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GRAMMAR For High School

In two weeks
English Online Class 01 Pre Test (1 meeting)
with Miss Tata Google form

02 Material (8 meeting)
Part of Speech

03 Practices (Quiz)
Instagram @ofillyta_hersafanti

04 Post Test (1 meeting)

Google form
I take my book for me myself, because this book is mine
You take your book for you yourself, because this book is yours
We take our book for us ourselves, because this book is ours
They take their book for them themselves, because this is theirs
She takes her book for her herself, because this book is hers
He takes his book for him himself, because this book is his
My mom takes her book for her herself, because this book is hers
The boys take their book for them themselves, because this book is theirs
4th meeting
Part of Pronoun (Kata Ganti)
Speech Adjective (Kata Sifat)
Noun (Kata Benda)
Conjunction (Kata Sambung)
Adverb (Kata Keterangan)
Verb (Kata Kerja)
Interjection (Kata Seru)
Preposition (Kata Depan)
4th meeting

Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

1. Demonstrative Pronoun
2. Personal Pronoun
3. Indefinite Pronoun
4th meeting 3. Indefinite Pronoun
Indefinite Pronoun (Singular / Tunggal) adalah kata ganti yang tidak tertentu
1. Everyone / Everybody : Setiap orang (Everyone here is learning English: Setiap orang disini belajar Bahasa Inggris)
2. Someone / Somebody : Seseorang (+) (Someone eats meatball: Seseorang makan bakso)
3. Anyone / Anybody : Seseorang (-), (?) (Anyone doesn’t eat meatball: Seseorang tidak makan bakso)
4. One : Orang / menggantikan benda tertentu (the one and only: satu-satunya)
5. Each other : Saling (untuk dua orang)
6. One another : Saling (untuk lebih dari dua orang)
7. Other(s) : yang lainnya
8. The other(s) : yang lainnya (untuk sesuatu yang sudah tertentu)
9. No one : Tak seorangpun
10. None : Tak satupun
11. Nothing : Tak satupun (benda)
12. Something (+) : Sesuatu (+)
13. Anything (-) : Sesuatu (-)
14. Everything : Segalanya
15. Each : masing-masing / tiap-tiap (Each of them is a tutor: antara dari mereka adalah seorang tutor
4th meeting
Adjective (Kata Sifat)
- Beautiful : Cantik
- Big : Besar
- Red : Merah
- Happy : Bahagia
- Angry : Marah
- Sleepy : Ngantuk

- She is beautiful
- Fihris is sleepy
- My bag is red
4th meeting

Noun (Kata Benda)

- A book : buku
- Books : buku-buku
- A student : siswa
- Affection : Kasih saying
- Phone : Ponsel
- Class : Kelas
4th meeting

Conjunction (Kata Sambung)

- And : dan
- Or : atau
- But : tetapi

- You and me
- I take my book, and you take my pencil
4th meeting

Adverb (Kata Keterangan)

1. Adverb of place/ tempat
2. Adverb of time/ waktu
3. Adverb of frequency/ tingkat
4. Adverb of manner/ cara
1. Adverb of place/ tempat (in Pare, in Bau Bau, in
Sulawesi, on the table, at home, in the house)
2. Adverb of time/ waktu ( at 7 pm, at noon, at
midnight, now, yesterday, this year, next month,
next week, etc)
3. Adverb of frequency/ tingkat keseringan
(usually, always, every day, every month)
4. Adverb of manner/ cara (hard, diligently,
fluently, etc)

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