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English Syntax

Group 1 1 Fuji Ivada Handayani (06120190031)

B1 2 Sri Wahyuni Munir (06120190030)

3 Wa Ode Alfina Damayanti (06120190011)

4 Riskawati (06120190022)

5 Dwi Cindy (06120190018)

6 Andi Alya Ayu Salsabila (06120190061)

7 Weni Fira (06120190116)

Word Class

word class is a classification of words that are categorized

according to their role and function in the sentence structure
of a language.
Types and examples of
word class



Adverb Preposition

Conjuction interjection
Nouns are words used to organize or refer to people, things, place, and ideas.

Abstract Noun
1 Abstract nouns are things like ideas, concepts, feelings, and traits. For example,
fear is an abstract noun that refers to a feeling. Although you might be able to see
the thing you feel fear about, like a spider, you can't see or touch the fear itself.

Justice Freedom Honest Mercy Health

Concrete Noun
A concrete noun is a noun that can be identified through one of the five senses
(taste, touch, sight, hearing, or smell).

Car Table Bag

Common Noun
3 A common noun is a non-specific person, place, or thing. For example, dog, girl, and
country are examples of common nouns. Common nouns are typically not capitalized, but
there are two exceptions to this rule.

City Tool Stone

Proper Noun
A proper noun is the name of a particular person, place, organization, or thing.
Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.

Amir Makassar Margaret London The United Nations

Collective Noun
5 A collective noun is a noun that represents a collection of individuals, usually

A team (eleven football players) a crew (100 sailors)

a family (mother, father and two children)

Material Noun
6 The definition of a material noun is a grammar term that refers to a material or
substance from which things are made such as silver, gold, iron, cotton, diamond and

Gold Water silver

Compound Noun
A compound noun is a noun that is made up of two words that, if separated, could
stand on their own. When two distinct words are combined to form a noun, they take
on a new meaning that may or may not be related to either of the original words.

Ice cream Dining room Step mother Photograph

Countable Noun
8 Countable nouns are for things we can count using numbers. They have a singular
and a plural form. The singular form can use the determiner "a" or "an". If you want to
ask about the quantity of a countable noun, you ask "How many?" combined with the
plural countable noun.

Book Table Pen

Uncountable Noun
9 Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count with numbers. They
may be the names for abstract ideas or qualities or for physical objects that are too
small or too amorphous to be counted. Uncountable nouns are used with a singular verb.
They usually do not have a plural form.

Powder Sugar Salt Hair Milk

2 Pronoun

Pronouns are words that are used to replace nouns in English

1 Personal Pronoun, is a short word we use as a simple substitute for the proper name of
a person

1) Subjective, (person/object pronoun at the subject position

  Singular plural example

1st person I We I study English

I eat chicken
2nd person You You You drink a cup of

You wear a skirt

3rd person She, he, it They She is my sister

He is my teacher
2) Objective, person/thing pronoun in the position of the object

  singular plural example

1st person me us Uni knows me
2nd person you you Will you go with me?
3rd person Her, him, it them Rina likes her

2 Demonstrative pronouns, are pointing words in English, demonstrative pronouns are

used to indicate the object or person being discussed.

1). Singular, pronoun for something close to the 2). Plural, pronoun for something close to the
singular number plural number

singular example Plural example

this I like this cake. Where do you buy it? these These books are so interesting.

This is your book

that That is your father those Those are your books

Is that for me? Tell those kids to go away from my room.

3 Indefinite Pronoun, Is (pronoun) for people, things, or things in general (not specific).

1) Singular
1. anybody/anyone (siapapun) 9. another (tambahan, yang lain)

Does anyone read books anymore? This photo is amazing. Do you have another

2. everybody/everyone (semua orang, setiap orang) 10. each (setiap)

Everybody likes him. Each of them took a step back.

3. somebody, someone, one (seseorang) 11. either (yang satu atau yang lain)

Somebody has sent me this. I am not watching badminton and Rina is not either

4. nobody (tak seorangpun) 12. neither (tidak satupun dari keduanya)

Nobody knows she’s been sick since last week. Neither is bad.

5. anything (apapun) 13. enough (cukup)

You can donate anything you have. There’s enough for us.

6. everything (segalanya) 14. little (sedikit)

He gives everything to his daughter. Little is known about her childhood and youth.

7. something (sesuatu) 15. less (lebih sedikit)

I have something for you Less is preferable.

8. nothing (tak satupun)
They found nothing.
2). plural
1. both (dua-duanya)
Both are expensive.
2. several (beberapa) Interrogative Pronoun, Interrogative pronouns
4 are pronouns that function to ask questions.
I have to stay in Indonesia
for several months
3. many (banyak) 1) Who, To ask people as subjects
How many goals that he Who did take my pencil ?
2) Whom, To ask people as objects
4. few (sedikit)
Whom do you pick as your date?
Few came on time.
3) Whose, To inquire about ownership
5. fewer (lebih sedikit)
Whose book is this?
Fewer came late today.
6. Ones 4) Which, To ask about objects/animals (more specific than what)
Which did she buy?
Which ones do you want?
5) What, To ask for an object/animal
What is your name
Reflexive Pronoun, Reflexive pronouns are subject pronouns that are used to
indicate that the subject and object are the same person or thing.

Subject singular   example

I Myself I‘m going to buy myself new jeans. 
You Yourself You should do your parts by yourself
He Himself Hendri didn’t blame himself for the accident. 
She Herself She asked herself why she was easy to be panic. 
It Itself he cat is licking itself.

Subjeck plural   example

we ourselves We should give time for ourselves to take a rest. 
You yourselves Why don’t you watch yourselves on TV?
they themselves The students ate cookies that they cooked by themselves.
Reciprocal Pronoun
Is a pronoun that is used in conditions when two or more subjects perform
the same action against each other. There are only two reciprocal pronouns,
6 namely one another and each other. The difference between one another and each
other is in the subject. One another is used when there are more than two people
who perform the action and also receive the consequences. While each other is
used when the agent is two people.

1) Jena dan Mery believe each other to keep secrets.
2) We got married because we love each other so
3) Students in my class give one another presents to celebrate Christmas.
4) Even though the police has arrived, they’re still shouting to one another.
5) Since the birthday party, Mona and Lisa never talk to each other anymore.
7 Relative Pronoun, serves to connect two sentences, which explain the noun (noun).

1) Who, is used to replace the subject of a person (not a thing).

 The man who lives next to me is friendly.
2) Whom, is used to replace a person object (not an object).
 The man whom I met was friendly.
3) Which, is used to replace the subject and object in the form of objects or other than humans
 I want to go to the place which reminds me of my parents.
4) Whose is used to replace the possessive pronoun.
 I know a girl whose brother is a movie star
5) That, is used to replace people and things as subject or object
 The song that you heard yesterday is a new song for our next album.
Possessive Pronoun, are English pronouns that function to show someone's
8 ownership of something.

1) Independent forms, commonly referred to as possessive pronouns, possessive pronouns or

independent forms, are pronouns that function as nouns. So, in other words, this form removes the
noun at the beginning of the sentence.

  Singular plural example

1st person Mine ours Instead of buying a new one, why don’t you bring mine?

Can you guess which one is ours?

2nd person Yours yours That bike is yours now

Yours are in the bedroom

3rd person Hers, his, its theirs it’s hard to choose, but I like hers

These fancy cars are theirs

2) The dependent form of the possessive pronoun is known as the possessive adjective. If

independent (possessive pronoun) becomes a noun, the dependent pronoun (possessive

adjective) is in front of the noun to explain it.

  Singular plural example

1st person My our This is my house

Our table is next to the stage

2nd person Your your Can I borrow your car?

our friends are very good at speaking English

3rd person His, her, its their Don’t judge a book by its cover

Their movies are always worth to watch


1 Adjective of Quality, are words that tell us about the kind or qualities of a
person or thing being talked about.

Deggre Of Comparison Example

The positive Ali is as tall as Hasan
The comperative Ali is taller than Umar
The superlative Ali is the tallest boy in the


2 Adjectives of quantity show how much of a thing is meant. Example : some,

little, enough, no, much, bit


- There is no sugar in the tea.

- He ate little bread

Adjective of numeral is an adjective that tells us about how many or how
3 much or in what order the noun is in. There are three kinds of numeral

1. Definite numeral adjectives use cardinal (numbers used in an amount)

2. Definite numeral adjectives use ordinals (numbers used as an order) and
Examples are:

- Three cats ran up the steps  - the word "three" is a cardinal number telling us the number of cats.

- The third cat was the brown cat – the word “third” is an ordinal number telling us some information about
the position of the brown cat (i.e. it was third in line).

- I bought a pair of shoes at the mall yesterday-the word “Pair” is an multiplication number .

3. Indefinite numeral adjectives give us an idea as to how many, but it's not specific.


A few cats ran up the stairs - was it three? four? more? "Few" tells us something about the
number of cats but nothing definite.
Demonstrative adjective is a special adjective (often called a determiner)
4 that identifies a noun or pronoun by expressing its position as near or far
(including in time). The demonstrative adjectives are 'this,' 'that,' 'these,'
and 'those'.

Example :

This shark is pregnant.
That lady looks worried.
Take these ones away.

5 Proper adjectives" also describe people, places and things, but they are
based on names and therefore need to be capitalized, like the names

Example :

Spain is the name of a country and starts with a capital letter. The adjective based on
Spain (Spanish) must also start with a capital lette
Interrogative adjective is a word that modifies a noun by asking a question.
6 Interrogative adjectives are also known as interrogative determiners. The
interrogative adjectives are "what," "which," and "whose."
Examples :

What car will they give us?

Which car will they give us?
Whose car will they give us?

7 Possessive adjectives are my, your, his, her, its, our, their, and whose. A possessive

adjective sits before a noun (or a pronoun) to show who or what owns it.
Example :

I think her dog has eaten my gerbil.

(The possessive adjectives "her" and "my" are sitting before (or  modifying as it's called) the nouns "dog" and
"gerbil" to tell us who owns them.)

8 Distributive adjective is a describing word that refers to separate things

Example :

Five members were seated on each chair

Each boy must take his turn.
Every word of it is false.
Neither accusation is true.

Finite verb, Finite Verb is the main verb in English sentences. This type of verb
1 is not accompanied by an auxiliary or changed into the present participle (verb-
ing). The most important thing about this type of verb is that it is only used in
the present tense and past tense, which incidentally does not involve an auxiliary
verb at all.

Example :

1) The verbs appear in each sentence. (Kata kerja muncul di setiap kalimat)
2) My father bought a pack of biscuit. (Ayah saya membeli satu pak biskuit)
3) The president promises to change Indonesia. (Sang presiden berjanji untuk mengubah
4) The truck demolished the restaurant. (Truk tersebut merubuhkan restoran)
5) The leaves were yellow and sickly. (Dedaunan itu telah menguning dan tempak layu)
6) She writes every day. (Dia menulis setiap hari)
7) David plays the piano. (David bermain piano)
8) My sister speaks French on Holiday. (Kakak perempuanku berbahasa Prancis setiap hari libur)
Auxiliary verb , Auxiliary verbs in English can be said to be auxiliary words to
complete the main verb in a sentence. In addition to completing the main verb, the
2 auxiliary verb also serves to clarify the main verb.Therefore, the auxiliary verb
cannot stand alone without a verb. These auxiliary words are used to show tense,
aspect, modal, emphasis, and so on. In a clause or sentence, the auxiliary verb
usually appears before the main verb.
Example : Can, have, had, to be, etc

I am studying English now

I can play the piano

Transitive verb : Transitive Verbs need an object so that the sentence becomes
3 complete and has meaning. In other words, the object that follows the verb gets
the action of the verb. Without a direct object, the meaning of a sentence with a
transitive verb will sound awkward. For transitive verbs that do not have a direct
object, the sentence pattern is Subject + Verb.

Example :

She close the door

A dog bits the man
Intransitive verb : On the other hand, an intransitive is a verb that does not need
4 an object in a sentence. Verbs belonging to this type can of course stand alone.
Transitive verb, the sentence pattern is subject + verb + direct object.

Example : The sun shines

Regular verb, are verbs whose Irregular verbs, are verb form
5 past participle and past tense 6
their past tense and their past
are formed by simply adding participle in a different way.
'-d' or '-ed' to the root verb.

Example :
Example :
Go Went Gone
Work Worked Worked
See Saw Seen
Watch Watched Watched
Drink Drank Drunk
Start Started Started
Do Did Done

Adverb of Manner, is (adverb) used to express the way an activity is carried out
or an event occurs. In English, we add the -ly ending in adjectives or verbs to
turn it into an adverb.
Example: Example of sentences :

Happy happily He read the instructions carefully.

Slow slowly Things will slowly come together.
Careful Carefully

Adverb of Place, is an adverb (adverb) that is used to talk about where an activity is
carried out or an event occurs (location), the direction to which someone or something
moves (direction), how far away someone or something (distance), or a combination of
them. The position of the adverbial of place is generally at the end of the sentence.
Example :

1. above (at a higher place/position), below (at a lower level/layer)

2. across (from one side to the other)
3. anywhere (at/to any place), elsewhere (at/to any other place), everywhere (at/to any place), nowhere
(not at/to any place), somewhere (at/to some place)
Examples of Adverbial Sentences of Place :

1. They went for a walk in the park while the sun shone above.
2. I can't swim across without goggles.
Adverb of Time, is an adverb (adverb) used to express the time when an activity or
event occurs. When is a question word that can be used to ask a question to show an
adverb of time. The adverb of time may occupy several positions in the sentence.
Example :

1) Between the auxiliary verb and main verb, or after the first auxiliary verb "That table has
already been booked",
2) At the end or beginning of the sentence "Today we see climate change everywhere"

Adverb of Degre, is an adverb (adverb) used to express the extent (level or degree)
of an activity or event. How many can be used to ask a question to indicate this


1) He highly recommends the book.

2) I will fully support you.
Adverb(ial) of Frequency, are adverbs (adverbs) and other constructions (usually in
the form of phrases) that express how often an activity is carried out or an event
occurs. How often, how frequently, and how many times can be used to ask questions
regarding the adverb(ial) of frequency.
Example: yearly, annually, monthly, weekly, daily, hourly, every second, once, twice,
three times.

1) I usually wake up at 4 a.m.

2) He is always busy.
3) A friend of mine occasionally climbs a mountain and sleeps in a tent.

Adverb Of Quantity, is a form of adverb used to describe a certain amount or quantity

about a thing. If an adverb is usually followed by a verb (verb) or the adverb itself,
then in the adverb of quantity, the adverb or adverb is followed by a noun (noun).
Adverb Of Quantity can be divided into 2 types, namely Countable Noun ( A few, A
lot/lots, Many/more, and Too many / To few ) and Uncountable Noun ( A lot/lots of,
Little/Less, Much/More, Too much/To little).
Example of sentences :

1) I have many paintings at home (Countable Noun)

2) I take a lot of sand on the beach (Uncountable
Relative adverbs, are adverbs used to connect sentences or clauses. There are 3
relative adverbs, namely; where, when and why. Where describes the noun of place (a
noun that states a place) for example: place, country, city. Where and when can also
be used with additional sentences to clarify the previous sentence. When describes a
noun of time (a noun that expresses time) for example: time, moment, March, day.
While Why explains noun reason (reason). When and why can be replaced by that or
not used at all in a sentence.

1) That's the restaurant where we met for the first time.

2) Do you remember the day that we moved the piano upstairs?
3) We went to the Riverside Restaurant, where I once had lunch with Henry.

Interrogative adverbs, are adverbs used to ask questions using question words: why,
where, how, when. In its use, interrogative adverbs are used to ask several types of
questions, including; Interrogative Adverb of time (ask related to time),
Interrogative Adverb of place (ask related to place), Interrogative Adverb of number
(ask related to time), Interrogative Adverb of manner (ask related to way),
Interrogative Adverb of degree or quantity (asking related to degree or quantity),
Interrogative Adverb of reason (asking for reasons).

1) Why are you crying?

2) Why should I leave?

A preposition is a word that is combined with a noun or pronoun, forming a phrase

(phrase) that describes a verb, noun, or adjective.

Example :

On - Beneath - During
Above - In - Downwards
Over - At - Acros
Under - About
Below - For

Example of sentences :

I am at home
We talk about you
This flowers for you
Put it on the table
She sits under the tree

Conjunctions are words that are used to connect equivalent language units
(words with words, phrases with phrases, clauses with clauses, sentences with
sentences, and so on)

Coordinating conjuction, are conjunctions that are used to connect two similar
grammatical constructions, namely: words, phrases, or clauses. The connected
elements are usually parallel (parallel position) in grammatical structure.

Example :
Example of sentences :
Both … and
1) You are both smart and kind
Either … or
2) We can either sing or dance in the farewell party
Neither … nor
3) you can neither eat the ice cream nor drink the soda
As well as
4) Not only is Fatimah smart but also beautiful
Not only … but also
Subordinate Conjuction, This conjunction serves to connect an independent
clause (a clause that can stand alone) with a dependent clause (a clause that
cannot stand alone). In other words, a subordinating conjunction serves to
connect two or more sentences that are not equivalent. Subordinating
conjunctions can show cause-and-effect relationships, opposites, and
relationships between other clauses.

Example :

After - Because
Before - Since
When - If

Example of sentence :

1) Because you did not do your assignment you will get a punishment
2) I’m going to give her this present after our surprise party on tuesday.
3) He was cleaning his kitchen floor when he found an oil spill.
4) He had gone before I spoke to him
5) A rainbow will show up since the sun spot his light upon the rain drops
6) If you’re not careful, you’ll end up wasting time.

Interjection is a word that is spoken spontaneously to express feelings or thoughts

that are felt or appear suddenly, such as surprise, pleasure, pain, wonder, and so on.

Example :

Arrgh, I have many mistakes.

Eew, what is it?
Ooouch, I cut my finger!
Wow! That is a great idea!
Oh !
Help !
What a pity !
Hurra !
From the explanation above, it can be concluded
that parts of word class means the types of words or
word classes. Called word class because that is parts
of sentences.
So, these words are the "basic ingredients" in a
sentence "building", not the "function" of the word in
the sentence. There are several types of Parts of
speech, namely Noun, Pronoun, Verb, Adjective,
Adverb, Preposition, Conjunction, Interjection. Each
type has a different meaning and function.
Thank you ...

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