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Chapter Fourth

Meaning of communication

• Communication is the process of transferring information on

common interest from one person to another. It is the exchange
of facts, opinions; ideas, suggestions and other information
from one person to another. And it is essential to impart a
complete understanding of the subject matter information. In
the other words, it is the transfer of meaning and
understanding between people through verbal and non verbal
means in order to affect behavior and achieve results. It is one
of the important functions of management. It is the function of
every manager. A manager would have to make necessary
communication to his subordinates to implement a plan and to
get feedback on the achievement of works.
• Communications continuous till the existence of the
organization. It is the basis of organizational
function. And it has been playing an important role
to implement managerial functions. Managers
provide information of instructions, guidance, and
suggestions to subordinates to implement plans and
policies. And subordinates provide information of
achievement of work and problems faced in the
process of performing works to the management
through the means of communication
• Thus, communication is the process of
transmitting information from one person to
another in a clear and meaningful manner. In
business organization it is essential to
maintain coordination among the group force
and their efforts. Ultimately, it is helpful in
gaining organizational goals.
Communication is the process by which a
person, group, or organization (the sender)
transmits some type of information (the
message) to another person, group or
organization (the receiver). ----Greenberg and
Baron 1999
• Significant developments have been noticed in the
areas of organizational communication in the last
century. The environment of communication
within organizational setup changed largely with
the accelerating use of computer technology.
When the new technology combines with dynamic
workforces, it creates a new communication
situation. Communication is a fundamental area of
study in organizational behavior, because
communication of information leads to
appropriate decision making in organizations.
• The quality of decisions depends upon the
process of transmitting and understanding
information. Communication is the obvious
process of transmitting and understanding of
information between two or more people.
Functions of communication

• A communication function is the means by

which organized activities are unified. It is also
the means by which behavior is modified,
change is effective, information is made
productive, and goals are achieved. Few
important communication functions are
briefly discussed below.
• Linking people together: communication is a means by
which people are linked together in an organization to
achieve a common goals or purpose. This is still the
fundamental function of communication. Indeed, group
activity is impossible without communication because
coordination and change can be effected.
• Solving problems: a number of behavior related
problems occur in the organizations. Communication is
the means to solve such problems through developing
interpersonal relations among organizational members.
• Initiating coordinated action: communication is the
key to achieve coordinated action. Without it,
people would not know what to do, and
organizations would not be able to function
• Sharing of information: communication helps to
share available information. Indeed, information
weather it is data about a products sales
performance or instruction on how to perform a
task is the core of all organizational activities.
• Develop social relations between people:
there is also an interpersonal side of
organizational communication, a focus on the
social relations between people. For example,
communication contributes a lot in such
important purposes as developing friendship
and building trust and acceptance. Through
developing social relations work environment
will be more pleasant.
• Relating organization with external environment:
communication facilitates to establish relations
between organization and external environment.
It is through information exchange that managers
become aware of the needs of customers, the
availability of suppliers, the claims of
stockholders, the regulations of government, and
the concerns of a community. In fact, it is only
through communication functions any
organization becomes an open system
interacting with its environment.
Characteristics of communication

• communication is the transmission of

information from one person to another. It
helps to maintain coordination among all the
mechanisms of the organization and gain
common goals. The following are the major
features of communication.
• Minimum two persons: in communication there must be at least
two persons. One is the sender and another is the receiver. The
sender delivers message and the receiver receives them. They
exchange information of common interest to each other. However,
in mass communication there may be more than two persons.
• Two way process: for effectiveness of information, there must be a
two way process in communication. In management hierarchy, the
information of direction, guidance, and instruction are
communicated form the top level to subordinate level. The
subordinates communicate the information of achievement of
works and difficulty in performance to the upper level. The two
way communication is essential to gain feedback or direction.
• Pervasive function: communication is a pervasive managerial
function. It is the function of every manager. Where the top level
manager communicates to the middle level managers, the middle
level managers communicate to the lower level managers and again
the lower level managers to operating level employees and vice
versa. This is essential to get feedback of performance to be
• Complete and rational process: communication is a rational and
complete process. It is the transmission of understanding from the
sender to the receiver. A receiver processed for response only when
he is able to understand the subject of message. An effective
communication system must be clear, complete and rational. An
unclear and incomplete message becomes worthless and confuse to
the receiver therefore, complete and rational communication is an
important need for the human relation perspective.
• Continuous function: communication is a continuous process up
to the existence of the organization and its performance. It is
known that if no communication there is no functioning of an
organization. A manager communicates to subordinates and
other authorities of the organization in a continuous way to know
about the problems and achievement of works. In this way,
communication among work groups is essential to maintain
continually in regular functions of the organization.
• Oral or written: generally, managers are communicated either
orally or in writing. When messages are important and vary
evidential or formal information, it is appropriate to use the
written means. And for general and regular information, it is
sufficient to use oral means. Besides, the use of signs, hints and
symbols are also means of communication. These means are
• Formal or informal: on the basis of nature and
system, communication is may be either
formal or informal. Formal communication
flows through formal channels of organization.
These means are used to communicate official
information within and outside the
organization. Informal communication flows
through informal channels, which is not
defined by the management. The informal
groups on the basis of their mutual relation,
interest, like and purpose develops these
Communication structure
• Communication structure is the pattern or network that is
implemented in the organization to communicate information. It
is the system where the message may flow in one or too many
directions on the basis of requirement. Broadly, there are two
types of communication they are formal and informal. Depending
upon the nature and size of the organization and types of
communication, different communication networks can be
implemented on the basis of their effectiveness. In large
organizations, it is complex to develop an effective communication
network. In such organizations, the main communication network
is divided into many sub networks that maintain link with the
main network for their effectiveness. It is helpful to determine
speed, accuracy, and smoothness through which the message
flows in the organization.
Broadly there are four types of
communication networks consisting of
• Wheel network; under the wheel network system, the leader of
the organization works as a central person to accumulate
information and to disseminate it to all the members. In this
network, the top level manager is the source of information. He
provides information within and outside the organization.
Within the organization he provides information to
subordinates and also accumulates required information from
them. In this network system, subordinates have no authority
to communicate with each other to exchange official
information. Similarly, he receives all the information coming
from outside. It is faster and suitable to simple and routine type
of works. However, it is the most autocratic type of network.
• Chain network: the chain network has all the
appearances of an organizational chain of command. It is
the vertical upward and downward form of formal chain
of communication. In this structure, a person can
communicate only with his immediate superior and
subordinate. In this structure information of an
organization is communicated in a chain from the upper
level to the subordinate levels and also from the
subordinate levels to the upper level in a sequence. This
type of network is common in all organizations where
hierarchy of authority and responsibility is clearly
defined among the members.
• Circle network: it is a horizontal or sideward form of
circle network. In this network, a person can
communicate to other person next to his right or left
but not with any other members of the group. Such
network offers a wider option of channels and provides
satisfaction to members. For example, in a meeting, a
member converses with the member on his right or left.
In a similar way, in formal organization, a production
manager communicates to the marketing or finance
manager to get official information
• All channel networks: it is an informal form of
network where all members can communicate their
ideas, views, and suggestions to all the members of
the group. In this structure, members have no
restriction and boundaries to convey their
information. They have more freedom to flow
information among the group members. The leader
of the group does not hold excessive power to
control group members. Therefore, it is known as
open channel of network.
Communication process

• Communication is the process of exchanging

information from one person to another. The
process of communication begins when one person
(sender) wants to transmit a fact, idea, opinion and
other information to someone else(receiver.) to
make communication purposeful, it is essential to
complete some common steps both from the
sender and also form the receiver. Generally, the
following are the steps essential to fulfill the
communication process
• Sender: the sender is the course of information. He
may be the manager, non manager, departments or
organization itself. A manager may communicate to
other managers, subordinates, supervisors, clients,
and customers and to outsiders. Basically, the sender
is the initiator of the process of communication. He
formulates message through his idea, need, intention,
and source, which he wants to communicate to the
receiver. Therefore, the sender must conceptualize
the message before it is encoded.
• Encoding: it is the process of giving a form and
meaning to the message. It involves selecting the
medium through which to communicate the
planned message. When the sender expresses
message in terms of words, symbols, gestures,
drawing, or other means are forms of encoding. The
main purpose of encoding is to translate thoughts
and feeling into a code that others are able to
understand. It makes message meaningful and
understandable to the receiver.
• Message: the output of the encoding process is the
message. It is the subject matter of communication
which the sender wants to convey to the receiver. It
may consist of facts, opinions, ideas, request, and
suggestion etc. of the sender. The sender expresses
his views, ideas and facts in terms of messages
either in written or verbally to the receiver. In a
business organization, the purpose of message may
concern to purchase, sales, agreement, promotion,
and other business related activities.
• Medium: it refers to the selection of channel of
communication to convey encoded messaged to the
receiver. It brings the gap between the sender and the
receiver in communication message of common interest.
To communicate message different mediums can be
used on the basis of their effectiveness. For instance, an
oral communication can be made through telephone,
mediator, and group discussion etc. Whereas written
communication can be made through the means of
letters memo, report, newspaper etc. however, the
selection of appropriate medium of communication
depends upon the nature and importance of the
• Receiver: the receiver is the second person in the
communication process. He receives messages,
understands the same, and takes necessary steps for
response. From the technical point of view,
communication become complete only when it is
received an understood by the receiver. Therefore,
an effective message communicated must be
receiver oriented, not sender oriented. a receiver
does not respond to a message until and unless the
understands the actual meaning of the message.
• Decoding: decoding refers to the process by which receivers
translate the message into terms meaningful to tem. It is the
process of interpreting messages by the receiver. In other
words, decoding is termed as the transmission of
understanding between the sender and receiver. It is
essential to get the knowledge or meaning of massage as
per the intention of the sender. If words of letters, reports,
circular, newspapers etc are decoded not in accordance with
the senders intention ,they will be misinterpreted, which
may create a misunderstanding between the sender and the
receiver. Such event creates problems in the organization.
The effectiveness of communication can be realized only
when the receiver is able to decode message in accordance
• Feedback: it is the final stage in the communication process.
Feedback determines whether the message is clearly
understood and whether required action is taken by the
receiver as intended by the sender. When the receiver is
able to decode message received from the sender, he
provides the response on time. Therefore, the sender
should send messages in simple and clear sentences by
considering the receivers views. The success of the
communication process can be measured only when the
sender is able to receive positive response from the receiver.
The feedback to the sender completes the process of
communication. Basically, one way communication process
does not fulfill the objective of communicating message.
Types of communication

• Communication is the process by which ideas;

messages and views are exchanged between
two or more persons and form one place to
another. Depending upon requirement,
different communication channels can be used
to transfer information on the basis of their
effectiveness. The following are the common
types of communication.
Formal communication

• Formal communication is an official form of communication that

flows though formally constituted channels of the organization.
It has a distinct path that is institutionally determined by the
management to communicate information. It is also controlled
and regulated by the management. And all the members of
organization are bound to follow the defined channel of the
organization. Generally, a proper system of communication is
developed in an organization in order to make the flow of
information orderly so that information flows order to make the
flow of information orderly so that information flows smoothly
and timely to the points where it is required. It supports in
maintain supervision and control over the performance of
subordinates and fix their official responsibility. Broadly, there
are three forms of formal communication.
• Downward communication: the flow of information from
superior to subordinates in the management hierarchy is
known as downward communication. Basically, information
of instruction, plans, polices and direction formally flows
from the upper level to the lower level. Such information is
essential to maintain regular operation of the enterprise
and to meet planned objectives. An appropriate flow of
downward information helps make employees responsible
and loyal to the organizational goals. The main media of
downward communication consist of regular schedule of
work, notice, circular memo etc.
• Upward communication: the flow of information from
subordinates to superiors in an organization is known as
upward communication. Generally, information of
achievement of work done, problems faced in performance,
suggestions grievance etc are communicated form the lower
level to the upper level. Such information enables the
management to know what is actually happening in all the
departments of the organization. It helps manager to maintain
effective control over organizational performance and which is
a must to complete managerial job. The concept of
decentralization and delegation cannot be fruitful without true
and factual upward information form subordinates. Therefore,
in every organization there should be a proper channel for
upward communication
• Sideward communication: it is the horizontal flow of
information among the employees having equal level of
authority. In such a communication system, employees of the
same level exchange their ideas, views, experience, and
knowledge among each other. For instance, exchange of
information between a marketing manager and a production
manager. This form of communication is essential to exchange
information of common interest and to develop feeling of
teamwork among the employees. This is helpful to maintain
understanding and self coordination among the managers of
the same level, which is ultimately helpful to gain
organizational goal.
Informal communication

• Informal communication is an unofficial form of

communication. It is free from all sorts of formalities. In
this form of communication, it is not necessary to follow
formal channels to exchange messages. Members of an
informal group exchange their opinions, views, ideas and
other information to each other and also to other informal
groups. In an office it is not used to communicate formal
message. However, employees of an organization use this
type of communication to develop understanding, social
relationship and friendship to each other. They interact
with search other without any official instruction.
• The most popular informal communication
network is grapevine communication network.
In the grapevine system, information flows
through the networks of friends. This is
unstructured communication network formed
and maintained by social relations rather than
defined by a formal organization structure.
The important characteristics of grapevine communication are

• Easy to transmit information quickly in all

• Information is only transmitted to those to
whom the sender knows better and believes that
the receiver is interested to know the
• The information network relies on social
relations and thus information flow occurs
among the people who have similar backgrounds
and are able to send and receive information.
• Along with its informational value, the grapevine
is an important social process that bounds people
together and fulfills their need for affiliation.
Finally, because it is most active when employees
are worried, the grapevine is a valuable signal for
corporate leaders to take appropriate action. This
may include resolving the problems behind the
rumors or communicating more fully through
formal networks.
Interpersonal communication

• Communication takes place between two individuals or group

of individuals in face to face or through direct contact is known
as interpersonal communication. It is also known as two way
communication. This is the primary means of communication in
the workplace. In this method both the parties exchange their
views and news in direct way. For instance, a manager provides
direction and guidance to subordinates to perform given jobs,
similarly, subordinates communicate the process of work and
also suggestion to resolve problem is any, in performance.
• It consists of two types they are oral communication and non
oral communication.

Barriers to effective communication

• Communication is regarded as providing a basis for

the operational life of the organization. However, in
practice some barriers emerge in communication,
which may create problems in its effectiveness.
Generally, lack of understanding in communication
exchange is a major barrier of good commutation.
Effective communication may be interrupted in an
organization due to many reasons. Some of the
common barriers in effective communication are
Organizational barriers

• In some cases, some organizational system and

belief itself creates problems for free flow of
information. It creates difficulty in transforming
information to target authority which also creates
problems to meet objectives. These organizational
barriers involve organizational policy, organizational
rules and regulations, lengthy scalar chain, one way
communication system and lack of confidence in
subordinates etc. Brief explanations of these
barriers are given below.
Organizational policy:
• organizational policy regulated by the management
in regarded communication system provides overall
guideless to the members to use the defined
network. The policy may be in written form or it is
understood from the behavior of the top
management. Therefore, in the absence of
supportive policy of the top management,
information cannot reach the direction where it is
required, so the communication flow will not be
smooth and adequate.
Organizational rules and regulation:

• the rules and regulation of the organization

regarding transformation of subject matter of
information and use of channels also affect
free flow of information. The rules may
restrict the free flow of certain messages and
may ignore some important ones among
them. In a similar way, the follow of specified
channels as regulated by rules may be the
reason of delay in receiving message.
Lengthy scalar chain:
• when the scalar chain is lengthily and the
management hierarchy is not clearly defined,
communication gets delayed. In some
situations there is the possibility of
communication breakdown. Superior and
subordinates might be confused as to whom
to contact and convey their problem.
One way communication system:
• in an organization, if the communication
system is only one way from top level to
subordinates there is the possibility of
development of grievance among
subordinates. Management does not get
feedback on the progress of works and
problems in the operating level.
Lack of confidence in subordinates
some conservative managers perceive that their
subordinates are not skilled and competent to
bear responsibility. They believe that they
have no idea and knowledge to give
suggestions and guidance about work related
problems such a belief may twist the free flow
of communication in the organization.
Physical barriers

• Internal structure of the organization and

layout of office machine and equipment also
create barriers in the transformation of
information. These create difficulty for free,
clear and smooth flow of information. Some
common physical barriers are given below.
Physical distance
the location of departments and branches in
different geographical and regional distances
may breakdown communication flow of an
organization. It is difficult to communicate the
required information to different locations. If
appropriate communication network is not
developed in the organization.
Hierarchy structure:
hierarchy structure creates status difference
among the members of an organization. It
divides the members of the organization from
the top level to the subordinate level on the
basis of their authority and responsibility.
Generally, the members at the subordinate
level fear and hesitate to communicate
message to the upper level. This also breaks
down communication flow in an organization.
Office design
• office layout also creates barriers in free and
prompt flow of information. If the top level
manager sits in a separate closed room, it
becomes difficult to the subordinates to enter
frequently to the managers cabin to
communicate massage.
noise form external environment creates
problem in understanding the messages in
accordance with the sender's intention. When
the receiver is unable to understand the
message he can't provide a response.
Therefore noise also breaks down
communication feedback.
Psychological barriers

• These barriers are generated due to human

perception, lack of skill and negative thinking
of top level managers. Such psychological
factors create difficult for productive flow of
information and create problems in meeting
defined objectives. Some common
psychological barriers are given below.
Distrust of communicator
many subordinates do not believe on the
superior's messages thinking that they might
change, cancel or modify to their own view
and ideas. In such situations, even genuine
and honest communication by such superior is
not taken seriously by the subordinates.
Superiority complex
superiority complex of the higher authority also
creates barriers in the free flow of
information. Such managers feel themselves
superior and would like to talk and
communicate with subordinates thinking that
it is below their dignity.
Individual perception:
perception is the process of understanding and
interpreting things, events and people. Two
people may not have the same perception of
any events and thing. Most of the
misunderstanding and conflict occur due to
perception differenced.
Premature evaluation:
premature evaluation is concerned with
evaluating the subject matter before getting
detailed information. Generally, employees at
the subordinate level go for premature
evaluation of communication. It may develop
a misunderstanding and conflict between
superiors and subordinates.
Semitic barriers

• These barriers are created due to use of

difficult and insensitive language by the
sender. in such cases, the receiver will not
consider the message and due to which
objective of information cannot be gained.
And there are some common semantic
barriers which are described below
Harsh language:
• the use of harsh or poor language will
emotionally affect the sentiment and ego of
the receivers. In such cause, receivers try to
resist to senders and may not provide any
response. An egoistic receiver for instance,
may respond in a negative way, which may be
the reason of misunderstanding and conflict.
Vague language:
• the use of complex, multi meaning word and
proverbs creates confusion in the mind of
receiver. He may interpret the communication
differently and also respond in a different way.
Such a wrong interpretation and response will
not meet the objectives of the sender.
Misleading translation
receiving wrong translation of messages also
creates barriers in communication from the
top level which has to be translated by them
in simple language for the use of first line of
managers. But if they translate the messages
wrong direction and the main purpose of
communication may not be fulfilled.
Technical language:
some managers use technical terms in
communication. These technical terms may be
drawn from accountancy, engineering,
economics. Production etc. the use of such
technical terms creates confusion to the
ordinary receivers, therefore, they do not
provide any response to the sender.
Technological barriers

• These barriers are formed due to defect in

technology used and overload in information.
In such cases, the receiver cannot respond in
time and due to which the objective of
information cannot be met. There are some
common technological barriers which involve
mechanical barriers, loss of transmission,
Mechanical barriers:
• in some cases, mechanical devices used in the
communication process may suffer from
mechanical defeats. For instance technical
faults in telephone line, defects in computer
software, internet network problems etc.
create serious communication problems. In a
similar way, messages conveyed through
persons or other messengers may not convey
the same message as specified by the sender.
Loss of transmission:
• generally, a verbal message when it is in
course of transmission may lose some of its
main contents. In a similar way, due to limited
memory power of the receiver, there is also a
possibility of loss of content of the message.
Information overload:
managers may receive information from various
sources. Such information is the basis of office
operation. In fact, because of advance communication
technology, difficult may arise not from the absence of
information but form excessive information. In such a
situation, he cannot absorb adequately all messages
directed to him. He may leave a majority of important
messages, which in fact means that these messages are
not studied in detail. Therefore they may not respond
to all the senders in a systematic way.
Insufficient period allowed:
• the pressure of time is an important barrier to
lack of sufficient time. Managers may not be
able to analyze information in detail and its
formal channel of communication. In such a
situation, he may respond to a message
without considering the subject matter and its
Enhancing effective communication

• Communication is regarded as a basis for providing

the operational life of an organization. It is
important for securing smooth functioning of an
organization to achieve organizational goals. Many
barriers arise in course of communication, however,
all attempt must be made by the management to
minimize these barriers. The following common
measure can be applied to minimize barriers and to
enhance effective communication.
Effective listening
• effective listening is a must to understand the
message. The manger responds to the message
only if he is able to hear the message properly and
understands its meaning. For this, it is essential to
encourage someone to express his or her true
feeling, desires and emotions. An effective
listening helps to understand the messages in a
said manner. Clear message also helps the
receiver to provide response in a systematic way.
Utilizing feedback:
• feedback is an important element of effective
two way communication. Communication
process is incomplete without feedback, as the
sender has no way of knowing whether his
communication has been successful or not. It is
essential both in written, verbal and non verbal
communication. Direct and immediate feedback
is possible in face to face communication. An
organization must develop a two way
communication system for effective utilization of
Regulating information flow
Regulating the flow of communication ensures
an optimum flow of information to managers.
It reduces communication overload to the
managers. Optimum flow of information
provides sufficient time for managers to make
a detailed study of each and every message.
These principle states that information which
is significant from the policies and procedures
of the organization should only be brought to
the attention of manager.
Two way communication:
• Two way communications is essential in every
organization to make communication more
effective. Both the sender and receiver should give
more attention to fulfill its objective. In
management hierarchy, there must be two systems
of communication item from top level to
subordinates and vice versa. Top managers should
get information from subordinates to know the
progress of jobs and problems in performance. This
is helpful in taking right decisions in proper time.
Simplifying language.
As far as possible the sender should use simple
language in communication. The sender should
use the word and sentences considering the level
of knowledge of the receiver. In the use of
language complex, multi meaning words and
proverbs must be avoided because it may create
confusion in the minds of receiver. He may
interpret the communication differently and also
respond in a different way. Such wrong
interpretation and response will not meet the
objectives of sender
Avoid information overload:
• a manager receives many information from
various sources. This information is the basis of
office operation. However, all these information
are not equally important in organizational
performance. In fact because of advances in
communication technology, difficulty may arise
not from the absence of information but from
excessive information. Therefore, important
information should be taken into consideration
and useless information should be discarded.
Create an environment of trust and
in communication process, there must be an
environment of trust and confidence between
the sender and e receiver. In an origination,
the top management must create the
environment of trust and confidence. It
requires that the management must develop
sound polices and put them in writing in front
of subordinates.
Reduce psychosocial barriers
• : psychosocial barriers consist of distrust of
communicator, superiority complex, individual
perception, no attention etc. subordinates should
believe in the superior's messages and implements his
instructions and guidance properly. The top level
manager should avoid the feeling of superiority complex
in communication information with subordinates. There
must be the same perception between the manager and
subordinates regarding organizational performance and
goals. The manager and subordinates must avoid both
premature evolution of the message. The receiver must
pay proper attention to information to understand it.
Current issues in communication

• Men and women in communication: it is not true that

men and women have the same motivation for
communication. Whereas women are more prone to
establish relations, men are looking for status in the
communication process. The number of the people
present normally determines domination in
communication. Some researchers suggest that women
are good communicator then men. Men are aggressive,
individualistic and competitive in communication matters
whereas women have better skills in situational
Privacy in communication:

• this is a relevant issue in the field of communication in the

organization. With the accelerating growth of information
technology, email is the most commonly used channel of
communication among the employees. At the same time,
to complete in the global market, a company has to
communicate strategic and valuable information to the
managers. Secrecy about such information is the main
thing for the company. Therefore, in many states of the
united states, bosses can open and check subordinates
email messages. In these circumstances, the issue of
employee privacy becomes worst pressing on the moral
grounds. How do you feel when your boss opens your
email and reads messages, if it is written to your
girlfriend? It might be harassing .
Political correctness of communication in the workplace

• : there is different vocabulary used to describe

handicapped, blind and elderly people, this
vocabulary is carefully selected to assure political
correctness in describing the above types of
people. However, in the name of selecting new
and politically correct vocabulary, sometimes,
there is a danger of losing the real meaning or
misusing the vocabulary in the communication
process. It is important to choose the word which
is the most representative in the communication
process and it should not be offensive to others.

• Communication is the process of transmitting and

understanding of information between two or more
people in the organization. It has great importance in
making decisions. Communication process interacts
with different human elements and thus creates an
environment for information exchanges. With the
rapid growth of globalization and information
technology, emphasis has been shifted to the need
for strategic communication management from
simply organizational communication.
• The process of communication ends with the exchange
of information between sender and receiver. In
between, there are different methods of
communication. Its system ensures a smooth flow and
different methods of communication. Its system ensures
a smooth flow and direction of information. The system
includes downward, side and upward communication
flows and directions. The communication networks both
formal and informal depict interactive patents of
relations and channels of information flows
• Besides regular decision-making, they also
strengthen organizational culture. However, in the
communication process, a free flow of
communication cannot always be ensured. Some
barriers may distort communication, such as
filtering, perceptual errors, language, information
overload and the lack of feedback of important
information. To minimize dysfunctional effects of
such distortions in the communication process,
effective communication is required.
Questions form communication
• Communication is a powerful tool to change
the human behavior and action. How it can be
effective? Do you feel that the communication
system is effective an efficient in your
organization where you are serving there? Are
you suggesting any improvement in Nepalese
governments units?
• How communication flows in an organization?
What types of communication are available in
organizations? Being a top level manager,
which one you will recommend to use in a
university or own organization operation?

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