal interstitium
Blood supply of the kidney
 Artery
 Renal artery-lobar arteries -
interlobar arteries – arcuate
arteries- interlobular arteries –
intralobular arteries – afferent
arterioles – efferent arterioles –
vasa recta

Blood from capsular ad cortical
capillaries – stellate veins-
interlobular veins - arcuate
veins- interlobar veins- renal vein
Renal Pelvis and ureter
 They are both have transitional
epithelial lining
 Their lamina propria underneath
is rich with elastic fibers
 They have varying orientation of
muscles that surround the lamina
propria and responsible for
peristaltic wave that slowly
prgress towards the urinary
Urinary bladder
 Mucosa –transitional
epithelium and lamina
 Muscularis layer

 serosa
 Male
 Prostatic urethra –
transitional epithelium
 Membranous urethra-
pseudostratified or
stratified columnar
 Penile urethra-stratified
columnar epithelium
 Fossa navicularis-stratified
squamous epithelium
 Female
 The short urethra is lined
by stratified squamous
epithelium interrupted by
areas of pseudostratified
columnar epithelium
 Below the bladder neck ,
there is smooth muscle
called involuntary imternal
urethral sphincter
 Immediately above the
urogenital diaphragm is the
voluntary external urethral
Thank you for listening!

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