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Educati on
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Group members:

Cabonilas, Clyde Blessy

Carao, Maryjane
Macalua, Angelou
Rabaño, Jessalie
Tanaman, Jessa Mae
Concept 1: Current education systems are not fit
for the future

Elaborate: Economy and culture are the biggest

factors for reforming education systems. Future
education are trying to be shaped by past practices
and this resulted to excluding learners who are not
educationally inclined. In the past, it was implied
that if one goes to school and gets good grades,
he/she will definitely land a good job. However, in
the present, it is considered right to think that this
belief is false.
Concept 2: The education sys
tem is rooted in an
industrial paradigm

The current educational syste

ms are influenced by the
culture and economy during th
e Enlightenment and
the industrial revolution. This m
entality favors the
academically inclined individu
als and believing that
'street children' cannot adapt
to this. This created a
division between 'smart people
' (academics) and 'non-
smart people' (non-academics
) which only resulted to
nothing but chaos.
Concept 3: We medicate our kids to
get them through education

What is really happening is that the
kids are living through the most
information rich age in history – they
are bombarded with information from
many sources through T.V. and the
Internet – others are in a way, hyper-
stimulated (ADHD), and yet the
response is to punish them for getting
distracted from ‘boring stuff’ in school.
Concept 4:
The education system kills creativity

Divergent thinking is an essential capacity for
creative thinking – it is the ability to see lots of
possible ways of interpreting and answering a
question; to think laterally and to see many
possible answers, not just one. We all have this
inherent capacity but it deteriorates over time
since most education systems implies that, ‘that
there’s one answer and it’s at the back, and
don’t look and don’t copy’.
Concept 5: Shifting the Education Paradigm

Elaborate: Education is no longer defined in terms of

what a teacher will teach but rather in terms of what a
student will be able to demonstrate. Thus, it is from
here that instruction must work backward. If we are to
be responsible for what a student learns then it is
essential that we understand WHAT a student knows
before new learning begins and HOW best to build on
what each student already knows.
Concept 6: Relevance to A-Level Sociology

Elaborate: A level Sociology examines social behaviour from a

variety of perspectives: how it originates and then develops,
and the ways people are organised into groups according to
distinctions such as class, gender and race. Ken Robinson
suggested that in order to create a more progressive
educational system, we must break off from the past
approaches which will then encourage more creativity in the
classroom rather than conforming to the discriminatory
standardised testing.

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