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Tips for best Bid

Tips for preparing best bid to win:

Meius ba preparasaun atu bele manan

Tips for preparing best bid:
A - Bid document preparation:
 Read the complete bid document carefully.
 Submit all required documents.
 Provide authentic and correct information where required.
 Prepare realistic time & resource based work plan.

B – Preparation of BoQ:
 Use realistic unit rate of labour, equipment and materials, based on the
project location.
 If equipment are owned by company, use realistic per day rate.
 Calculate Productivity for labour and equipment only. No productivity
calculation for materials
 Use proper task rate for labour and equipment. Low task rate will increase
the unit cost of road works item and high task rate will decrease the unit cost
of road works.
 Do proper market survey and get appropriate source of buying materials.

Meius ba preparasaun konkursu nebe diak:
A – Preparasaun Dokumentu konkursu nian:
 Lee dokumentu konkursu kompletu ne’e ho kuidadu.
 Hatama dokumentu sira hotu nebe presiza.
 Fornese informasaun lejitimu no loloos enkuantu presiza.
 Prepara rekursu no tempu nebe realistiku bazeia ba Planu Servisu.

B – Preparasaun ba BoQ:
 Uza presu unitariu realistiku ba traballador, ekipamentu no material sira, bazeia ba
fatin projetu.
 Karik ekipamentu ne’e nain husi kompania ne’e, entaun uza kustu nebe realistiku ba
kada loron.
 Kalkula Produtividade ba traballador no ekipamentu deit. La iha kalkulasaun
produtividade ba material sira.
 Uza kustu servisu nebe propriu ba traballador no ekipamentu. Kustu servisu nian
ne’e sei aumenta kustu unitariu ba item obras/servisu estrada no kustu servisu nebe
aas ne’e sei hamenus kustu unitariu husi obras/servisu estrada nian.

B – Preparation of BoQ: Contd……..

 Check arithmetic calculation two to three times.

 Recheck the process and decide where you can reduce the unit cost.
 Collect information of labour, equipment and materials unit cost in market
before calculating unit rate analysis.
 Use best quality of material’s price. Don’t compromise quality of materials
while analyzing rate.
 Don’t use hand tools cost in routine maintenance unit rate analysis.
 Use realistic percentage of indirect cost.
 Please read specifications before unit rate calculation.
 High bid price – will make profit but no guarantee to win the bid.
 Realistic bid price – will make profit, chances of winning bid but have to
optimize the operation.
 Low bid price – will not make profit, very risky, certainly win the bid but
difficult to manage the contract and will not complete.

B – Preparasaun ba BoQ: Kont .…..
 Verifika Kalkulasaun aritmatika ba dala rua to’o tolu.
 Verifika fali prosesu ne’e no deside iha-nebe mak ita-boot bele hamenus kustu unitariu ne’e.
 Halibur informasaun konaba traballador, ekipamentu no material sira nia kustu unitariu iha
merkadu molok halo kalkulasaun ba analize kustu unitariu.
 Uza kustu material nebe ho kualidade diak. Labele halo kompromisu kualidade material sira
enkuantu analize kustu ne’e.
 Labele uza kustu ekipamentu manual nian iha analize kustu unitariu manutensaun rotina
 Uza persentajen realistiku ba kustu indireta.
 Halo-favor lee espesifikasaun sira molok halo kalkulasaun kustu unitariu.
 Tau presu konkursu nebe aas – sei halo lukru maibe lagarantia atu manan konkursu ne’e.
 Presu konkursu realistiku – sei halo lukru, posibilidade atu manan konkursu ne’e maibe
tenke optimiza ninia operasaun.
 Tau Presu konkursu nebe menus – sei lahalo lukru, risku loos, konserteza manan konkursu
ne’e maibe difisil atu maneija kontratu ne’e no sei lakompleta.

B – Preparation of BoQ: Contd……..

 This is competitive bidding. Prepare winning bid. Remember there will be

someone very close to your price?. So Think many times!!!!!!!!!,
or - B Contract
Contract or - C
or - A Contract
or - D
My bidding price
should be
realistic and best
of these
contractors. I
have to win this
Bid. Aaahooo!!!!
B – Preparasaun ba BoQ: Kont……..

 Ida ne’e konkursu kompetitivu. Prepara konkursu nebe mak atu manan. Tenke hanoin katak
sei iha ema seluk mak iha presu konkursu nebe besik ho ita?. Entaun tenke hanoin no

r - B Kontrato
Kontrato r-C
r-A Kontrato
Hau-nia presu
konkursu nian
tenke realistiku
no diak-liu duke
kontrator sira
seluk. Hau tenke
manan konkursu
ne’e. Aaahooo!!!! 9
Obrigadu Wain

Obrigadu Wain


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