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States and Characteristics of Matter

States of Matter
- It is everything around us.
- Both living things and nonliving things are matter.
- It is made up of tiny particles.
Characteristics of Matter
1. It takes up/occupies space.
- this is called volume.
Characteristics of Matter
2. It has mass and weight.
Mass -> it is the amount of substance something has.
Weight -> it is affected by both its mass and the pull of gravity.
Characteristics of Matter

- Mass is measured in grams (g) or kilograms (kg).

• It has a definite shape, size, and
• Molecules that are closely and
tightly arranged.
• An object that has definite shape
is not easy to change.
• No two solids can occupy the
same space at the same time.
• It has a definite volume but it does
not have a definite shape and size.
• It takes the shape and size of the
container in which it is placed.
• The molecules of liquids are not as
compressed as molecules of solids.
• It does not have a definite size, shape,
and volume.
• Gas molecules are scattered distantly
from each other.
• This makes gases flow more easily and
spread quickly in space or in a container
in all directions.
Proper Handling of Matter
1. When handling solid, liquid, or gas, we always need to
be careful. Fragile, solid objects are sharp, pointed
objects need to be handled with care.
2. Do not touch, smell, and taste unfamiliar liquids and gas.
3. Always listen to your teacher and follow directions well
especially when doing experiments.
Think and Do

Activity 1
Act like particles of solid, liquid, and gas. How will you look like?

Activity 2
Get 100 mL of water and put it into a clear glass. Get along 100 mL of
water and pour it into a clear mug. Which has a greater volume, the
water in the glass or water in the mug? Explain your answer.
Rate Yourself

A. Classify the following matter in the appropriate column.

cooking gas book air inside ball wind
juice puddle of water slippers scent of perfume
water vapor school bag ice cream rain drops

Solid Liquid Gas

Rate Yourself

B. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank.

a. solid b. liquid c. gas d. matter e. volume

___ 1. It is the amount of space that a matter takes up.

___ 2. It is anything you can hold, taste or smell, has, mass, and takes up
___ 3. It has a definite shape and size.
___ 4. Its particles are very far from each other.
___ 5. It follows the shape of its container and its particles are not very far
from each other.
Thank You for Listening 

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