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Chapter 1.

Characteristics of Living organisms

Characteristics of life.

• All living organisms are made of cells. Cell

is the structural and functional unit of
living organisms. Cell contains the living
matter called protoplasm which consists of
cytoplasm and nucleus.
Growth and organization

• All living organisms grow and maintain

their complex organization by taking in
molecules and energy from their
surroundings. Cells organize in to tissues
which in turn join together to form organs.
Many organs join together to form a

• Various chemical activities take place in the body

of a living organism, together called metabolism.
It is divided in to two types. To maintain life,
millions of reactions take place in our cells.
• Anabolism, constructive. Protein synthesis from
amino acids.
• Catabolism which is destructive. Breaking down
of food substances for the release of energy.
• One of the characteristic features of living
organisms is to maintain homeostasis.
• Another characteristic feature of living organisms
is that they can sense and respond to stimuli.
(Sensitivity or irritability)
• A stimulus can be defined as anything that can
bring about a change in the activity of the whole
or part of the organism. There are both external
(hot object) and internal stimuli ( hunger, thirst,
sex urge etc.)
Reproduction and growth.

• All living organisms are capable of reproduction

and growth.
• Reproduction is the ability to produce new living
young ones of the same kind. Two types: Sexual
and asexual. In sexual reproduction male and
female gametes are involved. (sperm and the
• In the asexual reproduction sexual gametes are
not involved. E.g. binary fission in amoeba.
• Living organisms do respire. Respiration is the
gaseous exchange between a living organism
and the environment. It is also the breaking
down of food substances for the release of
• Two types of respiration: Aerobic (in the
presence of oxygen) and
• Anaerobic (in the absence of oxygen. Human
beings respire aerobically.
• C6H12O6 + 6O2 > 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38ATP

• Excretion is the removal of waste products

produced as a result of body metabolism. The
main excretory organs in our body are a pair of
kidneys, lungs, skin and the liver. Urea, uric
acid, Carbon dioxide, water, sweat etc. are
excretory waste products. Feces is not an
excretory waste product. It is the undigested
food particles and the removal of undigested
food particles is known as egestion.

• Evolution is a process that leads to

structural, functional and behavioral
changes in species known as adaptations.
Survival of the fittest is Darwin’s theory of
evolution. Favorable adaptations increase
the chances of survival and reproduction
of an organism.
Part of ecosystem.

• All living organisms are part of earth’s

ecosystems. We are dependent on other
living organisms for food, water, and other
things. Ecosystems are the life support
system of the planet.

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