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Conflict Resolution

Strategies for Elementary Students

Inservice Lesson Plan By Tatiana Velasco

What does conflict even mean?

● Disagreement
● Not getting along
● Feeling ‘bad’
● Argument (or a fight)
● A struggle
● A problem

● A conflict can be with one or

more people
Who can you have conflict with?
● Your parents
● Your siblings
● Your cousins
● Your friends
● Your classmates
● Your teammates
● Almost anyone!
When & Where can you have conflict?
At any time: Anywhere:
● During recess or lunch ● At school
● During any class ● At home
● During dinner with your ● At your sporting
family practice or game
● During playing a board ● At the park
or card game
How do you handle conflict?
● Students complete “How I handle conflict” worksheet

● Complete a group reflection discussion based on the

○ It is common to disagree or feel bothered with someone but there are
right and wrong ways to solve the problem. You should not be yelling,
hitting, kicking, and/or bullying someone.
Here are 5 strategies to help solve
your problem
1. Calm Down & Cool Down & Postpone

● Walk away from the problem or person

and return to it at different time
● Returning to the problem at a different
time (postponing it) when you are feeling
● Sometimes we have a bad day and need a
break from others or the situation
2. Talk It Out Yourselves Or Get Help From an Adult

● Take turns telling each other how you

each feel
○ “I” Statements
● People miscommunicate and have
misunderstandings so talking it out can
help solve the problem and come to an
● If that doesn’t work, get an adult like a
teacher or your mom to intervene to
help you solve the problem
3. Apologize, Say Sorry

● If you know you did or said

something wrong or mean to
start the fight like
○ EX.: calling your friend a
name or not sharing the ball
with your friend
● Then apologize!
● Saying sorry can help the other
person feel better because now
they know you weren’t being
mean on suppose
4. Compromise/Negotiate

● This is a strategy to come up with ideas on a solution

that everyone agrees on
● Make a deal with that person
○ EX.: Lucy wants to play jump rope today
(Monday) but her best friend Marvin wants to
play freeze tag so they decide to play jump
rope on today, Monday, and on Tuesday they
will play what Marvin wanted which was freeze
○ Now both Lucy and Marvin are happy because
they agreed on something, no more fighting!
5. Chance It

● If you cannot come to a

decision or an agreement
○ Flipping a coin
○ Rolling a dice and
picking a number
○ Draw sticks
Group Activity:

● Coloring Pages!
○ Students are able
to take these back
to their classroom
or house to hang
up as visual
reminders of the
skills they just
Any questions?

Thank you!
● “Conflict resolution techniques you can use in your classroom”. (2020). Retrieved from
● “How I handle conflict worksheets”. (n.d.). Retrieved from
● The Responsive Counselor. (n.d.). Conflict resolution coloring sheets freebie. Retrieved from
● The Responsive Counselor. (2019). Teaching conflict resolution: Strategies for school counselors. Retrieved from
● Sesame Street. (2012). Sesame Street: Robin Williams: Conflict [Video]. YouTube. Retrieved from

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