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Functions 03/01/2021

Learning objective:

To identify a function

Learning outcomes:

• To represent a relation in various ways

• To distinguish between a relation and a function
• To identify the different types of functions

Key words

Function, relationship, ordered pair, domain, range, mapping diagram, input,

output, image, vertical line test
The Concept of a Function
The Concept of a Function
The Concept of a Function
We can represent a relation between variables with a:

- Context
- Graph
- Mapping Diagram
- Equation
- Table
The Concept of a Function
Contexts and Graphs
Amir loves running. Here are the contexts of some of his recent runs and some graphs
that might describe the runs.
The Concept of a Function
Contexts and Graphs

Decide if the following are functions or not

Example 1
The Concept of a Function
Mapping Diagrams

The relation from the previous example can also be represented using a mapping diagram

The mapping diagram is used to show how in a relation, the elements of the first set (inputs) are
mapped onto the elements of the second set (outputs).

Under the mapping R, 18 for example, is said to the image of 3

- State the image of 4

- Identify the element of A, whose image is 12
The Concept of a Function
Mapping Diagrams

Terminology used with mapping diagrams

The Concept of a Function
Mapping Diagrams
When do we know if the relation on our mapping diagram represents a function?
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
The concept of a function

Decide whether the following relations are functions are not

This IS a function. This is NOT a function.

As every element of the domain As 7 (from the domain), is
is mapped with one, and only mapped to both -14 and 11
one element of the range
Vertical Line Test
For a relationship to be a function, it must pass the vertical line test

This test states that if a vertical line drawn anywhere on the graph of the relationship, cuts the
graph no more than once, the relationship is a function.
y y
5 5

x x

-5 -5
-5 5 -5 5

This is NOT a function. This IS a function as each x is

For example, x = 2 is paired with paired with only one y
y = 2 and y = -2
Vertical Line Test

Decide whether the following are functions or not

This IS a function. This is NOT a function.

As every element of the domain For example, x = 0.5 is paired
is mapped with one, and only with y = 0.9 and y = -0.9
one element of the range
Exercise 5A, pages 212 & 213
Exercise 5A, pages 212 & 213
Practice (Solutions)
Domain and Range
As we have already seen…

Note: the x-values are often thought of as independent variables and the y-values are
thought of as the dependent variables
Domain and Range
Domain and Range

Identify the domain and range of the function below.

{ 2, 7), (4, 11), (6, 15), (8, 19)}

• The domain is { 2, 4, 6, 8}

• The range is { 7, 11, 15, 19}

Example 7
Example 7 (Solution)
Example 7 (Solution)
Example 8
Example 8 (Solution)
Example 8 (Solution)
Example 9
Example 10
Example 10 (Solution)
Exercise 5B, pages 215, 216 & 217
Exercise 5B, pages 215, 216 & 217
Exercise 5B, pages 215, 216 & 217
Exercise 5B, pages 215, 216 & 217
Practice (Solutions)
Evaluating Functions
Example 11
A model is a suitable mathematical representation of a particular situation. In the next example,
the model is given by a formula
Exercise 5C, pages 220 & 221
Exercise 5C, pages 220 & 221
Practice (Solutions)
Practice (Solutions)

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