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Activity 2 : SYNTHESIS Write your answer in space

provided. 5 to 10 sentences each question. 1 whole sheet

of paper (Copy and Answer)
1. Among the various adaptations to aerobic exercise, resistance exercise,
and stretching exercise, which one is the most important adaptation for you?
- Among the various adaptations, stretching exercise
is my most important adaptation. Because it is a common
activity, and you can do it at home. It can easily reduce
stress in just less than a minute, it helps me deals with my
stress. Mostly, stretching can really relaxing. When I take
deep breaths and listening to my body, it feels that it is a
form of meditation. And we need to do it correctly to
prevent us from any harm.
2. Why is the Stage of Changes depicted as
a spiral staircase?

-The stage of changes depicted as a spiral
staircase because this involves series of stages.
Because according to the stages of change model you
have to go through several stages of change before
any actual change occurs. So, There is no skipping of
stages and every stages should be experienced. This
kind of stage is a process that is never ending changes.
As long as we are still living this kind of process will
continue. And you will encounter lots of changes as you
go through.
3. Explain why fitness is achieved not,

- Fitness is achieved because there are process that

we need to do before we become fit. It is not a
destination, its a journey. Its not recieved, you have to
work hard to achieve it. You have to be perseverant,
Patient, and hard working. It doesn’t have to do with
your background, about your wealth, your issues. If
you have a passion towards fitness, then only you
would be able to achieve it. Fitness isn’t a gift, it’s a
target. You don’t receive it, you earn it, achieve it.

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