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PIO day 5 – 64 B


This is our Agenda today
• 08.00 - 10 .00 : Using your internet googling film Crimson Tide (you are free leave the
main room and see film on your own
• 10.00 - 10 .45 : You go to your break out room –
• This are what I expect you to do
1. What are the main conflicts , explain?
2. What are the very important conflict?
3. Please do your analysis on behavior Ramsey and Hunter especially on the way they managing
4. Do you think both of them are good leaders ? , explain
5. Can you recognize “leadership style” of this two gentlemen?
6. Can you see that both of them have the ability to express different way of leading style
7. Identify all situation that match all of their style in managing conflict or leading style that proven
as an effective way to lead

• Send your report to my email – PPT format, at 11.15 at the latest

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