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5S Methodology

• How to implement "5S" and get extraordinary results

Can you see what
is missing?

Here what we obtained by "5S"

- 50% more space

- More productivity

- Less conflicts.
Why "5S" ?
• Do you ever look at your desk and wish it would well
organized ?

• Do you hear stories about 30-40% space savings and

wonder, “How do they do it?”

• Have you ever spent 4 hours to make order in a

department and then ... chaos again?
Here the good news!
I will explain how to implement "5S" and get results

What is the first "S" ?

Incredibly is not "Sort" !
The first "S" is to be prepared!

Here the Tools

Tool 1 - Leadership Committement

Tool 2 - A lot of stuff ready to be used

Tool 3 - Training before starting

Tool 4 - Do it! Do not say: "You have to do"

Let's Start with the
5S Methodology
and the tips to be successful

Do you want to see

real examples?
S number "0"
Be Prepared !
1S - Sort
Junk, Broken objects and "Strange Things" in an office
2S - Set in Order
Can you see the difference?
2S - Set in Order
Another example
Simply Clear!
Now it is
your turn!
Do the 5S at your home
with your shoes.

You will learn a lot

You will be satisfied

You will teach what you

learned from experience

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