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Reading and Writing Skills

Reading and Thinking

Strategies across Text
 Define reading and understand the
reading process
 Identify effective reading strategies
 Describe the importance of reading
What is reading?
Caroll Gray
READING early in life gives a
youngster a multitude of friends
to guide intellectual and
emotional growth.
What is reading?
Richard Sleete

READING is to the mind what

exercise is to the body.
What is reading?
Chinese Proverb

After three days without

READING, talk becomes
What is reading?
 Isaac d’israelli
The delights of READING
imparts vivacity of youth even in
old age.
What is reading?

 Francis Bacon

Reading makes a full man.

₋ is an activity that challenges our beliefs, inspires our imagination,
and expands our understanding of the world.
₋ involves a complex interaction between the text and the reader.
₋ is an indispensable skill that requires continuous practice,
development and refinement.
₋ is a cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning from a
₋ is a skill that can be improved through consistent practice.
1.Getting an overview of the text
 Previewing Visible parts of the text
 Skimming Main point
 Scanning Specific information
2. Using Context Clues
 Synonyms
 Antonyms
 Examples
 Explanations and Definitions
 Situations

3. Using Connotation and Denotation

 Denotation
 Connotation
1. Reading is a complex mental task.

Reading makes you utilize your brain,

which in turn:
▪ improves concentration
▪ improves ability to pay attention
▪ improves ability to focus for longer
periods of time
2. Reading improves discipline and
▪ Making time for books everyday
improves discipline and is shown to be
personally rewarding over time.

▪ Reading helps you to use and even

improve your memory by remembering
details, characters, plots, and more.
3. Reading builds self-esteem.

▪ Reading more expands the amount of

knowledge you have.

▪ More knowledge leads to higher


▪ Higher confidence boosts self-esteem.

4. Reading improves creativity.

▪ Reading about new things challenges

your brain to think in new ways.

▪ Reading helps to develop the creative

side of the brain by exposing it to
unique or unfamiliar ideas.
5. Reading improves vocabulary.

▪ Reading challenging books will expose

you to many new words.

▪ With the help of a dictionary and

context clues, you will be able to build
your vocabulary in no time.
6. Reading inceases imagination.
▪ Reading strengthens and improves
imagination by putting the brain in new

▪ Our brain processes descriptions by

putting them into mental pictures.

▪ This also reduces boredom and

enhances activity.
7. Reading broadens your horizons.
▪ Reading gives you an insight into
diversity and other cultures.

▪ It teaches you about people, places,

and events outside of your own

▪ It teaches you about different beliefs

and ways of life that may be new to
8. Reading helps develop a strong sense of
▪ Reading helps us to develop empathy by
allowing us to feel what our characters feel and
put ourselves in someone else' shoes.

▪ It also builds a strong sense of compassion.

▪ Reading establishes a better understanding of

human nature.
9. Reading improves school
▪ It doesn't just improve English/Language
Arts, or even history. Avid readers got
better grades across all subjects, even

▪ Avid readers also are known to get

better grades throughout middle, high
school, and college.
10. Words are our everyday tools.
▪ You speak thousands of words

▪ Many people write something everyday.

▪ Avid readers find it easier to

communicate because of their expanded
vocabularies and practice of vocabulary
through reading.
Make an acrostic of READING. Observe creativity and
good content.

CONTENT - 30pts
On a whole sheet of paper:

Write a story about

your life from then and
“Reading makes a full
by Francis Bacon

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