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Предмет: Англиски јазик

Oдделение: V/VI/VII/VIII
Наставник: Александра Ковачовска
Техничка поддршка:
Директор: Добрила Јовевска
Основно училиште: ООУ ,,Ванчо Китанов” - Пехчево


tall taller the tallest

What are adjectives?

• висока зграда
• a tall building
positive form comparative superlative
(позитив) form form
(компаратив) (суперлатив)
Macedonian висок повисок највисок
(македонски) висока повисока највисока
високо повисоко највисоко
високи повисоки највисоки

English tall taller the tallest

Example - Пример

• 1. my building 2. your building 3. Ben’s building

• Мојата зграда е повисока од твојата. Зградата на Бен е највисока.

компаратив суперлатив

• My building is taller than yours. Ben’s building is the tallest.

comparative form superlative form

Зошто се користи компаративот?
• Компаративот се користи за да споредуваме две личности или
две нешта. Мораме да го користиме зборот ,,than” што значи
Зошто се користи суперлативот?
• Суперлативот се користи за да споредиме една личност или
едно нешто со повеќе луѓе или нешта од ист тип/вид. Всушност,
го користиме суперлативот за да кажеме дека едно лице или
едно нешто е уникатно (единствено) во споредба со други луѓе
или други нешта.
Како се образува компаратив и суперлатив
кај придавките?
Regular forms Positive forms Comparative forms Superlative forms
(правилни форми)
1. Повеќето cheap cheaper than the cheapest
едносложни придавки
2. Едносложни nice nicer than the nicest
придавки што
завршуваат на -e
3. Едносложни big bigger than the biggest
придавки што
завршуваат на
согласка пред која
има кратка
4. Двосложни easy easier than the easiest
придавки кои
завршуваат на -y
5. Долги придавки expensive more expensive than the most expensive
Positive forms Comparative forms Superlative forms
Irregular forms good better than the best
(Неправилни форми)
bad worse than the worst

far further/farther than the furthest/the farthest

much/many more than the most

little less than the least

Expressing equality
(Искажување еднаквост)

• …………as (adjective) as…………… - исто толку колку и

e.g. Tom’s building is as tall as John’s building.

• ……….not as (adjective) as………… - не исто толку колку и

e.g. Jack’s building is not as tall as Tom’s building.
Practice activities
Complete the gaps using comparative adjectives. Use the adjectives in brackets.

more beautiful
1. My house is………………………..(beautiful) than my best friend’s house.
2. Emily’s hair is…………………………(curly) than her brother’s hair.
3. His dog is………………………………..(thin) than your dog.
more interesting
4. Trevor and George are……………………………..(interesting) than our other neighbours.

Complete the gaps using superlative adjectives. Use the adjectives in brackets.
the best
1. Berlin is………………………………….(good) city in the world.
the worst
2. That film was………………………………(bad) – so boring!
the funniest
3. My friends are……………………………….(funny) people in the world.
the most expensive
4. This is……………………………………………(expensive) coat in the shop.
Practice activities
Complete the gaps with the correct form of the comparative or superlative structures.
Use the adjectives in brackets.
the best
1. My apartment is……………………………… (good) in the whole building because it has more light.

2. I think my dad’s job is…………………………………..(easy) than my mum’s. He gets more time off.

3. Is this film…………………………..(good) than the film we watched last week? I hope so!

the most intelligent

4. Maria is…………………………………(intelligent) person in the school. She studies so hard!

the happiest
5. Look! My dog is………………………………………(happy) in the park. He loves playing.

6. A: It is very hot today! B: I think it was……………………………(hot) yesterday .
Practice activities
Find and correct the errors in these sentences.

1. I think this film is worst than the one we saw last week.

2. She’s the best player in the team.

as confident
3. A: Is he confident as his sister? B: Yes, he is!

4. That was the most easy question in the exam.

5. My best friend isn’t quite as old as me.


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