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Verb To Have got

O verbo to have got utiliza-se para falar

de: Posse
Verb To Have got

I have got = I‘ve got

You have got= You‘ve got

He has got = He‘s got

She has got = She’s got

It has got = It’s got

We have got = We’ve got

You have got = You’ve got

They have got = They’ve got

Verb To Have got

I have not = I haven’t

You have not = You haven’t
He has not = He hasn’t
She has not = She hasn’t
It has not = It hasn’t
We have not = We haven’t
You have not = You haven’t
They have not= They haven’t
Verb To Have got

Short answers
Short Answers
Afirmative Negative
Have I? No, I haven’t.
Yes, I have.
Have you? No, you haven’t
Yes, you have.
Has he? Yes, he has. No, he hasn’t.
Has she? Yes, she has. No, she hasn’t
Has it? No, it hasn’t.
Yes, it has.
Have we? No, we haven’t.
Yes, we have.
Have you? No, you haven´t
Yes, you have
Have they? No, they haven’t
Yes, they have.

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