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Feedback at Work

Prepared By: Maher Mansi

Title: Feedback at Work

“Great feedback changes our behavior in a way that later on we’re grateful for, and that we believe made our lives better .”
— Julie Zhuo, VP of Product Design at Facebook
“feedback,” many think of the annual performance review.
instant feedback (continuous feedback):
1. Creates an environment of trust at work.
2. Increase productivity.
3. Changes the culture.
4. Orient the goals for all.
5. Creates mutual understanding.

“Care personally; don’t put people in boxes and leave them there .” 
— Kim Scott, former manager at Google & author of Radical Candor

Feedback culture: friend or foe?

 The key is empathy: exchanging feedback as a way of improving work relationships.

“ Feedback isn’t about instructing or scolding: it’s about giving someone the information and tools they need to develop
their strengths and get over their hurdles “

— Jenny Podewils, Co-Founder of Leapsome

Feedback should come from empathy and respect,
and ask questions about the other person's needs

 5 key reasons your employees need instant feedback

1. Instant feedback guides people in the right direction

2. It creates a climate of transparency and trust

3. It shows you care about the receiver of feedback

4. It reinforces good performance

5. It motivates both managers and employees

One study found that people would rather get negative feedback than no feedback at all!

6. 92% of respondents agreed with the assertion, “Negative or redirecting feedback, if delivered appropriately, is effective at improving performance.”

The human brain feels relaxed and receptive when taking on positive feedback

Thank you

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