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Course Name: Consumer Behavior

Course Code:MKT601
Presented by:
Md.Fahad Hossain
ID: 2211061010
Present To:
Mahmudul Hasan
Associate Professor
Department of Business Administration,
Uttara University
Presentation Topic:

Color Effects in Business

What Is color?
Color is the aspect of things that is caused by differing
qualities of light being reflected or emitted by them.
To see color, you have to have light. When light shines
on an object some colors bounce off the object and
others are absorbed by it.
Fundamental colors:
Three Primary Colors (Ps): Red, Yellow, Blue.
Three Secondary Colors (S'): Orange, Green, Violet.
Six Tertiary Colors (Ts): Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange,
Yellow-Green, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Red-Violet, which
are formed by mixing a primary with a secondary.
What is color in business:
Different colors have different psychological effects on
consumers – red encourages appetite, blue provides a
sense of security, green stimulates harmony, orange
promotes enthusiasm, purple is associated with royalty,
and so on. 
Marketing link for colors Research:
Research reveals people make a subconscious judgment
about a person, environment, or product within 90
seconds of initial viewing and that between 62% and 90%
of that assessment is based on colour alone.
Ads in colour are read up to 42% more often than the
same ads in black and white.
Other Research:
92% Believe colour presents an image of impressive quality.
 90% Feel colour can assist in attracting new customers.
 90% Believe customers remember presentations and
documents better when colour is used.
 83% Believe colour makes them appear more successful.
81% Think colour gives them a competitive edge.
76% Believe that the use of colour makes their business
appear larger to clients.
Color preference & relation Color has long been used to
between color and mood: create feelings of coziness or
spaciousness. There is evidence
that color preference may
depend on ambient temperature.
People who are cold prefer warm
colors like red and yellow while
people who are hot prefer cool
colors like blue and green. Some
research has concluded that
women and men respectively
prefer "warm" and "cool" colors.
Color meaning in Branding:
Color is a very influential source of information when
people are making a purchasing decision. Customers
generally make an initial judgment on a product within 90
seconds of interaction with that product and about 62%-
90% of that judgment is based on color. People often see
the logo of a brand or company as a representation of
that company. Without prior experience to a logo, we
begin to associate a brand with certain characteristics
based on the primary logo color.
Color use in business field:
Since color is an important factor in the visual appearance
of products as well as in brand recognition, color
psychology has become important to marketing. Recent
work in marketing has shown that color can be used to
communicate brand personality, Marketers must be aware
of the application of color in different media (e.g. print vs.
web), as well as the varying meanings and emotions that a
particular audience can assign to color. Even though there
are attempts to classify consumer response to different
colors, everyone perceives color differently.
The physiological and emotional effect of color in each
person is influenced by several factors such as past
experiences, culture, religion, natural environment,
gender, race, and nationality. Most results show that it is
not a specific color that attracts all audiences, but that
certain colors are deemed appropriate for certain
Psychological Properties of Colors in
business branding:
There are four psychological primary colors - red, blue,
yellow and green. They relate respectively to the body,
the mind, the emotions and the essential balance
between these three. The psychological properties of the
basic colors are as follows:
Positive: Physical
courage, strength,
warmth, energy, basic
survival, 'fight or flight',
stimulation, masculinity,
 Negative: Defiance,
aggression, visual impact,
Positive: Intelligence,
communication, trust,
efficiency, serenity, duty,
logic, coolness, reflection,
Negative: Coldness,
aloofness, lack of emotion,
Positive: Optimism,
confidence, self-esteem,
extraversion, emotional
strength, friendliness,
Negative: Irrationality,
fear, emotional fragility,
depression, anxiety,
Positive: Harmony,
balance, refreshment,
universal love, rest,
restoration, reassurance,
environmental awareness,
equilibrium, peace.
Negative: Boredom,
stagnation, blandness,
Positive: Spiritual
awareness, containment,
vision, luxury, authenticity,
truth, quality.
 Negative: Introversion,
decadence, suppression,
Positive: Physical comfort,
food, warmth, security,
sensuality, passion,
abundance, fun.
Negative: Deprivation,
frustration, frivolity,
Positive: Physical
tranquility, nurture,
warmth, femininity, love,
sexuality, survival of the
Negative: Inhibition,
emotional claustrophobia,
emasculation, physical
Positive: Psychological
Negative: Lack of
confidence, dampness,
depression, hibernation,
lack of energy.
Combining colors:
Although some companies use a single color to represent
their brand, many other companies use a combination of
colors in their logo and can be perceived in different ways
than those colors independently
Attracting attention:
Color is used as a means to attract consumer attention to
a product that then influences buying behavior.
Consumers use color to identify for known brands or
search for new alternatives. Variety seekers look for non-
typical colors when selecting new brands. And attractive
color packaging receives more consumer attention than
unattractive color packaging, which can then influence
buying behavior.
Store and display color:
Color is not only used in products to attract attention, but
also in window displays and stores. When people are
exposed to different colored walls and images of window
displays and store interiors they tend to be drawn to
some colors and not to others. Findings showed that
people were physically drawn to warm colored displays;
however, they rated cool colored displays as more
Color in business is very important. It can impact
business/ branding in a good or bad way . So it is very
important to choose brand color for business.
Thank You

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