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Table of Content

■ Introduction
■ Research Objective
■ Research Methodology
■ Major Findings of the Study
■ Recommendations
■ Conclusion
■ Social media has gained importance and acceptance at a very past pace. It
has become an avenue to share one’s personal and professional life. The
usage of social media as a marketing tool is already implemented by
many businesses
■ This report used journals, magazine articles, newspaper articles, business
reviews, online survey and so on from the. Further official social media
pages of various companies on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn were
analysed to generate statistics.
■ Social media presence is definitely an advantage for all kinds of
businesses. Social Media marketing has wider market appeal and is
relatively cheaper than traditional advertisements.
■ With a huge number of audiences and high customisability of social
media for required content, social media marketing emerges as an
exciting and effective tool for marketing
Objectives of Study
■ To figure out the profile of users of social networking sites.
■ To study the trends and shifts in the marketing practices from traditional marketing to
online marketing.
■ To find out the opportunities available to the marketers in marketing through social
networking sites.
■ To study the challenges faced by the marketers adopting social networking sites as their
marketing tool.
■ To study the scope of social networking sites to be used as a marketing tool

■ Questionnaire Link –
■ https
Research Methodology
■ Descriptive Research : Descriptive research is a study design to depict the participants
in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all about describing people
who take part in the study.


■ Primary Data:
Primary data is defined as the first time data collected. It is new in nature. This type of
data is collected directly from the source of information.
■ Secondary Data:
Secondary data is that type data which somebody else had collected and which had
already been passed through the statically process.
Nature of data
■ The data is primary in nature as it is collected with direct interface with the
respondents who are the subscribers of courses.

■ Sources
The data was collected through a medium of questionnaire from subscribers of
the certificate courses. 

■ Type of the Research

The research is descriptive in nature and aims at finding the last alternative
amongst the given set of options.
Major Findings of the Study
■ Out of 100% people 51.5% of people use more than 4 hours on social
media whereas 27.3% of people uses 3-4 hours and 12.1% uses 1-2 hours
and 9.1% uses less than 1 hour.
■ out of 100% people: 66, 7% of people uses Instagram 24.2% of people
uses facebook, 6.1% of people uses twitter and 3% of people uses
■ out of 100% people 55.5% chooses edu4sure for online learning where as
33.3% select courser and 18.2% chooses udemy
■ out of 100% people 45% of people like to receive email notification for
upcoming courses where as 24.2% of people like other social media post
18.2% of people wants through whatsapp and 12.2% through text
■ From this report it can be concluded that social media presence is
inevitable in the coming years. Not only that social media is useful as a
marketing tool, it has become the order of the day to be present in social
■ An important fact to be kept in mind in this context is that most social
networking sites have a cyclic growth. It starts from minimum, attains a
maximum and goes down to a minimum again. Thus, this is the perfect
time to invest time and resource in popular social media sites such as
Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Owing to the relatively small amount of
investment, it is not a high risk investment as the usage of social media
will come to a minimum only gradually
■ The online presence of firms must be frequently updated and it must be
linked with each other and with the company website. It must be
maintained well and only relevant posts must be updated.
■ At the heart of any Business are Customers, and Social networking represents an
opportunity to build even more mutually rewarding and candid relationships with
those Customers. But for organizations to realize tangible business benefits, they need
to find better ways to plan, manage, and measure their social networking efforts.
■ Today, it is impossible to separate social media from the online world. The social
media conversation is no longer considered a Web 2.0 fad -- it is taking place in
homes, small businesses and corporate boardrooms, and extending its reach into the
nonprofit, education and health sectors
■ From feeling excitement, novelty, bewilderment, and overwhelmed, a growing
number of people now speak of social media as simply another channel or tactic.
■ It is high time that every business adopts social media and takes it seriously.
■ Whether you are an individual, a startup, small business or a large corporation, an
online presence and an ongoing conversation with your constituents is a baseline
requirement nowdays.

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