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Nutsa Bakhutashvili
There are so many amazing places
around the globe to see, we couldn't
possibly include them all in just one
list. But, these breathtaking
destinations are definitely worth
bumping to the top of your travel
bucket list–whether you're looking
to relax on a beach, get off the grid
or explore a city.
Forbidden City, Beijing, China
◦ Located in the center of Beijing, the Forbidden
City was the imperial palace of China's
emperors for five centuries and is one of the
most beautifully preserved examples of ancient
Chinese architecture.
St. Basil's Cathedral, Moscow, Russia
Legend has is that after St. Basil's Cathedral was
completed in the 16th century, Ivan the Terrible
had the architect blinded to prevent him from
creating anything as stunning ever again.
Giza, Egypt
Home to the Great Sphinx and the Great
Pyramid of Giza, this city was Egypt’s capital
during the first pharaohs reign. It’s also a must-
see on everyone's bucket list.
The Grand Canyon, Arizona
This incredible natural wonder
is in the U.S. state of Arizona.
It's one of those beautiful
places for which photos or
video just don't do it justice-its
sheer size and scope is hard
to comprehend.
Rome, Italy
The Eternal City is
more like a giant,
living museum.
Visitors are
immersed in and
surrounded by
thousands of years
of history. It's a
relatively compact
city, and a three-day
itinerary gets you to
the minimum number
of must-see places.
Yellowstone National Park, USA
Yellowstone National Park
spans over three states and
features a variety of sights
you don’t want to miss. This
collection of hot springs and
geysers will truly have you
amazed. Some of the more
popular areas in the park
include the Old Faithful
geyser and the Mammoth
Hot Springs area.
Last one in our list is
georgia,tbilisi. which one really
is one of the best place to visit
with lots of sightseeings and
full of great history

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