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The Holy Lands
The city of Jerusalem is home to many holy sites sacred to all three of these

The area around Israel and Palestine is known to Christians, Jews, muslims as
the holy land. Those who are Jewish value the land of Israel because it was
the promised land to them.

Christians value this land because their prophets lived, taught, and died there.

Muslims value this land because it is honored as the land of many prophets,
and shown as the site of a miraculous journey.

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Holy Book
Each religion has a different holy book:
 Judaism – The holy book for Jews is the Torah, this is now the first five books of the old testament in
the Bible, but was the written record of the revelations
Christianity – The holy book for Christians is the bible. This book combines the old testament (stated
above) and the new testament which includes the gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John.
Islam – The holy book for Muslims is the Qur’an. This is whats considered the literal word of god
which was given to Muhammed through the angel Gabriel, with 114 called suras that record
Muhammad's teachings in verse
Major Sects
Each religion has some major sects

Judaism- Orthodox and Reform

Christianity – Catholic and Protestant

Islam – Sunni and Shi’a

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All three of the monotheistic religions have pretty much the
same basic beliefs those include After life, and One god.

All three believe Abraham was one of the prophets

All three believe that Temple Mount is one of the holy sites.

Other similarities include: fasting, Sabbath,

Commandments, Soul, Moses was also a prophet of god.
- Jews and Muslims believe in food taboos but
Christianity does not

- Muslims believe that Muhammad is a prophet of

god, and the five pillars.

- Christians believe in sacraments and the

resurrection of Jesus and there is original sin not
Differences sin is an act.
Major question
So do these three monotheistic religions have more in common or less. I believe they are more alike
than they are different. Theres a lot that we look at that all these religions believe the same in and
theres few differences.

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