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How to get people to do what you want

 Vanilla leaders

 Rewards and punishment

 Control theory

 Believing people react to external stimuli

 Make other people do what they want

 Believing that it is their duty to reward or punish people

By understanding why people behave the
way they do

 Understanding their motivations in a situation

 Understanding why limited set of generic influence model may or may not have impact

 Deeper understanding of person’s personality provides more options

Understanding people

 Attentive to one’s own motivation

 Psychological holes

 Past experiences

 Attentive to one’s memetic endowments

 Reflective reexamination of memes

Understanding people behavior

 Being alert to get insights on people behavior

 Understand core VABEs of people by listening, observing and testing

 Understanding why people behave defensively

 Correction between observed event and once own VABEs

Assumptions and change initiations

 Peripheral assumptions can be explored

 Comprehend the usefulness of the assumption and behavior

 Initiate change based on the VABEs of the person

 If cause of inappropriate behavior is fundamental to personality, alternative

assignments could be assigned

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