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At the end of this chapter, the
students are expected to:
•Classify various development according to
developmental stage
•Evaluate one's development in
comparisson with persons of the same
age group
•List ways on how to become a
responsible adolescent prepared
for adult life
•Be aware that money
is an asset
 Is derived the Latin verb “Adolescere” which
means to grow into maturity

 It is the period of transition between childhood

and adulthood. It includes some big changes to
the body, and to the way a young person relates
to the world.

 The period following the onset of puberty

during which a young person develops from a
child into an adult.

 10-13 years
Early Adolescence:11-14 yearsold
 Middle Adolescence: 14-18 years
14-16 years old
 Late Adolescence: 18-21 years
17-20 years old

 In this stage, there is a difficult transition from childhood to adulthood on one hand, and sensitivity
to social and historical change on the other.
 During adolescence, middle and junior high school youngsters go through major physical,
intellectual, and emotional changes.
 The magnitude of physical change in early adolescence exceeds other stages except infancy.
Adolescents are frequently confused as they are unaware of how to respond to the new sexual
feelings that they experience. They are also concerned with what others think of them; hence
concentrate more on their looks, attitude and mannerisms.
 Some adolescents are found to be shy whereas some are very outspoken.
 Adolescents do want to assert their independence, yet long for the stability of structure and
The teenage years are also called adolescence. Adolescence is a time for growth spurts and
puberty changes. An adolescent may grow several inches in several months followed by a
period of very slow growth, then have another growth spurt. Changes with puberty (sexual
maturation) may happen gradually or several signs may become visible at the same time.
Sexual and other physical maturation that happens during puberty is a result of hormonal
In boys, it is difficult to know exactly when puberty is coming. There are changes that happen,
but they happen gradually and over a period of time, rather than as a single event. While each
male adolescent is different, the following are average ages when puberty changes may happen:
 Beginning of puberty: 9.5 to 14 years old
 First pubertal change: enlargement of the testicles
 Penis enlargement: begins approximately 1 year after the testicles begin enlarging
 Appearance of pubic hair: 13.5 years old
 Nocturnal emissions (or "wet dreams"): 14 years old
 Hair under the arms and on the face, voice change, and acne: 15 years old
Girls also experience puberty as a sequence of events, but their pubertal changes usually begin
before boys of the same age. Each girl is different and may progress through these changes
differently. The following are average ages when puberty changes may happen:
 Beginning of puberty: 8 to 13 years
 First pubertal change: breast development
 Pubic hair development: shortly after breast development
 Hair under the arms: 12 years old
 Menstrual periods: 10 to 16.5 years old
Adolescence is the period of developmental transition between childhood and adulthood. It
involves changes in personality, as well as in physical, intellectual and social development.
During this time of change, teens are faced with many issues and decisions. The following
addresses some of the key issues that can have an impact on a teen's social development.
1. Self-esteem- is how you feel about yourself.
2. Peer pressure -As children grow, they begin to spend more time with their friends and less
time with their parents.
3. Teens and sex -Talking with your teenager is important to help him or her develop healthy
attitudes toward sex and to learn responsible sexual behavior.
4. Social Changes- Parents. Although peers take on greater importance during adolescence,
family relationships remain important too. One of the key changes during adolescence
involves a renegotiation of parent–child relationships.
1. Adjust to sexually maturing bodies and feeling
- Being aware of the bodily changes happening
-managing sexual feelings
- engaging sexual behaviors.
- Establishing sexual identity and developing skills for romantic and meaningful
relationships are the healthy results when adolescents learn to adjust to their own

2.Develop and apply abstract thinking skills

-Effectively understand and coordinate abstract ideas
-Thinking out possibilities
- trying out theories
- planning ahead
- reflecting on how or what they are thinking
- coming out with their own personal philosophies
3.Develop and apply a new perspective on human relationships
- Developing the capacity of compassion by learning how to put themselves in “somebody
else’s shoes” in order to understand other people’s feelings and perspectives.
- Looking on at relationships in different perspectives can develop learning how to resolve
conflicts in relationships.

4.Develop and apply new coping skills in areas such as decision-making problem
solving and conflict resolution.
- Adolescence acquire new thinking capabilities that will help them engage in more creative
strategies for problem solving, decision making, and resolving conflicts.
- They should be able to project toward the future and see the consequences of their
5. Identify meaningful moral standards, values, beliefs systems.
- Because of their idealism, adolescents develop more complex understanding of
morality, justice and compassion that leads to the formation of their own belief system that
will guide their decisions and behavior.

6.Understand and express more complex emotional experiences.

- Becoming more in touch with their emotions and see the complex variances among
strong emotions and feelings, understanding the emotions and feelings of other persons, and
learning how to detach themselves from emotional situations whenever the need arises.
7.Form friendships that are mutually close and supportive
- Peer influence is very strong among adolescents and this should be able to steer an
adolescent toward productive and positive relationships, behavior, and thinking.
- Learning how to trust others is an important task for adolescent to develop.

8.Establish key aspects of identity

- Be encouraged to develop their own healthy self-concepts that reflect their uniqueness
in relation to themselves, their families, and friends, and with the bigger community.
- Your healthy self-concept is developed by knowing and acknowledging your strengths
and challenges.
9.Meet the demands of increasingly mature roles and responsibilities
- it is important for the emerging to acquire skills and knowledge that will provide him
with meaningful careers and jobs and to live up to the expectations regarding commitment to
family, community, and nation-building.
- One way of developing maturity and responsibility is by joining volunteer groups and/or
school organizations.

10.Renegotiate relationships with adults in parenting roles

- The adolescent stage sees the movement toward independence and autonomy.
-In our culture, we are not used to talking to our parents about the way they treat us in
the terms of being more independent.
- Some parents who are overprotective find it difficult to let go of their control to their
- Filipino adolescents should be able to communicate with their parents their need of
certain degree of independence as they mature to young adulthood.
Child and Adolescent Development ( Corpuz 2010)
Filipino authors Corpuz et al (2010) in their book, child and adolescent Development,
identified similar developmental tasks a Filipino adolescent needs to learn. These are:
1.Developing Occupational Skills
-Skills that can develop responsibility as a preparations for gainful
employment ahead.

-Ability to identify their own skills, knowledge, and capabilities.
3. Ability to manage their finances
- be able to discern what is the difference between "wants" and
"needs", and be able to learn self-control when handling their finances.

4. Social responsibility
-adolescents should be able to see beyond themselves,take into
consideration the greater community around them, and see their role in
improving and developing these communities, servings as change agents.
5.Mature work orientation
-develop pride in what they do and raise standards of excellence in
the quality of their work.

6.Personal responsibility
-to be fully responsible for their own decisions and actions by owning
them and refrain from putting blame on others for the results of their
decisions and actions.
7.Positive attitude toward work
-developing a healthy and positive toward work means that we see
work as an expression of our love for people who are important to us,
including ourselves.
Additional developmental tasks and skills such as the following are
equally important for a Filipino adolescent to acquire:

1.Being courageous in standing up and being different from your friends.

-The adolescents needs to feel he or she belongs to a group.
-While this is important , belonging to a group does not necessarily mean
losing one’s identity and being guided by “mob rule”.

2. Developing self-esteem.
- Learn to understand, accept, and appreciate oneself as a unique person.
Avoiding comparison between you and other people is also a healthy way to
develop self-esteem.

3. Being true to yourself and avoiding the tendency to please others.

-Adolescents find it difficult to assert their individuality or uniqueness
because they are afraid others will not approve or like them, or will not allow
them to become a member of a group.
- Conformity often occurs during this stage of development. By developing
one’s self-esteem, the need for approval from others become less.
4. Learning how media and advertising are trying to influence your
thinking and feelings.
- Understand that news is reported for a reason: to ultimately serve the
purpose of someone or some organization.
5. Becoming aware, critical, and being involved with social issues.
- Ask questions and speak up whether possible to address social issues
such as poverty and corruption.
- Let our leaders know how you think and feel about our society, and learn
to suggest solutions in improving our lives.

6. Embrace healthy lifestyle.

-Becoming aware of your health and the food eat, and engaging in sports
and other physical activities beneficial to your well-being. Learn to relax.

 7. Developing your spirituality

 - finding what gives meaning to your life and to all the experiences you are
going through.

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