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o An expository paragraph explains
information. It may compare, contrast, list,
summarize or discuss different types of

o It is a type of paragraph that aims to explain

or inform about a specific topic or subject.

o Also called an informative paragraph.


o The human respiratory system is responsible for

exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in our
bodies. When we inhale, air enters through the
nasal passages and travels down the trachea into
the lungs. Oxygen is then absorbed into the
bloodstream, while carbon dioxide is expelled
through exhalation. This vital process ensures
that our bodies receive the oxygen needed for

o The process of photosynthesis is how plants

convert sunlight into energy. Through the
chlorophyll in their leaves, plants absorb sunlight
and combine it with water and carbon dioxide to
produce glucose and oxygen. This process not
only provides energy for the plant but also
releases oxygen into the atmosphere, making it
essential for sustaining life on earth.
o When writing descriptively, engage as
many of the five senses as possible. Using
vivid and vibrant vocabulary, a descriptive
paragraph should paint a mental picture of
the person, object or situation, including
the emotions involved.

o The vibrant market was a feast for the

senses. The colorful fruits and vegetables
piled high in baskets, the aroma of spices
filling the air, and the lively chatter of
vendors haggling customers.

o The bustling city streets were filled with

the sound of honking horns and the
chatter of pedestrians. Tall skyscrapers
loomed overhead, their glass windows
reflecting the hustle and held within its
o A narrative paragraph helps to tell a story.
It should express the chronology of a
specific event and gives enough
information that the reader can
understand not only the order of the event
but the entire event itself.

o It was a bright and sunny day when I

embarked on my first solo adventure. With a
backpack filled with essentials, I set off on a
journey to explore the unknown. Little did I
know that this trip would be filled with
unexpected twists and turns.

o Last summer, my friends and I decided to go

camping in the mountains. We set up our tents by a
serene lake surrounded by towering pines. The first
night was filled with stargazing and storytelling
around a roaring campfire. But on the second day,
we got lost during our hike. It was a tense few hours
as we tried to find our way back. Finally, we
stumbled upon our campsite just as a sun was
setting. We were relieved and exhausted, but it’s a
trip we’ll never forget.
o Persuasive paragraphs are intended to gain the
reader’s support concerning a specific topic.

o It is a type of paragraph that aims to convince

or persuade the reader to adopt a particular
viewpoint, take a specific action, or believe in a
certain idea.

o Recycling is not just a choice, but a responsibility

we all share. By recycling our waste, we can
reduce pollution, conserve resources, and
protect the environment for future generations.
Let’s make a commitment to recycle and make a
positive impact on our planet.

o Vaccinations have been proven to saves lives

and prevent the spread of dangerous diseases.
It is our duty to protect ourselves and our
communities by getting vaccinated. Let’s
prioritize public health and ensure a safer
future for everyone.
Identify what kind of paragraph is
o One day, while walking home from school, I found a
lost puppy. He was shivering in the cold, looking
scared and lonely. I wrapped him in my jacket and
carried him home. My family and I spent days
looking for his owners, posting flyers and making
calls. Finally, we found them, and they were
overjoyed to have their puppy back. Even though it
was sad to say goodbye, I was happy to have help
reunite a family.

o Developing good reading habits is essential for
knowledge growth and mental stimulation.
Reading regularly can expand vocabulary,
improve memory, enhance concentration, and
foster critical thinking skills. it can also provide
a great source of entertainment and relaxation.
Whether it’s novel, a newspaper, or an
academic journal, reading can broaden our
perspective and deepen our understanding of
the world.

o Regular exercise is a vital for overall well-
being. It can help manage weight, boost
mood, increase energy levels, and reduce
the risk of various health conditions.
Whether it’s a brisk walk, a yoga class, or a
game of soccer, any form of physical
activity can make a difference. So, let’s get
moving and make exercise a part of our
daily routine.

o A rainy day has its own melancholic beauty. The
sky is a blanket of gray, with heavy clouds ready
to release their burden. Raindrops fall, each one
creating a tiny splash as it hits the ground. The
scent of wet earth fills the air, a comforting smell
that brings a sense of renewal. People scurry
about with colorful umbrellas, their footsteps
echoing on the wet pavement. The world seems
to slow down, wrapped in the soft sound of
falling rain.


Answer the following questions.

Identify whether it is narrative, descriptive,
persuasive or expository paragraph. Write it in
the blank provided.

A. Choose the correct answer and write it before the number.

1. It is a type of paragraph that tells a story.

a. Persuasive
b. Descriptive
c. Narrative
d. Expository

2. This type of paragraph is intended to Gain the reader’s

support concerning a specific topic.
a. Narrative
b. Persuasive
c. Expository
d. Descriptive
3. A type of paragraph used to describe something or someone.
a. Descriptive
b. Expository
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive

4. It is a type of paragraph that gives information.

a. Expository
b. Descriptive
c. Persuasive
d. Narrative

5. It is also called an informative paragraph.

a. Descriptive
b. Expository
c. Narrative
d. Persuasive
B. Determine whether the paragraph is persuasive, narrative,
descriptive or expository.

6. The scent of freshly baked bread wafted through the air,

drawing people into the cozy bakery. The shelves were lined
with rows of mouthwatering pastries and the sound of
laughter filled the room.

7. The stormy night was filled with thunder and lightning as

I huddled under the safety of my blanket. The power outage
left the house in complete darkness, and the eerie silence sent
shiver down my spine.
8. It’s time to take a stand against bullying. Let’s create a culture of
kindness, acceptance, and respect in our schools and communities. By
standing up against bullying, we can ensure that everyone feels safe
and valued.

9. The vibrant market was a feast for the senses. The colorful fruits
and vegetables piled high in baskets, the aroma of spices filling the air,
and the lively chatter of vendors haggling customers.

10. The water cycle is a continuous process that circulates water

throughout the earth. It begins with evaporation, where water turns
into vapor and rises into the atmosphere. Condensation then occurs,
as the vapor cools and form clouds. Precipitation happens when the
water droplets in the clouds become heavy enough to fall back to the
earth as rain, snow, sleet, or hail.

In a ½ sheet of paper, narrate the

things you do before going to school,
during class time and after school.

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