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These are hints an author gives the
readers to help figure out the
meaning of the unknown words
It helps people to become better
and perceptive readers
Directions: Read each sentences
carefully. Encircle the letter that
corresponds to the meaning of the
underlined word.
1. The tough task was filled with
inherent danger.
A. External
B. Overflowing
C. Built-in
D. Few
2. Please nullify our agreement. I am
not interested anymore
A. Reject
B. Cancel
C. Continue
D. Improve
3. The ranivorous hawk, an animal that
eats frogs, is found in Central and
Eastern Africa
A. Amphibian-eater
B. Fish-eater
C. Snake-eater
D. Frog-eater
4. I used a bumbershot to protect me from
the rain
A. Umbrella
B. Raincoat
C. Boots
D. Hat
5. I have a plethora of cookies. You can
get some.
A. Excess
B. Shortfall
C. Scarcity
D. Shortage
5. I have a plethora of cookies. You can
get some.
A. Excess
B. Shortfall
C. Scarcity
D. Shortage

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