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Math is…

Among Us
Type Question Here
Type Question Here
Type Question Here
Type Question Here

Type Question Here
Type Question Here
Type Question Here

Type Question Here

Lower Engine
Type Question Here
Type Question Here
Type Question Here
Upper Engine
Type Question Here
Type Question Here
Emergency Meeting

Not Imposter

Tie or Skip
Click here to return to map

That student was not the imposter

Click here to return to map

Tie or skipped (no players eliminated)

Click here to return to map

That student was the imposter

Click here for victory!

Directions For Virtual (Zoom)
 These are the general rules I use for my class but obviously tailor to how it fits your class and teaching style best.
 All students cameras need to be on and all students need to participate
 Randomly pick a student to be the “imposter” (can have more than 1 imposter if you so choose)
 Set chat to host only and do not allow students to unmute
 Click a room on the map and students solve the problem
 Students enter their answers in the chat
 Students that do not answer or at least attempt to answer (including imposter) are automatically out of the game. Need them to
do the actual learning part, right?
 Imposter sends name of a student in the chat to the teacher to kick out while students solve
 Turn camera off of student selected by imposter
 Click emergency meeting button (and then sound icon)
 Turn chat to public for students to discuss who is the imposter for one minute and then vote
 (Prior to starting the game) Set up a Zoom poll for students to vote for imposter (only ten answer options per question allowed,
so put first answer for each question as “skip”, so student can skip questions until the question with the student name he/she is
looking for
 The Zoom poll feature is how I have my students vote but do whatever is best for you!
 Everyone can vote (including those that the imposter “kicked out.” In the actual Among Us game the ”kicked out” player knows
who the imposter is, but in this version they don’t/ Let them vote so they are still engaged and having fun, since they don’t know
who the imposter is anyways.
 Click appropriate among us icon on emergency meeting page to reveal if the imposter was voted out or not
 Idea to make it more fun, a second adult will be in the Zoom, and students that are “kicked out” of the game will “disappear” and
be sent to a break-out room to continue going through the board with the second adult.
Directions For In-Person
 Same general rules. (pick an imposter, everyone
answers the question, go to emergency meeting,
 Will need to figure out best way for the imposter
to tell you who to “kick-out” and how to vote for
imposter that fits your class. (whiteboard, heads
down/thumbs up, phone poll, etc…).

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