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1 What is the difference between creationist theory and catastrophic theory?
2 Explain what the catastrophic theory consists of
3 Why is Lark's theory evolutionary?
4 What problem presents the theory proposed by Lamarck
5 What are the fundamental points of Darwin's theory?
6 Make a comparative chart of the theories of the origin of species
1 The main difference between these 2 theories is that the creationist refers to the fact that God createdthe world,
while on the other hand the evolutionist refers to the fact of the evolution of the human being, being created from a
cell, and evolving from a way very closely related to animals.

CREATIONISM: It is the religion on which the science of a divine creator is built that is based on the word of one
who declares that he was in the past
EVOLUTIONISM: Movement that defends the origin of random chemical spontaneous processes and according to
which all species have a common ascent
2 Its promoter was the paleontologist Georges Cuvier. Catastrophism is a hypothesis that arose between the
seventeenth and nineteenth centuries. He claimed that the Earth, in its origin, had been created in a sudden and
catastrophic way. That is, after suffering climatic events and natural disasters such as tornadoes, earthquakes or

3 Lamarck's theory is evolutionary because it formulated that a great variety of organisms had developed from
simple forms, these organisms being the very protagonists of that evolution; This is due to their ability to adapt to
the environment and to changes in the environment that created new needs in them, so these new needs led them to
modify or adapt and this would be heritable.
4 Lamarckism is the term used to refer to the theory of evolution formulated by the French naturalist Jean-Baptiste
Lamarck in the early 19th century. In his book Zoological Philosophy (1809) Lamarck proposed that life forms had
not been created or remained immutable, as was accepted in his time, but had evolved from simpler life forms. He
described the conditions that would have led to the evolution of life and proposed the mechanism by which it
would have evolved. Lamarck's theory is the earliest theory of biological evolution, anticipating Darwin's
formulation of natural selection in his book The Origin of Species by fifty years.

5 Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who proposed the theory of biological evolution by natural selection.
Darwin defined evolution as "descent with modification," the idea that species change over time, give rise to new
species, and share a common ancesto
theories Differences
this goes hand in hand with the previous theory, where the creator is a
divine being this is the religious belief

The species adapts to the environment to survive, the acquired changes will
Lamarckism be transmitted to their offspring and with the passing of time they will adapt
the characteristics
It establishes that the individual who survives the changes in the
Darwinism environment is the one who remains selected naturally, the hereditary
variations grant advantages to the descendants
Reproduction together with genetic variation and the environment produce
Neo- selection, variation is produced by changes in the genetics of the species
affirmed that the Earth, in its origin, had been created in a sudden and
Catastrophizing catastrophic way, suggesting that it began with the impact of a star on the
earth, this theory can be said to initiate the religious breakdown.

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