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Respiratory system

Cellular respiration Aerobic respiration

Types of respiration 1. Glycolysis
2. Oxidation
Aerobic respiration 3. Krebs cycle
4. Electron Transport system
Anaerobic respiration 5. Oxidative phosphorylation
Respitatory substrate
 Ultimte soource of energy - Sun

 Light energy ------ chemical energy (plants)-------- stored as complex organic complex

Breathing ------ physical process

Cellular respiration------- biochemical process

The process of oxidative breakdown of food mterials within the cell to release
energy and trap in the form of energy rich compound, ATP is called cellular repiration
A. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)

=ATP is describe as energy currency of the cell

=ATP molecules consist of three components
1. Adenine, a nitrogenous base
2. Ribose, a 5- carbon sugar or
Pentose sugar
3. Chain of three phosphate groups
Most free energy of ATP is present in the phosphate
Groups (esp- last two covalent bond between
Phosphate grous)
Represented by AMP ~ P ~P

ATP Hydrolysis ADP + Pi + Energy

An energy carrier and stored house of energy is needed by cell for following
Energy may not be needed immediately
Oxidation is slow process, releasing energy gradually, whereas energy may be needed quicly at times
Biological reaction demanding energy and energy releasing reaction may occur at different spots
It is responsible for movement of individual organism or their body parts

ATP serves purpose of reserve energy and energy carried

Base on oxidation of food in presence or absence of oxygen,
cellular respiration is of two types
1. Aerobic respiration (in presence of oxygen)
2. Anaerobic respiration (in absence of oxygen)

1. Aerobic respiration (in presence of oxygen)

In plants and animls : It occurs in mitochondria
organism performing aerobic respiration = aerobes

Aerobic respiration has two main phase;

I. anaerobic phase or glyvolysis: occur in cytosol
Glucose (One molecules) Pyruvic acid (2 molecules)
Aerobic phase or Krebs cycle: Occur in mitochondria
Pyruvic acid formed during glycolysis is completely broken down to carbon dioxide and
Glycolysis Krebs cycle
Glucose Pyruvic acid Carbon dioxide + water + Energy

C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38ATP

II. Anaerobic respiration
1. It occur in cytosol n absence of oxygen
2. Incomplete oxidation of food
3. Occur in lower organism like yest, certain bacteria and fungi (anaerobes)
4. Only 2APT produced form one molecules of glucose
5. Glucose 2Pyruvic acid + 2Carbon dioxide + water + Energy (2ATP)
Beaking down of Pyruvic acid
1. In yeast, bacteria and some plants
Pyruvic acid (C3H4O3) Ethyl alcohol + Carbon dioxide
Alcoholic fermentation
2. In anaerobic animals
Pyruvic acid (C3H4O3) Lactic acid Lactic acid fermentation
Respiratory Substrate
Organic substance which are catabolised to release energy inside living cell
Floating respiration
3.Protein Protoplasmic respiration
Aerobic Respiration
Catabolic process
Complete oxidation (water and carbon dioxide are end product)
 common substrate = Glucose
Glucose is derived from starch (hydrolysis) and sucrose by
enzymeic action
Starch + H2O Amylase maltose maltase Glucose

Sucrose + H2O Invertase Glucose + Glucose

External and internal respiration
External respiration = physical process
Internal respiration
1. Oxygen uptake by tissue cell from ECF
2. Oxidation of food enzymes (chemical process)
3. Elimination of of CO2 by tissue cell into ECF

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