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Case : 4

Consultancy Research for a Not-

For-Profit Organisations
Prepared by : Sujan Khaiju
1. How does pragmatism differ from post-positivism and
interpretivism, are there some shared beliefs?

 Pragmastism differ rom post-positivism and interpretivism by following points:

a. Post-positivism focus on quantitatve descriptors whereas interpostivism focus on qualitative
b. Post-positivism is concerned and based on reality , science , facts etc whereas interpretivism in
concerned and based on physcology, physiology, sociology.
c. Post-positivism critize and amends positivism whereas interpretivism reject the objectivist .

 . No I donot think there are any shared beliefs among them because they are poles apart . They are
completely different and opposite to each other.
2. How can Thomas respond if Jennifer insists on a
pure “qualitative” method?
 Thomas can responds the following positive points of post-positivism and negative points of
pretivism if Jeniffer insists on a pure “ qualitative method :
a. Post-positivism is based on facts , reality and scientific inquiry.
b. We can get only baseless assumptions from interpretivism.
c. Interpretivism only focus and bsed on physcology , sociology and physiology which ca be changed at
any time.
d. Post-positivism based on quantitative approach can provide much more accurate informations and
e. Furthermore, interpretivism as a qualitative method rejects objectivist which is actually very
important and need in a research.
3. If pragmastism argues that the research questions should drive
the choice of research methods, how can Thomas be sure of the
quality of the research?
 3. If pragmastism argues that the research questions should drive the choice of research methods,
Thomas can be sure of the quality of the research by taking the following precautions and steps:
a. He should prepare the research questions to be both quantitative and qualitative .
b. He should prepare the research questions that also provides the facts and reality informations along
with their opinions, problems and expectations that show their physcology, physiology and sociology.
c. He should even try to understand and consider the emotions alongs with the datas
d. He should not rather give the final results of few samples
The End

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