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Using feedback to complete the

communication cycle
The sender expresses the message
The first step in the process of communication occurs when
the sender expresses a message. Communication always has a
purpose, goal, or objective. If you don’t know what that is,
you can’t express the message clearly. Common objectives are
To motivate (to work harder or smarter)
To inform (about the results of a process or facts needs to
make a decision)
To teach
To persuade (to make a certain decision, to buy a product)
To entertain
To inspire
The medium transmits the message
• The sender uses a medium to transmit a
message. Media can be oral or written. It can
be physical (printed matter), electrical
(television), or electronic (e-mail). Media can
be in words or images.
The recipient interprets the message
• The people who hear the message don’t always
interpret it the way you’d like
• What do you do?
• First, you construct and deliver the message with
the audience in mind. What do they want to
hear? What do they need to hear? How much do
they already know? What perspectives do they
bring with them? In other words, you need to
craft the message for the audience.
Feedback returns the interpretation of
the recipient to the sender
• Feedback ensures that the recipient
understood the message by sending the
recipient’s interpretation back to the sender.
The recipient becomes the sender and the
sender becomes the recipient, completing the
communication loop.
• Depending on the circumstances and your
objective, you may be able to create a
discussion. It should be a cycle.
Feed back to the Community
• Use of all available Media
• Thank the community for participating
• How will field staff collect and document
• How will program managers receive the
feedback? How often?
• How will the program communicate its
response to the community?
Construct a stakeholder information
• Consider our processes and the information
we get from other stakeholder.
• Always give the some feedback

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