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A) Weapons:
1. Hammer:
* Hard blunt heavy weapon

Injuries produced :
- Abrasion
- Contusion
- Laceration
- Fracture
2. Kitchen knife:
* Light sharp cutting weapon

Injuries produced:
- incised wound
- puncture / stab wound
- laceration
3. Khukuri or Bhujali:
* Heavy weapon with sharp
cutting edge (double edged)
Injuries produced:
(Sharp edge):
- incised wound - chop wound
Pointed sharp
- penetrating - stab wound

(blunt edge):
- Abrasion - Contusion
- Laceration - Fracture
4. Sickle
* light sharp cutting serrated weapon
with pointed tip.

Injuries produced:
- incised wound
-stab wound
- laceration
- fracture
5. Axe
* heavy weapon with sharp
cutting edge.

Injuries produced:
- chop wound
- incised wound
- fracture
- contusion
- laceration
6. Pistol
* Rifled firearm weapon.

Injuries produced:
- Firearm wound
(penetrating wound)
- abrasion, contusion
7. Gupti
* outside cover fixed with a metallic
Nature: hard blunt weapon

Injuries produced:
- Abrasion
- Bruise
- laceration
- fracture

* inner metallic pointed double edged

Nature: sharp pointed weapon
Injury produced:
- stab wound
8. Hack saw
* light sharp cutting weapon
with serrated edge

Injuries produced:
- Incised wound
- laceration
9. Spade
* heavy sharp edged

Injuries produced:
- chop wound
- laceration
- fracture
10. Katari
* heavy sharp cutting

Injuries produced:
- chop wound
- laceration
- stab wound
- contusion
11. Nylon rope

Injury produced:
- Pressure abrasion (patterned)

- Hanging
12. Screw driver
* light blunt pointed weapon.

Injuries produced:
- stab wound
- laceration
13. Poker
* sharp pointed weapon (one edge
concave otherside round).

Injuries produced:
- stab wound
- laceration
14. Iron chain
* hard blunt flexible object

Injuries produced:
- patterned bruise
- abrasion
15. Dagger
* heavy sharp cutting weapon.

Injuries possible:
- chop wound
- incised wound
1) Entertome
* in PM
* used to cut intestines
& other hollow viscera
e.g esophagus,
stomach, heart,
meninges, etc
2) Scissors ( a pair)
* autopsy instruments
* used to cut tissues
3) Councillman’s saw
* usually used to cut outer
table of skull in PM
* also used to cut other bones
whenever necessary
4) Metallic catheter
* used in PM
* used to drain fluid from body
cavities like pericardial sac,
urinary bladder, heart, vaginal
collection etc
5) Toothed forceps
* used to hold fascia & other tissue while
6) Blunt forceps
* used to hold tissue while
dissecting & to hold other
objects like gauge piece, foreign
body etc
7) Brain Knife
* used to cut or slice any large organ like brain,
kidney, liver etc
8) Scalpels (different sizes)
* used in PM for making
* for fine dissection
* to reflect fascia
9) Amputation knife
* used in PM for amputation & cutting cartilage &
10) Viscera separator
* used to side viscera to look
for relations
11) Viscera lifter
* used to look
undersurface of organs
13) Chisel & hammer
* used to loosen the skull
* used to lift the skull flap
14) Hamer with lifter
* used to stroke chisel
* to lift skull cap
15) Chisel
* used to make small nicks on the
outer table of skull
Cartilage knife
* used to cut costal cartilage to open chest.
1) Nicotine:
Nature- cardiac poison
A.P.- nicotine & nicotinamide
F.D.- 5drops
Rx.- atropine, quinidine
2) Capsicum
Nature- irritant vegetable poison
A.P.- Capsin & capsisin
Rx.- not specific
MLI- malingering poison
3) Semicarpus anacardium
Nature- irritant vegetables poison
A.P.- semicarpol, bhilwanol
F.D.- 5gm
Rx.- no antidote, symptomatic
MLI- artificial bruise, accidental poisoning
4) Abrus Precatorius
Nature- vegetable irritant vegetable poison
A.P.- abbin (TOX albumin)
abrusic acid
F.D.- 90-120mg
Antidote- antiabrin inj.
Rx.- symptomatic
MLI- behaves like snake venom
arrow poison
cattle poison (RATISUI)
D- Dhatura, O- Onion, O- Opium, A-
Abrus Precatorius
5) Cerebra Thevetia
Nature- cardiac poison
A.P.- cerebrin
F.D.- 8 seeds
Antidote- nil
Rx.- symptomatic
MLI- accidental
6) Copper Sulphate
Nature- metallic irritant
Uses- as emetic
as antidote for phosphorous (white)
Antidote- egg albumin
potassium ferocyanide
7) Aconite
Nature- cardiac poison
A.P.- aconite & aconitine
F.D.- 2-4mg
Rx.- 50ml 1% novocan i.v + symptomatic
MLI- ideal homocidal poison
arrow poison

Special symptoms: hippus & alternate dilatation &

contraction of pupil
8) Nuxvomica seeds
Nature- spinal poison
A.P.- strychinine &
F.D.- 60-100mg
Rx.- paraldehyde
1-15ml i.v
MLI- arrow poison
simulate with
9) Castor seeds (Ricinus Communis)
Nature- irritant vegetable poison
A.P.- Ricin (TOX-albumin)
F.D.- 10 seeds
Antidote- nil
Rx.- symptomatic
MLI- accidental poisoning
10) Poisonous Snake
Identification- two large fangs belly plates
extents to sides
Toxin- Viper: haemolysin (more)
Elapides: neurotoxin
Rx.- if snake is identified,
antisnake venom
if not identified, polyvalent
antisnake venom
Dose- (60ml) 20ml s.c, 20ml i.m, 20ml i.v
Repeat at 2hrs interval
11) Papaver Sominiferum seeds
Nature- narcotic
Seeds- not poisonous
Opium- dried juice of unripe poppy capsule
A.P.- Morphine & Codeine
F.D.- crude opium: 0.6-2gm
morphine: 10-30mg i.v
Rx.- Nalorphine 5mg i.v every 10-15min
MLI- suicidal
pupils constricted like carbolic acid
12) Cannabis ( Marijuana)
Nature- deliriant, hallucinogen
Species- C. indica, C. sativa, C. mexicana
A.P.- tetrahydroxycanabinol
Forms or preparation:
i) Bhang: dried leaves & flowering or fruiting
(2% cannabinol)
ii) Majun: confection prepared from bhang with
sugar, milk & butter
iii) Ganja: Flowering or fruiting tops of the female
plant coated with resin
(5-10% cannabinol)
iv) Charas: is a concentrated resin exuding from
leaves & plants
( 20-25% cannabinol)
F.D.- uncertain
MLI- prolonged chronic user suffer from
toxic psychosis
“Run Amok”
13) Dhatura seeds
(Dhatura Fastuosa), “Thorn apple”
Nature- plant origin, neurotoxic deliriant poison
A.P.- hyoscine, hyoscamine & trace of atropine
F.D.- atropine: 50-60mg
hyoscine: 10mg
Fatal period- 24 hrs
S/S- dryness of mouth & throat, vomiting, dilated pupils
dysphagia, difficulty in talking, dry hot skin,
dilatation of cutaneous blood vessels, drunken gait,
delirium, drowsiness leading to coma & death
Rx.- Stomach wash with potassium permagnate / 5% tannic acid
Antidote: Physostigmine 1-4mg
Neostigmine 2.5mg in repeated doses
inj. Diazepam 10mg i.v
symptomatic & supportive measures
MLI- accidental poisoning, suicidal poisoning
stupefying agent
14) Opium (Afim)
(Papaver Somniferum)
Nature- neurotic poison
Alkaloids: morphine, codeine, heroin
Opium= 2gm
Morphine (oral)= 200-250mg
” (parental)= 80-100mg
Codeine= 500mg
Heroin= 2-3 times more toxic than morphine
S/S- euphoria, giddiness, drowsiness, uncontrolled desire to sleep,
deep coma leading to death
Rx.- stomach wash by potassium permangante soln. (1:5000)
antidote: Naloxone 0.8-2mg i.v
emesis, adequate fluid, supportive care
O2 administration
MLI- Suicidal, homicidal (Infanticide), cattle poison,
drug abuse, used as analgesics
15) Methyl Alcohol
Uses- industrial solvent, in laboratories,
with ethanol as an antiseptic agent
S/S- N, V, headache, dizziness, vertigo, dyspnoea, cyanosis,
visual disturbances, convulsions, coma, death
F.D.- 60-140ml
15-20ml enough to cause blindness
Rx.- Hospitalized (ABCD)
kept under supervision
ophthalmologist consultation
O2 inhalation / artificial respiration
stomach wash with NaHCO3 soln.
administration of ethyl alcohol in small dose
MLI- Accidental due to adulteration
Suicidal, Homicidal,
Death & blindness occur due to contamination used in different
16) Rat Poison (Zinc Phosphide)
Nature- metallic irritant
(HCl in stomach convert it to phosphine gas)
S/S- metallic taste, burning pain in mouth, throat,
esophagus & stomach, N, V, D, abd. Pain, dyspnoea,
pul. edema,
bradycardia, circulatory collapse, convulsion, coma,
Rx.- Removed the contaminated clothing & wash the parts
4L with 3.5% soln. of NaHCO3
Vitamin K
Supportive measures
MLI- Suicidal, Homicidal or Accidental poioning
In dowrydetach
17) Organophosphorous Compounds (Baygon)
Nature- neurotoxic inebrient poison, insecticide
M/A- reversible inactivation of cholinesterase
F.D.- mildly toxic= 25gm-60gm (chlorothion, malathion)
moderately toxic= 10gm-25gm (diazinon)
highly toxic= 15mg-5gm (parathion)
S/S- i) Parasympathetic:
muscarinic- N,V,D, excessive salivation, pallor, colic, slow pulse,
low B.P., cold sweating, constricted pupil, blurring
vision, brochospasm, muscular weakness
nicotinic- weakness of muscle, muscular twitching, fasciculation,
cramps, dyspnoea, cyanosis, tachycardia & hypertension
ii) CNS effect: headache, giddiness, vertigo, confusion, restlessness, irritability,
fine tremors of hands, lips & tongue, convulsion, drowsiness,
stupor, coma with deprssion of respiratory & circulatory system
& death
Rx.- Decontamination
* remove from exposure/ cloth, wash the skin, emesis
* stomach wash, activated charcoal
Maintenance of airway
Antidote- atropine i.v 2mg/hr till atropinisation
symptomatic & supportive measure
MLI- Suicidal
Rarely, homicidal
18) Barbiturate
F.D.- 1gm
S/S- N,V, headache, drowsiness,
excitement, delirium,
stertorous breathing, fast pulse, fall of B.P,
stupor, coma, leading to death
Rx.- Stomach wash with activated charcoal or tannic
Antidote: Bemigride
MLI- Suicidal
Drug automatism
19) Kerosene
F.D.- 30-100ml
S/S- N,V, dizziness, headache,
cough, Pul. Oedema,
mental confusion, cyanosis,
death due to respiratory failure
Rx.- Symptomatic
Artificial respiration
Stomach wash with NaHCO3 with precaution to
avoid aspiration
MLI- Suicidal, Accidental
Use: for the purpose of stomach wash
within 24hrs incase of ingested
poison (especially)
Exception:- Morphine even when it is
a) Absolute-
i) all corrosive except carbolic acid &
certain extent oxalic acid poisoning.
ii) esophageal varices.
b) Relative-
i) strychinine poisoning
ii) petroleum distillates poisoning
iii) incase of coma
iv) incase of children
2) Ryle’s Tube
Uses: i) can be used for the purpose
of stomach wash
incase of children.
ii) to aspirate gastric juice for
iii) for feeding (nasal)
3) Endotracheal Tube
Uses: for E.T. intubation incase of respiratory
embarrassment, coma, anesthesia etc
4) Cuffed endotracheal tube
Uses: a) for E.T. intubation incase of respiratory
embarrassment, coma & anesthesia.
b) when the cuff is inflated it seals the glottis, so
preventing the aspiration of stamach contents &
inhalation of volatile poison into the brochus &
lungs. (Stomach wash can be given incase of
comatose pts. & petroleum distillates poisoning)
5) Rubber Catheter
Uses: i) stomach wash in
children, 10cm is introduced.
ii) catheterization of bladder
This photograph shows incise looking
lacerated wound on lateral side of forehead
with black eye.

- Grievous hurt
This photograph shows tyre impression in
the skin.

- pressure abrasion (Imprint abrasion)

This photograph shows grazed abrasion
over lateral side of abdomen and directed
from below upward.
Red in colour.
Age within 24hrs
Cause- road accident.
This photograph shows multiple shape and
size of microscopic structures maybe

- presence of diatom in brain, liver, bone

marrow is suggestive of A.M drowning.
This photograph shows the picture of deep
burn exposing bones on the back of the

- Burn due to hot object (dry)

This photograph shows the picture of a
triangular shaped stab wound on the chest
with weapon of offence.
This photograph shows a scar mark in the
middle of the chest spreading downwards
on two breasts with a common meeting
point indicating due to scald

Cause- Burn due to chemical or hot liquid

This photograph shows a person hanging
with a ligature around neck with a gap at
mastoid region.

- Typical hanging (Suicidal hanging)

This photograph shows crushing wound of
the right lower leg and fracture, avulsion

- Traffic accident
This photograph shows frost bite.
- Rupture ulcer or lacerated wound on the
base of big toe, swelling and red coloration
of other toes.

Diagnosis- Trench foot.

This photograph shows some gravel and
weeds held tightly on the palm.

Diagnosis- Cadaveric spasm

Death from drowning
This photograph shows multiple lacerated
wound and abrasion of different sizes on the
side of thigh.
- Red and dark in colour.

Diagnosis- Blast injury

This photograph shows discontinous
abrasion (pressure) and scratch abrasion
over the front of the neck and lips.

-? Throttling
This photograph shows a body with
polythene sac over the head, mouth and

- Death from sexual asphyxia.

This photograph shows reddning mark on
the palm and fingers.

Diagnosis- Superficial burn (Electric)

This photograph shows late stage of
decomposition, marbling of veins on thigh.

Diagnosis- surest sign of death

Time since death >36hrs
This photograph shows advanced stage of
Bloating of abdomen, face, scrotum,
bleeding from mouth and nostril, marbling
of chest.

Diagnosis- surest sign of death.

Time since death> 72hrs
This photograph shows red marks on the
hand and neck but absent under the inner
chest wear.

Diagnosis- Contact pallor


Time of death= 6hr

This photograph shows large cut mark on
the neck with superficial multiple cuts
(tentative cuts).

Diagnosis- Suicidal cut throat

This photograph shows ecchymosis of ear.

Bruise- pinnae of ear.

This photograph shows multiple turn of rope
with a reef knot.

Diagnosis- Strangulation
This photograph shows congestion of face,
neck, upper part of chest with two stab
wounds on chest.

Diagnosis- Traumatic asphyxia

This photograph shows blood tinged froth
coming from mouth and nostril.

Death may be from:

* Drowning * Opium poisoning
* Tetanus * Snake bite
* Nux vomica poisoning
* Due to decomposition
This photograph shows picture of eye with
dilation of pupil and large subconjuctival
haemorrhage (Tardieu’s spot)
-Violent asphyxial death.
Diagnosis- Asphyxial death.
This specimen is of a female full term foetus
(Foetus Paperaceous)


• umbilicus at the mid point

• Scalp hair 3-4 cm
• CRL approx. 50 cm
• Circumference of head 30 cm
• Meconium is present at the anus
• Presence of lanugo and shoulder hair

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