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Key initiatives

Instant noodles, instant energy-  Top Ramen entered in market as easy-to-prepare snack
food. The product puts Top Ramen, plus some dried vegetables and flavouring, in a
disposable bowl ,essentially a cross between Top Ramen and Cup Noodle

‘Don’t be a noodle, be a smoodle”- Top Ramen changed its positioning once again to
‘smooth noodles’ and went on to convey the message through advertising that featured a
boy lost in the jungle, whose mother prepares Top Ramen noodles as a way to find him.
This was a emotional play to open up in Indian market.

Storytelling approach- Top Ramen tries to build a rapport with Indian kids, in which they
succeeded, drawing a parallel with Mowgli, the much-loved fictional character from
Rudyard Kipling’s short stories

Keep it healthy- The company is trying to re-launch the brand as ‘super noodles’. Instead
of trumpeting the texture of the noodles, it now wants to focus on its health benefits.

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