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The education system of Moldova

I would make everything in each class modern and

beautiful, everything new, the whole school to be beautiful
with the whole school established completely modern.
Education and research are the foundation of any society Without education, there are
no professional workers, no entrepreneurs, no investors, so there is no money, which
will cause a problem for any person. That is why we look forward to solving the
problems of having a proper society, high quality research materials and supporting
students who excel. One of the cases where assistance is needed is in Moldova. The
main reasons for education (low quality) are lack of motivation or interest, lack of funds
and peer pressure. To solve these problems, we need funds so that we can purchase
adequate research grants and increase teachers' salaries to motivate them and, of course,
to help students who are learning very well.
I think that everyone must choose what object
they need for life or profession
The modern college like Bratușeni

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