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CVI- The CVI in the magazine is an image of what Typography- The typical San serif typography in this
we infer to be a virus, which currently is the very magazine suggests modernism and a subtle formal approach
known Covid19 virus causing a pandemic. The to its target audience. The typography also makes the brand
headline is a question of ‘who can tame it?’ which is a seem sophisticated when discussing their common topic of
group of scientists are shown trying to destroy it in all politics as it reflects the views of their upper class and older
sorts of ways, whilst some are dying as well in the adult demographic.
back. As the pandemic has lasted over a year now, this Masthead- Similarly, as the masthead is red, it suggests a
question is almost seen as a cry for help as the world sense of urgency and possibly danger, suggesting that the
would like to see humanity and ‘normal’ life return. topics written about can be seen as very important and
The individual in the image is seen to be viciously dangerous for our future. As the masthead is in bold and
attacking the deadly virus that is the colour red, capital along the top of the page, contrasted with a plain
exaggerating its danger and as well as the colour red white background, suggests its significance and dominance.
connotes danger, death, seriousness and much more However, it is behind the main image, suggesting the story
which is vivid in the scientists in the shot, as we have is superior and more significant.
been continuously battling the feared virus that no Camerawork- The long shot takes up the whole page,
one knows how to destroy.
emphasizing importance as well as showing the audience the
Context- As there are multiple scientists, it setting behind and what the importance there is. Similarly, as
exaggerates how many individuals are rushing and the masthead is behind the Scientist, suggests the story is
attempting to fight this from all across the world and very important since it is positioned in front of the brand.
especially in Britain and scientists are taking it very
seriously by closely working with the virus to Layout- Through the placing of the image in front of the
discover the cure. There are many deaths from this masthead, it encourages the audience to notice the
virus and the scientists are shown to almost be in a importance and draws full attention to the story. Similarly, as
Todorov- The disruption going on in the the headline is on the top left, and naturally audiences tend
pool of red liquid that we may infer as blood ,
image is meant to hook the reader to the to read in a Z layout, this means they would read the
emphasizing the death rate also, and the severe death
magazine, however the further you look at it, it headline first and then see the image that will then go
rate targeting Britain.
shows a sense of equilibrium through the fact together.
Colour scheme- The colours used on this magazine the scientist is shown to be trying to attack the
are white, red and blue, showing sophistication. The virus head on and viciously as there is The magazine- The brand is very known to not typically
magazine uses lots of red, which suggests danger, blood evidence of those around him are dying in the choose a political side, moreover they would create
and death which links directly with the article as it is image as well. magazines and content on current issues in society without
about Covid-19 their own opinion.
Masthead-The masthead in this magazine is a red The bold black heading ‘The faces of 2018’ stands out to its
top, also emphasizing an urgency or importance to this audience and also emphasizes an element of importance. However,
magazines content. Furthermore, the typography is san it also suggests danger and fear which describes elements in the
serif which connotates modernism. It has been placed actual shot of MP’ and Government.
above the main story in a large dramatic font
Layout- Through placing the main image below the masthead,
CVI-The CVI is very ironic and in some ways true to the topic is seen as insignificance to the company but still takes
the year described; due to the fact, Theresa May is full attention of the reader as the image does fill up the whole
shown falling over which suggests the recline of page and is the clear main focus. The position of the headline is
Britain's economy and power during her leadership. As on the far left which if we follow the Z layout, the headline
well as Trump and Kim-Jon un were believed to almost should be the first thing the audience sees before the image
cause a nuclear war and are now seen to be smiling and supporting the headline.
drinking together, getting along after such a feud and
stand off. Colour scheme- The bright and bold colours, red, yellow and
blue make the magazine much more attractive to audiences as it
As the individual's in the shot are seen as bobble heads
is easy to spot and recognize as it stands out
is a way of making the situation seem immature and
almost fictional as they are drawn as characters and the Camera Work- The long shot of the individuals works
events begin to lose its importance and fear that once perfectly to capture the key focus, being the individuals as well as
circulated. This suggests, The Week believe the the setting so that the audience can establish where they are and
historical events could be described comically and why the location is important to the story.
unserious as nothing came out of all the tension. Stereotypes-Theresa May is also presented Men are placed in front of the female leaders, suggesting they are
As Donald Trump is stood at the front taking as a damsel in distress, going of stereotypes of superior to their female counterparts in the same industry,
pictures and most likely posting it to Twitter women in the past as she is falling over and showing gender inequality.
where is usually rants his opinions shows a level needs someone to help her, rather than Barthes- the common connotations associated with yellow
of immaturity as his country is in a deep stress showing her dominance as a female leader. is happiness, however in the image, the colour yellow is
regarding the growing tension with some This shows women in leadership to be shown on a bold sign, with negative connotations on the
communist leaders he is taking selfies with whilst struggling as the women in the back also seem events/
he is relaxing, drinking and not reassuring his to be in a state of stress due to their facial Todorov- The events in this image is there to make the audience
country its safety. This is not something we expressions whilst the men are able to be feel there will be an equilibrium at last after uprising feud with
should expect from Trump due to his content and happy, enjoying their time as America and other communist leaders. As well as creating relief
professionalism and it presents a bad light on him leader as they are stereotypically described to to the audience by stating that the leaders are no longer causing
due to this. be wiser and more in control. commotion.
The colours are very mutes and Use of colour fits in with the
old fashioned in a sense, using house style, and the image
muddy colours of brown, yellow, used.
mustard, dusky blue and some red
to emphasise importance and There is no formal structure
urgency. to the contents page,
It shows examples of their however it is very sleek and
magazine covers in the top corner professional, in a sensible
so that the audience are able to order so that the readers can
have direct access back and forth. easily navigate through.
Long shot CVI shows the
All article titles have a page background on a certain scene
number to ease the reader so that which is used to establish the
they can quickly find the article setting, mood so that the
they would like to read about. audience can learn what the
characters relationship is to the
It has a section of information at the setting they are in.
bottom, explaining an article in However, the image to text
more detail, giving the audience ratio is not much different as
insight on what type of information the image takes up a quarter of
will be present. the page, whereas there is
San serif font showing elements of more text around the image,
modernism to attract a younger providing more detail on
audience. information the page holds
The medium wide shot of the CVI Use of serif font which fits the
creates an intimate representation house style, the rest of the
whilst showing the background of typography and fits a traditional
the office behind him so the and professional style to attract an
audience can learn the relationship older and more formal audience.
of the setting with the character. It has almost like a ‘L’ layout
The use of the black serif masthead which is very structured and
corresponds with the magazines simple and very easy to navigate
front cover to emphasise the on- around.
There is a clear lack of colour of
going house style. The masthead is white, black, brown and navy
also used for better identification for which is both dull and
the audience so that they can professional. However, the red
recognize the brand easier. used in the headers exaggerates
The contents page also uses page importance and urgency to the
numbers next to each article title for articles.
There is a stereotypical image of
faster navigation through the paper an older man in politics which
links with Stuart Hall’s theory of
The CVI also uses direct address by the dominant hegemonic
looking into the camera so that they individuals. There is no subverting
can feel as though it is being of stereotypes of women in power,
targeted at them. as it is almost expected and
normal for men to be portrayed.
The common resemblances and some minor differences in all
these news papers are the:

• Consistent house styles

• The masthead - all red tops at the top of the page.
• The skyline - all above the masthead which three images and
topics each.
• The CVI - the images are always in the middle
• The layout – all have the same exact layout each time.
• The headings – they are right underneath the masthead-
usually black or white and bold.
• The colours- the colours are all very bright, red, yellow, blue,
orange, green, very earthy colours (buildings, space, fires and
historic features)
• It is all very political- usually mocking the government, MP’s
and current events. To attract their target audience and
• Anchorage texts are all similar.
• However, the topics in the skyline are different, the
backgrounds and the shots and topics are different, however
that is of course expected as they are different news stories.
• The consistency of the same house style allows audiences to
quickly recognize the brand, creating a loyal fan base.
Contents page:
The main image is usually centered on the page as the optical focal point,
generally underneath the masthead. However, depending on the significance and Conventions
meaning of the events in the image the masthead varies whether it is in front or
behind the image. The articles on the page are generally also underneath the image • Masthead
or next to it bullet pointed in a clear list so that the audience can view it easier. • Main image- CVI
• Numbers and bullet points for each
article and to show different
sections within the magazine
• Different sizes, colours and fonts
for the coverlines, headlines and
• Features
• Commonly use direct address in
the images
• The date the contents page was
• Red fonts to emphasise importance
and potential urgency

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