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By: Daniel Saldaña

What is Volleyball?
Volleyball is a track game When the ball touches the
between two teams of six floor or leaves one of the
players per side that is two sides of the court is a
played by hitting a ball to point or an opportunity to
the opposite side above a
net. take out for the other
How to play?
The field where volleyball In reality, the game also takes place
is played is a rectangle of 18 on the outside, in the free zone,
m long by 9 m wide,
provided that the ball does not
divided in its center line by
a net separating the two touch ground or any other element
1.- Before contact with the ball: Raise bent arms with
elbows higher than the shoulders. The hands should be
in front and higher than the forehead and wrists in
dorsiflexion. The fingers should be separated and almost
2.- Contact with the ball: The ball touch is performed
near and over the face, with open hands in the cup
shape, offering a surface sphere on the fingers of the
fingers and the thumbs forming a rhombus or a triangle,
maintaining eye contact with the Ball The contact with
the balloon with only and exclusively with the fingertips
(distal phalanx)

It is to reject the ball, but playing it so that it can
attack the opposing team. The same can be
achieved with the drawing of fingers and for this it
is necessary to do it with the proper technique. The
position of the arms must be fully extended and
together. One hand rests on the other and the
thumbs point outward. The ball must always reach
in the forearms below the elbow. The weight of the
body moves to the front foot. The arms, which are
kept away from the body, fully extended and never
exceed the height of the shoulders in their
movement forward and up. The trunk remains a
little ahead. Shoulders should point in the direction
of play volver
El saque es el elemento fundamental iniciador del
juego. Sucede cada vez que este se interrumpe
por una falta, se reanuda con un saque, el equipo
que no sabe sacar no puede ganar.
Un jugador dispone, para realizar el saque, de 5
segundos, Único gesto en el que el jugador puede
controlar el balón, por ello sacar bien, más que
necesario es una obligación.
El balón ha de ser golpeado con una mano o con
cualquier parte del brazo después de ser lanzado
o soltado de la(s) mano(s), teniendo para ello 8
segundos desde que el árbitro le autoriza el
saque. En el momento del golpeo, el jugador no
debe estar tocando la pista (incluida la línea de
fondo) ni el suelo fuera de la zona de saque.
Famous volleyball players
Female Male

Giovane Farinazzo Gavio Gustavo Endres

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