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Sejarah komputer

Rizky Stiyabudi

1. Terminologi komputer

2. Perkembangan komputer dari

generasi ke generasi
3. Perkembangan komputer bidang
Apa itu komputer??
● komputer berasal dari bahasa latin yaitu
“computare”, yang artinya menghitung, dalam
bahasa inggris “compute”

• The earliest Calculating tools was called the abacus

(abaci). It was invented thousands of years ago in
china and still used in some parts of Asia
Calculating tools
••  In the century, two mathematicians, Blaise Pascal
and Gottfried Leibniz, built mechanical calculators
using pegged wheels that could perform the four
basic arithmetic functions of addition, subtraction,
multiplication,and division.
Th first mechanical calculator was built by
Blaise Pascal and Gottfried Leibniz
● menurut Hamacher, dkk dalam buku computer
organizer, komputer adl mesin perhitungan elektronik
yang cepat dapat menerima informasi input digital,
memprosesnya sesuai dengan program yang tersimpan
di memorinya dan menghasilkan output informasi

• Sekumpulan alat elektronik yang saling bekerja sama,

dapat menerima data (input), mengolah data (proses)
dan memberikan informasi (output) yang terorganisasi
dibawah kontrol program yang tersimpan dalam
Sistem Komputer
• Sistem komputer terdiri dari hardware, sorfware dan
History of Computers
1. Generasi pertama (1946-1959)
2. Generasi kedua (1959-1964)
3. Generasi ketiga (1964-1970)
4. Generasi keempat (1964-1970)
5. Generasi kelima (Sejak 1990an)
Earlier of compters
In 1842, Charles Babbage designed an analytical engine that
performed general calculations automatically. Herman Hollerith
designed a tabulating machine to record census data in 1890. The
tabulating machine stored information as holes on cards that were
interpreted by machines with electrical sensors. Hollerith’s Company
later grew to become IBM.
Earlier of compters
• In 1939, John Atansoff and Clifford Berry designed and
built the first electronic digital computer.
• In December 1943, the British built the first fully
operational working computer, called Colossus, which
was designed to crack encrypted German military codes.
Colossus was very successful,but because of its military
significance, it was given the highest of all security
classifications, and its existence was known only to
relatively few people. That classification remained until
1976,which his why it is rarely acknowledged
Earlier of compters
• The first general-purpose modern computer was developed in
1944 at Harvard University. Originally called the Automatic
Sequence Controlled Calculator (ASCC), it is now known simply as
the Mark I. It was an electromechanical device that was
exceedingly slow and was pronetomal function.
• 1945 : EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer),
Komputer pertama – proyek militer AS
Generasi pertama (1946-1959)

• sirkuit menggunakan electronic vacum tube

(sebagai penguat sinyal)
• program dengan bahasa mesin : bahasa Assembler
• ukuran sangat besar dan cepat panas
• proses kurang cepat, kapasitas penyimpanan kecil
• daya listrik yang besar
• orientasi pada aplikasi bisnis
ENAIC (Electronic Numerical Integrator
And Calculator)
komputer elektronik 30 ton, panjang 30 m dan tinggi
2,4 m, daya listrik 174 kW. The first general-purpose
electronic computer was Developeding 1946 at the
University of Pennsylvania by J.Presper Eckert and
John Mauchlyata cost of $500,000. Contained more
than 18,000 Vacuum tubes that failed atana
veragerate of one every 7 minutes Neither the Mark I
nor the ENIAC had instructions stored in a memory
The ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Calculator)
computer occupied an entire room. It was completed in 1946 and
is recognized as the first all-electronic, general-purpose digital
computer. (Courtesy Sperry-Rand Corporation.)
UNIVAC (Universal
Automatic Computer)

• In1948,scientists led by William Shockley at the Bell

Telephone Laboratories developed the transistor. A
transistor is an electronics witch that alternately allows or
does not allow electronic signals to pass. It made possible
the development of the“stored program”computer and thus
the continuing explosion in computer science.
• The transistor allowed Eckert and Mauchly of the Sperry-
Rand Corporation to develop UNIVAC (UNIVersal Automatic
Computer), which appeared in 1951 as the first
commercially successful general-purpose, Stored program
electronic digital computer. Dikenal sebagai IBM 701
Generasi kedua (1959-1964)

• sirkuit berupa transistor (solid state device)

• program dapat dibuat dengan bahasa tingkat tinggi :

• Kapasitas memori utama sudah cukup besar

• proses operasi sudah cepat

• membutuhkan lebih sedikit daya listrik

• berorientasi pada bisnis dan teknik

• mulai menggunakan online data prosessing

• mulai menggunakan penyimpanan data (disk storage)

Generasi kedua (1959-1964)

• sirkuit berupa transistor (solid state device)

• program dapat dibuat dengan bahasa tingkat tinggi :

• Kapasitas memori utama sudah cukup besar

• proses operasi sudah cepat

• membutuhkan lebih sedikit daya listrik

• berorientasi pada bisnis dan teknik

• mulai menggunakan online data prosessing

• mulai menggunakan penyimpanan data (disk storage)

Pictures of transistor and it’s schematic
IBM 401
It was developed by a team headed
by J. R. Peirce and incorporated
significant functions and features
invented by A. W. Mills, F. J.
Furman and E. J. Rabenda. The 401
added at a speed of 150 cards per
minute and listed alphanumerical
data at 80 cards per minute. First
time, IBM 401 used for business.
IBM 7094
IBM 7094
• Built for large-scale scientific computing, the IBM 7094 Data
Processing System featured outstanding price/performance and
expanded computing power.
• Compatible with the IBM 7090, the advanced solid-state IBM 7094
offered substantial increases in internal operating speeds and
functional capacities to match growing scientific workloads in the
1960s. The powerful IBM 7094 had 1.4 to 2.4 times the internal
processing speed, depending upon the individual application.
• The 7094, combined with major input/output improvements
through IBM 729 VI and IBM 7340 Hypertape units along with
programming systems such as 7090/7094 FORTRAN, reduced job
time significantly for users.
Generasi ketiga (1964-1970)

• menggunakan IC (Integrated circuit) --> hybrid

atau solid (SLT) dan monolithyc (MST)
• menggunkan multiprosessing dan multiprograming

• Kapasitas memori lebih besar lagi

• penggunaan listrik lebih hemat

• bentuk fisik lebih kecil

• Banyak bermunculan application software

• Menggunakan visual display terminal, menampilkan

grafik, menerima dan menampilkan suara
• The microprocessor was developed in 1971 by Ted
Hoffof Intel Corporation.
teknologi IC (Integrated Circuit) menjadi ciri utama karena mulai
digunakan pada sebuah perangkat komputer hingga generasi
sekarang. Komponen IC berbentuk hybrid atau solid (SLT) dan
monolithic (MST). SLT adalah transistor dan dioda diletakkan
terpisah dalam satu tempat sedangkan MST adalah elemen
transistor, dioda dan resistor diletakkan bersama dalam suatu chip.
MST lebih kecil tapi mempunyai kemampuan lebih besar dibanding
• The IBM 360 or IBM system / 360 (s / 360) is the mainframe
family of one of the first IBM products launched on 7 April 1964.
the Model 30, could perform up to 34,500 instructions per second,
with memory from 8 to 64 KB.
• The launch of the System/360 family introduced IBM's Solid Logic
Technology (SLT), a new technology that was the start of more
powerful but smaller computers.
• In 1967,  IBM System/360 Model 91 could do up to 16.6 million
instructions per second. The larger 360 models could have up to
8 MB of main memory, though main memory that big was unusual
—a more typical large installation might have as little as 256 KB of
main storage, but 512 KB, 768 KB or 1024 KB was more common.
Up to 8 megabytes of slower (8 microsecond) Large Capacity
Storage (LCS) was also available.
Generasi keempat (1964-1970)

• menggunakan LSI (large scale integration) dan BLSI (bipolar large

scale integration), mikroprosesor dan semiconductor berbentuk
chip untuk memori

• Komputer generasi keempat menggunakan sistem operasi

windows yang pertama
"large-scale integration" (LSI), yaitu sirkuit terpadu
dengan beberapa puluh ribu transistor per chip berhasil
diwujudkan. Sirkuit terpadu seperti 1K-bit RAM, chip untuk
kalkulator, dan mikroprocesor awal, yang diproduksi pada
awal tahun 1970an, mempunyai sekitar 4000 transistor. LSI
dengan kurang lebih 10,000 transistor diproduksi sekitar
tahun 1974 untuk main memory pada komputer dan
mikroprocesor generasi kedua
Komputer pada generasi ke-empat

• IBM 370, komputer generasi keempat yang pertama

• Cray 1, Komputer super pertama
• Apole II, Personal Computer pertama, komputer IBM PC
yang pertama
• Pentium II
• AMD K6 3D
Generasi kelima (Sejak 1990an)

• Microprosesor yang digunakan VLSI (Very Large Scale IC)

• Generasi Pentium

• berkembangnya software baru : MS. Windows, OS/2, Linux,

Macintosh, dll
• komputer mempunyai kemampuan dalam berbagai bidang
sehingga disebut kecerdasan buatan (Artifical Intelligent),
dikembangkan Sistem pakar (Expert System), robot dan
• ICOT (Institute for New Computer Technology) di Jepang
mengembangkan komputer yang dapat berbicara dengan
manusia, mendiagnose masalah dan hemat energi
Development of Computed
in Radiology
The first large-scale radiology application was computed
tomography (CT). Magnetic resonance imaging and diagnostic
ultrasonography use computers similarly to the way CT imaging
systems do. Computers control high-voltage x-ray generators
and radiographic control panels, making digital fluoroscopy and
digital radiography routine. Telecommunication systems have
provided for the development of teleradiology, which is the
transfer of images and patient data to remote locations for
interpretation and filling. Teleradiology has changed the way
human resources are allocated for these tasks.
Computed Tomography
Scanner (CT-scan)
X-ray computed tomography (X-ray CT) atau komputerisasi aksial
tomografi scan (CAT scan), adalah sebuah metode penggambaran
medis menggunakan tomografi di mana pemrosesan geometri
digunakan untuk menghasilkan sebuah gambar tiga dimensi bagian
dalam sebuah objek dari satu seri besar gambar sinar-X (X-ray) dua
dimensi diambil dalam satu putaran “axis”.

Pesawat CT Scan pertama kali dirancang tahun 1971 atas

dasar tindak lanjut ide teori Dr. Hounsfield dengan prinsip
kerja pesawat teknik tomografi. Lingkup kerja pesawat CT
Scan hanya terbatas pada pengambilan gambar-gambar
diagnosa kepala secara scanner, disebut CT Head Scanner.
Magnetic resonance imaging

Prinsip ini pertama kali ditemukan oleh blonch dan purcell pada
tahun 1946. Dengan penemuan tersebut mereka mendapat hadiah
nobel pada tahun 1952. Pada prinsip ini proton yang merupukan inti
atom hydrogen dalam sel tubuh berputar ( spining ), bila atom
hydrogen ini ditembak tegak lurus pada intinya dengan
radiofrekuensi tinggi didalam medan magnit secara periodik akan
beresonansi, maka proton tersebut akan bergerak menjadi searah /
sejajar. Dan bila radiofrekuensi tinggi ini dimatikan, maka proton
yang bergetar tadi akan kembali keposisi semula dan akan
menginduksi dalam satu kumparan untuk menghasilkan sinyal
elektrik yang lemah. Bila hal ini terjadi berulang-ulang dan sinyal
elektrik tersebut ditangkap kemudian diproses dalam komputer akan
dapat disusun menjadi suatu gambar.
Magnetic resonance imaging

Raymond Damadian bekerja dengan alat NMR Spectometer, maka

pada tahun 1971 ia menggunakan alat tersebut untuk pemeriksaan
pasien. Pada tahun 1979, The University of Nottingham Group
memproduksi gambaran potongan coronal dan sagittal (disamping
potongan aksial) dengan NMR. Selanjutnya karena kekaburan istilah
yang digunakan untuk alat NMR dan di bagian apa sebaiknya NMR
diletakkan, maka atas saran dari AMERICAN COLLEGE of
RADIOLOGI (1984), NMR dirubah menjadi Magnetic Resonance
Imaging ( MRI) dan diletakkan di bagian Radiologi.
Telecommunication systems

• DICOM (digital imaging and communications in medicine)

• Teleradiology
History of DICOM
• DICOM is a standard developed by American College of
Radiology (ACR) and National Electrical Manufacturers
Association (NEMA).
• Their first standard, ACR/NEMA 300, was released in 1985.
Very soon after its release, it became clear that improvements
were needed. The text was vague and had internal
• In 1988 the second version was released. This version gained
more acceptance among vendors. The image transmission was
specified as over a dedicated 2 pair cable (EIA-485).
DICOM (digital imaging and
communications in medicine)
History of PACS

• Early PACS systems were developed by the military to send

images between Veterans Administration hospitals in the 1980s.
• First full-scale PACS
• Veterans Administration Medical Center in Baltimore used
PACS in 1993.
• PACS covered all modalities except mammography.
• Shortly after, PACS was interfaced with radiology information
systems, hospital information systems, and electronic medical
PACS (Picture Archival and
Communication Systems)
• Networked group of computers,
servers, and archives to store digital
• Can accept any image that is in
DICOM format
• Serves as the file room, reading
room, duplicator, and courier
• Provides image access to multiple
users at the same time, on-demand
images, electronic annotations of
images, and specialty image
Overview Teleradiology

• In 1994, the American College of Radiology (ACR) published its

first standard for teleradiologist. The ACR suggested that
radiologist providing interpretations maintain licensure at both the
initiating and receiving site and hold credentials. ACR recognition
was imortant step for legitimizing to practice of teleradiology
• The recent advences in cloud computing and were able to cheaply
start their own teleradiology company, some radiologits even took
both routes
Workflow teleradiology

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