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Modelling Assets and

UV laying out for Moom

Moom Jrs Walkman.
Moom Jrs Headphones.
Moom Jrs
Moom Jrs Walkman – Finalized Model.
Moom Jrs Walkman – Finalized Model.
Moom Jrs Walkman – UVS.
Moom Jrs Name Tag
Moom Jrs Name Tag – Building Finalized Model.
Moom Jrs Name Tag – Uvs Pt 1
Moom Jrs Name Tag – Uvs Pt 2.
Moom Jrs Roller Skates.
Ready for Uv-ing and duplicating.
Laying out base UVs to then copy for remaining wheels and secondary skate. Had to flip some of
the copied UV so when texture is applied it is the right way around on the models.
Skate Uvs and Final Outcome.
Moom Juniors Outfits:
Adjusted sleeve cuff

Used Soft Selection tool to model hair.

Diner Moom.
Diner Moom.
Launderette Moom Jr – Headscarf Modelling and UVS.
Launderette Moom.
Launderette Moom.
Bellhop Moom Jr – Collar Modelling and UVs.
Bellhop Moom Jr – Hat.
Bellhop Moom.
Bellhop Moom.

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