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Long Span Trusses

 A truss is essentially a triangulated system of straight interconnected structural

elements. The most common use of trusses is in buildings, where support to roofs, the
floors and internal loading such as services and suspended ceilings, are readily
provided. The main reasons for using trusses are:
 Long span
 Lightweight
 Controlled deflection
 Opportunity to support considerable loads.
 A Truss is a structure composed of slender members (two-force
members) joined together at their end points. Joints are modelled by
smooth pin connections. Members are either under tension or
 Joints are usually formed by bolting or welding the members to a
common plate, called a gusset plate, or simply passing a large bolt
through each member.
Structures designed to support loads:
−Will transmit loads through the joints of the structure
−Will ultimately transmit loads to the foundation
Cost effective in design because:
−Weight is minimized (weight of members is typically light compared to loads
carried, so it is often neglected)
−Strength to weight ratio is maximized
All loads are applied / transmitted at joints
All members are joined by pin connections
Newton’s laws
Structural anatomy

Members under axial forces in a simple truss

1 - Compression axial force
2 - Tension axial force
 While many different trusses are available for roof construction, they can usually
be broken down into one of two basic categories. Flat trusses, known as parallel-
chord or girders, are used to construct flat roofs. Pitched, or common, trusses are
used to build sloped-roof structures. Hip, gambrel or bowstring designs are
popular examples of common trusses.
 All types of trusses have the same basic components and structure. The name
"truss" describes a triangular design, which may range from a simple individual
triangle to a large number of interconnected units.
 The outside framing members are known as chords, while the smaller
connecting members are called webs. A point where the truss rests on a load-
bearing wall is known as a bearing point, and a king post is a vertical support
that divides the bottom chord on many types of trusses.
 One of the primary benefits to truss construction is the ability to span much longer
areas than with traditional stick framing.
 They are also safer and more reliable than alternative materials.
 Truss roof systems can be erected much more quickly and efficiently than framed roofs,
and a variety of different truss designs are available offer versatility to builders and
 Because of the triangular shape of a truss, homeowners will find that roof trusses can
greatly reduce the amount of usable space in the attic.
 This can cause problems with storage, or may even cut into potential living space.
 The top and bottom chords of the truss provide the compression and tension
resistance to overall bending, and the bracing resists the shear forces.
 A wide range of truss forms can be created. Each can vary in overall geometry
and in the choice of the individual elements. Some of the commonly used
trusses for long span structures are as follows.
 Prat Truss
 Warren Truss
 X truss
Prat Truss
A Pratt truss includes vertical members and diagonals that slope down
towards the centre. The interior diagonals are under tension under
balanced loading and vertical elements under compression

Pratt truss (gravity loads)

Pratt truss (uplift loads)

 It is possible to add secondary members (as illustrated below left) to:
 Create intermediate loading points

 Limit the buckling length of members in compression (without

influencing the global structural behaviour).

Pratt truss with secondary members Duo`-pitch Pratt truss

A Pratt truss – University of Manchester (Image courtesy of Elland Steel Structures Ltd.)
Warren Truss
 In this type of truss, diagonal members are alternatively in tension and in
 The Warren truss has equal length compression and tension web members.
 For larger spans the modified Warren truss may be adopted where additional
restraint to the internal members is required (this also reduces secondary stresses).
 Warren trusses are commonly used in long span buildings ranging from 20 to 100
m in length.
 This type of truss is also used for the horizontal truss of gantry/crane girders.

Modified Warren truss

Warren truss

Modified Warren trusses – National Composites Centre, Bristol

(Image courtesy of Billington Structures Ltd.)
X truss

X truss

There are two different types of X truss :

 If the diagonal members are designed to resist compression, the X truss is the
superposition of two Warren trusses.
 If the resistance of the diagonal members in compression is ignored, the
behavior is the same as a Pratt truss.
This type of truss is more commonly used for wind girders, where the diagonal
members are very long.
Lateral Stability
Case 1
 Lateral stability provided by portal
 Longitudinal stability provided by
transverse wind girder and vertical
cross bracings (blue)
 No longitudinal wind girder.
 The connections between the truss
and the columns provide resistance to
a global bending moment
Case 2
 Vertical trusses are supported by columns.
 Lateral stability provided by longitudinal
wind girder and vertical bracings in the
gables (blue)
 Longitudinal stability provided by
transverse wind girder and vertical
bracings (green)
 Each vertical truss and the two columns between which it spans, constitute a
simple beam structure.
 The connection between the truss and a column does not resist the global
bending moment, and the two column bases are pinned.
 Transverse restraint is necessary at the top level of the simple structure; it is
achieved by means of a longitudinal wind girder carries the transverse forces
due to wind on the side walls to the braced gable walls.
Choice of TRUSS
General geometry
 In order to get a good structural performance, the ratio of span to truss depth should be
chosen in the range 10 to 15.
 The architectural design of the building determines its external geometry and governs the
slope(s) given to the top chord of the truss. The intended use of the internal space can lead
either to the choice of a horizontal bottom chord, e.g. where conveyors must be hung
under the chord, or to an inclined internal chord, to allow maximum space to be provided.
 To get an efficient layout of the truss members between the chords, the following is
 The inclination of the diagonal members in relation to the chords should be between 35°
and 55°
 Point loads should only be applied at nodes
 The orientation of the diagonal members should be such that the longest members are subject
to tension (the shorter ones being subject to compression).
Type of truss Member
Many solutions are available. The main criteria are:
 Sections should be symmetrical for bending out of the vertical plane of the truss
 For members in compression, the buckling resistance in the vertical plane of the truss
should be similar to that out of the plane.
 A popular solution, especially for industrial buildings, is to use sections composed of
two angles bolted on vertical gusset plates and intermediately battened, For both
chords and internal members. It is a very simple and efficient solution.
Types of Steel Truss Sections
 Steel trusses are generally built of angles, channels, plates and hollow, and
as any of these shapes are better adapted to resisting a tensile stress rather
than a compressive stress, economy requires that the form of the truss or
arrangement of the members, shall be such that there shall be as few
members in compression as practicable, and that the shorter web members
shall be in compression and the longer ones in tension.
 Almost any combination of triangles can be made to support a roof, when
built of steel, but some combinations will require a much greater weight of
metal, to support the given load than others
Another range of solutions is given by the use of 
 Hollow sections, for chords and/or for internals. 
Structural hollow sections are popular due to their efficiency in
compression and their neat and pleasing appearance in the case of
exposed trusses. 
 Structural hollow sections, however, have higher fabrication costs and are
only suited to welded construction.

Different types of steel section used in trusses

Long Span Truss Design

A triangle is a simplest form of a

truss, and assembly of many simple
triangular trusses forms a planar.
Planar trusses are typically used in
parallel to form roofs and bridges.
7)Long Span Truss Design
7)Long Span Truss Design
7)Long Span Truss Details

The truss depth is 900mm and has 1250mm wide bay. To keep the
fabrication simple, the top and bottom chord members are T sections cut
from ISMB sections to which web members are welded directly without
the use of gusset plates.
7)Long Span Truss Design

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