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Cholera, Diphtheria, Pertusis, and Tetanus


Muhammad Iqbal
Definition: A severe acute gastrointestinal infection which is
characterized by rice watery stool.
S/S: Fever, vomiting, rice watery stool, malaise, dehydration
Causative organism: Vibrio cholerae
A comma shaped Gram –ve bacillus
Incubation Period: Hours to 5 days
Source and reservoir of Infection: Faeces and vomitus of
infected and carrier person
Rout of Entry: Oro-faecal
Mode of transmission: Ingestion of contaminated food,
water & 5 Fs
Cholera cont…
• Occurrence: Endemic in Asian countries
where sanitation is poor.
• Prevention & Control:
Active immunization, pure food and water
supply, sanitary disposal of human excreta, fly
control, public education.
Fluid and electrolyte replacement, Tetracycline
• Definition: An acute bacterial infection of the upper
respiratory tract (throat, nose & larynx) characterized by
the formation of grayish membrane in throat.
S/S: Inflammation of throat, pseudomembrane, dry cough
Causative organism: Corynebacterium diphtheriae
or Klebs Loeffler bacillus. It is Gram +ve bacillus. It releases
Incubation Period: 2 to 5 days
Reservoir & Source : Reservoir is infected man and source is
nasopharyngeal secretion.
Rout of Entry: Inhalation
Mode of transmission: by contact with patient or carrier and
infected fomites.
• Occurrence: Worldwide
• Prevention & Control:
Active immunization, Isolation, concurrent and
terminal disinfection of infected fomites
Benzylpenicillin 600 mg 6 hourly I/V for 7 days
• An acute bacterial infection of respiratory tract involving
trachea, bronchi and bronchioles characterized by a typical
S/S: Crowing like Whooping sound cough, paroxysmal cough,
tenacious mucous, vomiting, catarrhal S/S
Causative organism: Bordetella pertusis
It is Gram –ve bacillus.
Incubation Period: 7 to 21 days
Reservoir & Source : Reservoir is infected man and source
is branchopharyngeal secretion.
Rout of Entry: Inhalation
Mode of transmission: By droplet through direct contact
with infected patient and indirect through infected fomites.
• Occurrence: Worldwide. Children below five
years are more susceptible.
• Prevention & Control:
Active immunization, Isolation, concurrent and
terminal disinfection of infected fomites
Erythromycin 250 mg 6 hourly
Antitussive drug
(Lock Jaw)
• An acute bacterial disease caused by contamination of
wound by spore Clostidium tetani.
• S/S: Lock Jaw, muscle rigidity and spasms, dysphagia
• Causative organism: Clostridium Tetani . It is Gram +ve
spore forming anaerobic bacillus. It releases tetanospasmin
which is an extremely lethal neurotoxin.
Incubation Period: 4 to 21 days
Reservoir : Domestic animals particularly horse dung and
contaminated soil.
Rout of Entry: Wound
Mode of transmission : by contact of Spore with wound
Occurrence: Worldwide
Prevention & Control:
Active immunization, public education
Debridement of wound
Benzylepenicillin 600 mg 6 hourly I/V
Nurse in quiet room
Avoid unnecessary stimuli
Maintain hydration and nutrition

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