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Evidencia 5: Video “Presenting orally a business

process improvement plan”
CC. 1114817303
We will carry out an exhaustive review of all the processes
that the customer support area handles in the call center, to
find the shortcomings and develop a plan with strategies,
such as training in the new procedures and tools of the call

We will out a study of the new technologies related to the

process and according to a cost analysis we will observe
which we can implement.

carry out an evaluation of human resources to verify at what level of

knowledge the employees are, what commitment they have with the
activities to be carried out, weaknesses and strengths and thus make the
appropriate corrections. This way we will achieve that the client is 100%
satisfied with the service and the attention of the csr.
Carrying out evaluations of employees and supervisors in the company,
listening to calls and attention, an improvement plan is proposed, which
would be the following:
Training: Training must be carried out much more frequently and at the
right time; In other words, as soon as any requirement changes, an
inconvenience is generated in the operation, or a process is updated, this
extensive information is immediately sent to all contact center personnel
and in this way when the client communicates and requests any
information, timely and correct information is provided.
 Addressing clients: The best tool that contact center personnel have is
information, and their results as a customer service advisor depend on it.
For this reason, it is essential to propose that he is well trained so that he
can also manage the needs of each client and in exceptional cases that he
must direct the client to some internal and external agency to do so
correctly; In other words, if you address it, it is because your case
definitely cannot be resolved through the first contact. In this way the
client saves time and money, he does not have to be from one place to
another to have his problem solved.
Staff turnover: All these points are related, because as I mentioned in the
previous paragraph, good information allows good targeting. What he
intends to do then so that this cycle is not interrupted, is that staff turnover
is not so common, because this way the advisor can acquire all the
knowledge in his training process , he also becomes familiar with the
client. This stability will create a better environment, greater tranquility, a
sense of belonging and well-informed people capable of solving any
concern that may arise, who are totally friendly and diligent, a perfect
Preference over the competition: This point emphasizes that it is very
important to give accurate information to the customer, direct them
appropriately, serve them in the most cordial way, etc. All this is essential
so that the customer does not have problems with the company and
continues to have preferences when making decisions regarding their
purchasing plans.
Cancellation of products and services: This is to propose that the process
for canceling a product or service is not so time consuming; It is good that
the company does not want any of its clients to give up their purchase
wishes and that is why the advisors must talk with the client to change his
mind, making use of the information they have, but yes, the client
definitely takes the decision to retract, the process should not be so
Response times: The response times that the contact center will provide to
customers will be shorter, that is, claims will be resolved in less time, also they
may not exceed the agreed date, they will have to be resolved before the
maximum date
Escalated cases: With the adequate, constant and timely training that will be
delivered to each advisor, they will be able to resolve any concern, only very
specific cases where it has to be passed to another area (escalate it). In this way
the client will not feel that his problem is sent from one place to another and no
one gives him a prompt answer.
With this action plan we will mitigate the shortcomings that we are
presenting at the moment, every three months we will review what other
improvements we can make in our area.

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