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Globalization explains how our world shift
as time goes by and how it grows in amidst
of the interdependence changes of the
world’s economy, culture, and population,
that come’s from our interaction between
other countries specifically in trade of
goods, technologies, investment, and
from other sources

• Defined as the world-wide integration of government policies, cultures, social

movements, and financial markets through trade and the exchange of ideas. (Anthony
Giddens, 1980)
• The speedup of movements and exchanges (of human beings, goods, and services,
capital, technologies or cultural practices) all over the planet. One of the effects of
globalization is that it promotes and increases interactions between different regions and
populations around the globe. (Ethics in Global Business and in a Plural Society)
• The increasing interdependence of world economies as a result of the growing scale of
cross-border trade of commodities and services, the flow of international capital and the
wide and rapid spread of technologies. (Journal of Ethics)
Pluralism means putting different kinds of
people, with different race, religion,
opinion, belief, and lifestyle in one place to
promote common good among all nation.
• Under Pluralism, Moral pluralism is also known ethical pluralism,
moral pluralism illustrates that the idea there might be different views
and opinions that people must respect despite of their belief.

• There are many idea and theories about what is “right” and “wrong”
(also known as moral norms) which may be not suited with your own
personal moral norms. Our involvement working with other people
where you can actually see their different norms and belief in life. We
always take consider that acting on your personal norm or belief are
risky due to our differences as a human.
• It is a form of plu
ralism which differen
of culture are combin t kinds
e together in a socie
wherein minority gro ty,
ups have to participa
in a dominant group te
without conflict in th
existence of each oth e
er and must accept t
differences among th he
em all.
Religious Pluralism defined as “respect for the otherness
of others,” where the existence of one’s religious belief
system are harmoniously together in single society, they
have the “freedom of religion” where all of the religions
around the world, known or not are allowed to exist
through the production of laws and doctrine. Religions
are expected to benefit on each other voluntarily in
times of needs.
• Inside the political pluralism, different kinds of
people with different belief, interest and lifestyle
are combine together in a society. The people
allows themselves to undergo and participate to
be control in the governing process that will
help the society by helping the government to
become fair and aware to the situation that the
society needs to focused on despite with their
different opinions, interest and principles.

Challenges in Globalization
1. Labor standards
2. Environmental standards
3. Human rights
4. Cultural diversity
5. Corruption
Challenges in Pluralism
1. Racism
2. Treatment of/value in women and other gender/sex issues
3. Religion, religious dogma and tradition
4. Opinions
5. Actions and decision making
6. Political Beliefs
Despite the growing changes of our world as it revolves around the
years, we people should always adopt to that change that our world
might give, because change is the only permanent thing in our
world. But we must always put in mind that whatever changes may
occur today or in the future we should always keep our morals to
our self, that always act or do good for the benefit of all and for the
betterment of the society despite our differences. We should
always connect with each other no matter who you are or what
race you belong, what belief and norms you carry, or even what
religion you have always act for the common good of all. A
beautiful world awaits on us if we face all the changes hand in
hand and no one will left behind.

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