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Pre-construction Planning

● Pre-construction planning is a
preliminary form of strategizing that’s
done before a job starts. The goal is to
build or understand the full scope
of a project and its requirements.
● A complete planning phase generally
includes the project definition,
identification of potential issues,
scheduling and milestones, scope,
cost estimation, extraneous
requirements and overall needs
The following are vital to the planning process:
Project scope: The scope of work can be as detailed as necessary and
outlines what the construction crew will be doing, what the outcome
is, how long it will take and how they will get there.

Budget: An initial budget limit must be set to determine the monetary

confines of a project. An appropriate plan will also include details
about how it was chosen, what it reflects and what comparable costs
may be.

Schedule: A schedule is always necessary to determine the progress

of a project. How long will it take to complete, will it stay on time and
if not, what kind of delay might there be?
Once this information is laid out in a clear, concise manner for all involved
parties, the project can move forward to the active stages.
Here’s what proper planning should look like:

1. Meet with clients or customers to get a 4. Build a responsibility matrix that includes third
parties and subcontractors to understand who oversees
precise understanding of the project. Explore
what and when things will be delivered. Also, pre-plan
their demands and interests to help anticipate
contingencies in case one of the said parties is not
what changes may be requested. timely or dependable.
2. Develop an initial design by visiting the 5. Create a schedule that details milestones and sets
project site, choosing materials and coming goals for the team. It should also be communicated to
up with a loose plan. clients to help them understand how the project will be
3. Assess requirements, scope, cost estimates carried out.
and engineering to leave no stone unturned. 6. Understand that planning is never over and must
always be a continued effort throughout the scope of
the project.
What is project ● The project organization is the

organization? structure of the project. It’s created

separately, with specialists and
workers from various departments.
These personnel work under the
project manager.
● Project organization is a process. It
provides the arrangement for
decisions on how to realize a
project. It decides the project’s
process: planning how its costs,
deadlines, personnel, and tools will
be implemented. The project
organization is then presented to
the project stakeholders.
Areas of
Responsibility Project Team
There are three areas of competence and The project team implements
responsibility in a project organizational the project

Project Board
Project Leadership
The project board is the
The project leadership is decision-making body that
responsible for the defines project success and
management of the project whether or not a project must
be canceled
Types of Project Matrix
Organizational Structures Has teams report to both a functional
manager and project manager, sort of
a hybrid of the previous two
Functional structures.
When the organizational departments are grouped
by areas of specialization. In this case, the project is
usually executed in a silo environment. Organic
Embraces flexibility.

Projectized When the project manager is the
When the entire organization is organized by hub in the network.
the project.

Means that functional groups are
l Structure
Figuring out what structure to make a project
organization is only the start of organizing a
project. The real work is implementing and
applying that project organization. It
establishes the formal relationships between the
project manager, project team, development
organization, the project itself and project
What goes into a project organization
Create Project
Organization Chart
Create Senior Note Stakeholders
Management Team

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6

Identify Personnel Assign Project Identify Training

Coordinators Requirements
Design Structure Management

The Design Structure Matrix A DSM is a square matrix

(DSM – also known as the (i.e., it has an equal number of
dependency structure matrix,) is a
rows and columns) that shows
general method for representing
and analyzing system models in a
relationships between
variety of application areas elements in a system
A DSM has 2 main
advantages The DSM is related to other square-
matrix-based methods such as a
It provides a simple and concise way dependency map, a precedence matrix,
a contribution matrix, an adjacency
to represent a complex system. 
matrix, a reachability matrix, and an N-
square diagram, and also related to
non-matrix-based methods such as
directed graphs, systems of equations,
It is amenable to powerful analyses, such and architecture diagrams and other
as clustering (to facilitate modularity) and dependency models.
sequencing (to minimize cost and
schedule risk in processes).
DSM works under the assumption that – for
the modeling purpose – the three elements
completely describe the system and
characterize its behavior. A graph may be
developed to represent this system
The matrix representation of a digraph (i.e. directed graph) has the
pictorially. The system graph is constructed following properties: 
by allowing a vertex/node on the graph to • it is binary (i.e. a matrix populated with only zeros and ones) 
• it is square (i.e. a matrix with equal number of rows and
represent a system element and an edge columns)
joining two nodes to represent the • it has n rows and columns (n is the number of nodes of the
relationship between two system elements. digraph)
The directionality of influence from one • it has k non-zero elements, where ( k is the number of edges in
element to another is captured by an arrow the digraph)
The matrix layout is as follows: the system elements names are
instead of a simple link. The resultant graph placed down the side of the matrix as row headings and across the
is called a directed graph or simply a top as column headings in the same order

A matrix can also represent weighted dependencies. In
such a case, a numerical DSM is used. Equally, an There are three basic building blocks for describing the
additional column can be used to represent the weight of relationship amongst system elements: parallel (or
an element. concurrent), sequential (or dependent) and coupled (or
FERNANDO, Khea Micole May B.
: This pres
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as created including i by Slidesg
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ect-organization-101 infographic ns by Flaticon, and
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