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Archit Gupta and Fahad Khalid

Maslow  Maslow Hierarchy of Needs means order of peoples needs
starting with basic human needs
Hierarchy of  Abraham Maslow recognized the needs of employees but
Needs arranged them into a hierarchy showing that some needs
are important than others.
 Physiological Needs : These are the basic human needs and are
the bottom of the pyramid . They include food, drink , shelter ,
warmth and rest. These needs are vital to be met otherwise
humans cannot survive.

Each need in  Safety and Security – People need protection from any form of

Maslow danger , and from physical and physiological threats.

 Social Needs- People need to communicate and make friends.
Hierarchy of People also like to be cared for, to care and to belong to group.
Needs explained  Esteem Needs- People need to be recognized and respected and
their achievements praised. They also want self respect.
 Self Actualization- Many people want to reach their full
potential. For example, they may want to create something
Advantages Disadvantages
lower levels of staff turnover Failing to complete one of these
levels can result in unmotivated
Advantages and each level can provide after one set of needs done the
Disadvantages of something to employees to
motivate them
business needs more things to
motivate their staff
Maslow’s better relations between staff if some needs aren't met this
Hierarchy of Needs can lead to health issues and
 Apple can use the Maslow's hierarchy of Needs to maximize
their employee's potential to work and increase productivity .
But before this Apple must satisfy the basic needs of apple
Maslow’s employees for them to become motivated. After the needs are
Hierarchy of fulfilled, the employees become motivated which can cause
more productivity and more output of electronic devices which
Needs applied can then lead to more sales. Motivation can also better
to Apple relations in apple, reduced staff turnover. Furthermore, this can
lead to financial success in apple because of more productivity
and output.
 Herzberg’s two factor theory is closely linked with Maslow’s
hierarchy of needs.
Herzberg's Two  Fredrick Herzberg recognized that certain factors at work
Factor Theory would help to give employees job satisfaction .
 He produced two factors which concludes his theory.
 Motivators- This is Herzberg's first factor. This means that
businesses should invest in methods and things which actively
improve satisfaction and motivation in employees.
Herzberg’s two  Hygiene Factors- This is Herzberg’s second factor. This means
factor theory that businesses should deal with things that cause

explained dissatisfaction at work for employees.

 Herzberg said that hygiene factors don’t motivate workers. But
if hygiene factors were insufficient, workers would develop
poor motivation
Advantages Disadvantages
Advantages and Employee's satisfaction is the
primary factor of motivation
Herzberg's factor is only based
on satisfaction and not
Disadvantages of rather than money. productivity in company.

Herzberg Two the aim is to make the job more

fun and meaningful.
there is no measure or level of
satisfaction in this theory
factor theory
 If apple employees achieve most of the examples of motivators
Herzberg’s Two and hygiene factors, this can make the employee worry less
about workload and make them more motivated which would
factor Theory enable them to create more apple devices and have better

linked to Apple customer service. Apple can use job enrichment as a motivator
for apple employees, so they are motivated
 Taylor’s scientific theory is one of the first motivational
theories to emerge.
 Taylor said that workers were motivated by money.
Taylor’s  He observed employees and recognized that employees weren't
scientific theory working up to their full potential.
 He recommended that jobs should be broken down into simple
 He recommended that jobs should be broken down into simple

scientific theory  Once a business had determined the most efficient way of
explained. carrying out tasks, Taylor believed that workers should get a
fair days pay for fair days work which means they should be
paid for work they did in order to motivate employees
Advantages Disadvantages
employees are motivated by no room for workers opinions
money or emotions
benefits the business because ignores workers differences
more work can result in more
products which leads to more
Advantages and sales
higher productivity doesn’t suit everyone
of Taylor’s
scientific theory
Taylors  With the use of this theory, Apple can expect more output of
products considering the employees get money for work they
Scientific do. This will motivate apple employees to exceed apples
Theory linked expectations and get more money. Which can lead to more
motivated employees.
to apple
 Businesses can use a range of methods to motivate their
Financial  Financial motivation involves motivating employees with

methods of money or things associated with money.

 The main methods of financial motivation used in business are
motivation remuneration, bonuses, commission, promotion and fringe
 Remuneration- Remuneration is the money employees are paid in
return for working in a business. Different roles in a business are
rewarded with different levels of remuneration.
 Bonuses- A bonus is a form of additional remuneration. Some
businesses and industries use bonuses to motivate their employees.

Financial  Commission- Commission is similar to a bonus. Commission is paid

on top of a normal wage or salary to help motivate employees.
methods of Commission is usually given as a percentage of a sale or a specified

motivation amount of money per sale.

explained  Promotion- A promotion is another way to improve an employee’s

motivation. When an employee is promoted, they are provided with
a higher-ranking job and more responsibility in a business. 
 Fringe Benefits- Many businesses use fringe benefits as a form of
financial motivation. Fringe benefits are additional employment
perks awarded to employees, such as a free gym membership
Advantages Disadvantages
Pay rise motivates employees some benefits are costly for
increased productivity focus on money decreases
quality of products
better financial status of some may not like benefits.
Advantages and employees

Disadvantages of
financial methods
of motivation
 I think fringe benefit is the best financial method of motivation
for apple employees. Because apple has many products and
Fringe Benefits online services which employees may want apple can use the
products and online services as a part of fringe benefits to
linked to Apple satisfy employees. This makes them more motivated to work at
apple and increase productivity for apple.
 Non-financial methods of motivation involve motivating
Non - financial employees in ways that don’t involve money.
methods of  Non-financial methods of motivation include job rotation, job
motivation enrichment and autonomy.
 Job rotation- Job rotation involves an employee having a large
amount of variety in their day-to-day role. It can motivate
employees by avoiding them becoming bored with their job. 

Non - financial  Job enrichment- job enrichment involves enhancing employees’

roles through providing a wider range of tasks for them to
methods of complete during the working day. In addition, job enrichment
motivation often means giving employees more responsibility.

explained  Autonomy- Autonomy refers to the degree to which employees

can make decisions about their day-to-day roles. Having more
autonomy means an employee can make more decisions about
their role
 Methods of motivation can differ only when money is involved.
Obviously if the business is small, bonuses, commissions and
salary will be less compared to a larger business. A large
business will have a higher salary and better-quality facilities
allowing employees to work at a required pace and produce the
Is there a difference required output. A small business have smaller objectives and
in methods of goals. But the nonfinancial methods don’t require money to
motivate employees and they can complete it in addition to
motivation in small their daily business. Smaller businesses aim to save money for
vs large businesses further investments so they should consider using nonfinancial
methods of motivation. Job rotation Is one of the most used
methods because this is when the business gives the employees
different roles at a time which allows flexibility for the business
as well.
 If employees are demotivated in the workplace, they will not
What happens if have the interest to produce the required output to benefit the
employees are business. Therefore, the business should consider using
financial and nonfinancial methods to motivate employees to
demotivated in feel valued to the business to produce output to benefit the
the workplace business.

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