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1st part of this training: 2

Understand the “Why”

If you don’t have a “Why”, you will question yourself and you’ll
stop, you’ll quit and you’ll get frustrated. You need to understand
why you are doing this.
2nd part of this training: 3

All about the common mistakes that marketers do

We are going to know all the common mistakes and we’re going
to fix them, understand them and learn how to avoid them.
3rd part of this training: 4

All about how to get started

We are going to learn how to get everything started even if you
have no idea what to write about.
4th part of this training: 5

All questions are answered

We are going to brainstorm and get all your questions answered.
1st part of this training: 6

Understand the “Why”

Why should we even invest in content 7

creation? Why is that important?

Importance of Content creation 8

1. It helps position yourself as an

When you share our advice online so
frequently people can't help but see you as
an expert. It helps build trust and people start
associating that great advice that great
information with you.
Importance of Content creation 9

2. Allows more opportunities for

people to connect with you.
This will result in a bigger audience and
more revenue every post that you do is
an opportunity.
Importance of Content creation 10

3. Allows you to turn cold prospects

into hot leads.
These prospects are people who have a pain
they want to solve, they are aware of the
potential solutions in the market and they
are ready to take action.
Importance of Content creation 11

4. Reciprocity
You need to have a tendency to reciprocate.
You need to give them something
without expecting for anything in
2nd part of this training: 12

All about the common mistakes that

marketers do
Most common mistakes: 13

1. Inconsistency
Posting irregularly at strange times and with no real
pattern or strategy.

Most common mistakes:

1. Inconsistency

Reasons why this is bad:

i. It confuses your audience they don't know what to expect.

They won't accept another value post from you because
they don't know if you are going to be active again and they
don't know what to expect from you.
Most common mistakes: 15

1. Inconsistency

Reasons why this is bad:

ii. You basically freeze your warm audience. Through your content
you're actually nurturing your leads you are positioning yourself
as an expert, you're educating them and making them aware of
your solutions (products) and through your content day by day
you're actually warming them up from cold to warm to hot until
they're ready to take action on your product.
Most common mistakes: 16

1. Inconsistency

Reasons why this is bad:

ii. You basically freeze your warm audience. Through your content
you're actually nurturing your leads you are positioning yourself
as an expert, you're educating them and making them aware of
your solutions (products) and through your content day by day
you're actually warming them up from cold to warm to hot until
they're ready to take action on your product.
Most common mistakes: 17

1. Inconsistency

Reasons why this is bad:

ii. Uncertainty is one of the worst feelings that your customers can
have and you don't want to make them go through. It is a bad
feeling if your customers have unanswered questions, if they
don't know what is happening to you. They will be in pain, they
will be uncertain and it will damage everything about your
relationship with them.
Most common mistakes: 18

2. Caring too much about engagement

Engagement is simply a tool this is a

tool that is being used to reach more
Most common mistakes: 19

2. Caring too much about engagement

Most common mistakes: 20

2. Caring too much about engagement

2 types of engagement:
i. Value post
ii. Fluff post
Most common mistakes: 21

2. Caring too much about engagement

i. Value post – they are longer, they
actually share value, they share an
advice/tip/strategy/ thought.
Most common mistakes: 22

2. Caring too much about engagement

ii. Fluff post - motivational quotes random
questions. These are for entertainment
purposes and while floppers are important and
can do a lot of good for your business.
Fluff post vs. Value post 23
Fluff post vs. Value post 24

 You can't really add a call to action

 You can really do mindset shift with that
small amount of characters
 When you post a fluff post you usually
wait until your next piece so you can get
maximum exposure.
Fluff post vs. Value post 25

 Longer & hard to write

 Clients who reads value posts are the
clients you want to attract because
they are the ones who take action and
buy your product/services.
Most common mistakes: 26

2. No Call-to-action
i. People don't want to be sound pushy with their
offers – remember our solutions are designed to
either move people towards pleasure or away from
pain. It's that simple we are here to add to their life,
we are here to make their life better.
Most common mistakes: 27

2. No Call-to-action

With your free content, you can share

advice, you can share tips and
strategies but to create a real impact,
you'll most likely need to serve them at
a higher level.
Your call to action is an invite to their 29

desired after state.

It's an invite, that’s what they lack to take
action, you're not being pushy. Create
content and invest your time if not to help
yourself skill and help your people.
If you know that your product is good 30

and it solves their pain and it's helping

them, you should never feel pushy
about offering this again. It should be
actually your moral obligation to help
as many people as you can.
Most common mistakes: 31

2. No Call-to-action
ii. People don't have a relevant call to
action – they don't have a relevant one,
they create a piece and it just doesn't
make sense.
Change your mindset 32

Start with the call to action. When you're writing

your draft start with a call to action figure out
where the call direction is, what you want to
actually promote then go to the hook or the
headline and then go to the body.
Change your mindset 33

If you will start with a call to action in mind, you will have a
better hook that will just make more sense and will attract
your ideal clients for that offer and then you'll start with the
body and you'll just be more focused, you'll have an easier
time writing the actual piece because you already know
what the headline slash hook is and also what the call
reaction is at the end so you know that it needs to make
sense so you're not missing.
3rd part of this training: 34

Follow these rules

Rules to follow 35

1. Don't overthink and don't look for

2. Forget about your engagement.
3. Research your audience.
Rules to follow 36

4. Forget about the labels

5. Don't compare yourself to others
1. Don't overthink and don't look for perfection
Mirage content is content that looks and feels good but
it's not.
Mirage content 38

Your mirage content could be amazing,

well written unique, it can be
incredible, seriously but you're going
to have a really hard time standing out
because everyone is doing this.
3. Research your audience 39

Good content gets you qualified traffic

that converts. You don't need anything
you can get clients right away you just
need to be specific.
Good content 40

You need to know exactly where they

are and what they need most but that
requires you to do an in-depth research
on your ideal clients.
4. Forget about the labels 41

You don't have to be an expert all you

need is to be one step ahead of your

5. Don't compare yourself to others


5. Don't compare yourself to others

People don't buy from you because you

have the best product they don’t. They buy
because of your energy your level of care
how committed you are to their success.

5. Don't compare yourself to others

Stop comparing yourself to others because there's only
one of you and that's what people buy. They buy into
your personality, your authenticity, your energy more
than they buy into your product. They buy into how you
make them feel and chances are that your audience can't
relate to those that you compare yourself to.

Just by showing up you're already won

I want you to start creating content. I

want you to start publishing, I don't
care how great it is I want it to show

30-day Transformational Challenge or

Content Creation Challenge (CCC)

1. Have a fail proof of accountability

Fail Proof of accountability system 47
30-day Transformational Challenge or 48

Content Creation Challenge (CCC)

1) We have a Facebook group in which every
single day you'll publish your creations the
content that you're creating. It’s a 30-day
challenge every single day you'll need to
actually write and you'll be holding
30-day Transformational Challenge or 49

Content Creation Challenge (CCC)

2) You get actionable daily videos. Usually they
are between 10 to 15 minutes long. They include
resources on most occasions and every single day all
you'll be asked is to really devote like 15 minutes.
All you are being required is to actually post and
holding yourself accountable for your content.
30-day Transformational Challenge or 50

Content Creation Challenge (CCC)

3) Bonuses:
i. Free lead generation course
ii. A free lifetime access to all videos recorded
made by me.
iii. Giving you tips and strategies and correcting
30-day Transformational Challenge or 51

Content Creation Challenge (CCC)

3) Bonuses:
iv. Providing you with some guidelines
v. Free one-on-one consultation call with me.
Question and Answer 52

1. How do you research clients?

A: Facebook groups - You will be able to access

the amount of information so easily so fast
and it will be so accurate because once you're
inside this group you'll be able to get:
Question and Answer 53

1. How do you research clients?

A: Facebook groups –
“What are the topics that are being raised there?
What kind of topics get the most response
on? What kind of questions are being asked?
What kind of responses they get by their
Question and Answer 54

1. How do you research clients?

A: Facebook groups –
You'll also be able to learn about what they love, what
they appreciate, what they're knowledgeable about,
what they're lacking by, just being inside this group
you can learn so much about your ideal clients you
can also use that group to ask questions.
Question and Answer 55

1. How do you research clients?

A: Google- You can also go to google and you

can search for common questions and guides.
Question and Answer 56

1. How do you research clients?

A: Google- You can see the kind of questions

that they answer, the quantity topics that they
have, you'll be able to see the table of
contents so they'll be able to see the what
kind of topics they dive into.
Question and Answer 57

1. How do you research clients?

A: Udemy - You can go to is a

website that basically has courses for
everything and they are very cheap. They
have courses for everything.
Question and Answer 58

1. How do you research clients?

A: Udemy - You can find a course that got a lot

of responses and a lot of students. You can
actually see how many students you have and
the beautiful thing about it you can see the
table of contents.
Question and Answer 59

1. How do you research clients?

A: Udemy - You can see the name of the videos

you can see the topics that they discuss.
Question and Answer 60

1. What is your type of way to get engagement

on your posts?

A: Call to action - Calling them to action would be ideal

because just by calling them to action you're actually
inviting them to either send a direct message to you
or maybe leaving a comment down below.
Question and Answer 61

1. What is your type of way to get engagement

on your posts?

A: Call to action - The way caller actions doesn't have

to be salesy, you don't have to sell with a call to
action a call to action can be something as simple as
what did you think about this topic or what is your

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