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I’m Charles Roniel Cruz Castillo and I turned 19 last April

25,2021. Well, I am currently studying in Guagua
Community College with the course of Public Administration
I chose it because I see great opportunities into this and I am
really fascinated to public service, this course also suits my
personality as I am considering myself as an extrovert I
always want to be surrounded with great people which I
think that helps me to become adaptable.
This is my first love, this where I learn that
experiencing pain and rejection was all part of When life gets dark,
the game after all it doesn’t matter if you didn’t
shoot the ball , or if the referee didn’t call it as basketball gives me
foul when your opponents intentionally caused light..
you an injury.

What matters most in

basketball which I also apply in
life that I must not see losses as
failure but instead I should see
them as an another way to
achieve victory. People may
call me as a ‘’happy go lucky
person’’ but each of us have
different approaches to resolve
our own problems, just like in
playing basketball we have our
styles or techniques to win the
game, we should just know our
limits and give our best in
every game.
Basketball is in my soul
Me as the youngest and only boy among
my siblings: I have three sisters and growing up I
felt that I cannot relate with the
stuffs they do, I am the youngest and
the most hard-headed and the apple
of the eye. I am more likely to be a
mom’s boy because my mother is
more liberal than to my father.

But even though I am the youngest I

am independent because my family
are in Manila, I mastered doing
household chores such as cooking,
washing clothes, and cleaning.
I love outdoor activities like swimming and biking. For me, these
two activities makes me more physically strong and mentally
stable. These have helped me to become focus in everything I do
and through these I met new people.
I may look thin but one of my favorites is eating, whenever I go to places I
make sure to try their food. Food makes me happy and energetic.
Fact about me: I do not like the taste of ramen and I easily get annoyed when
I’m hungry.
I started drinking at a very young age and up
to now I still do. Though this is not good but
this also helps me to feel calm whenever I
have problems.

I am a hard drinker
and this is not
something I am very
proud of because
sometimes this leads
me to experience
unfortunate events
but I’m trying to
control it.
People often calls me ‘’mayabang’’
but I am the type of person who
stays committed to my promises. I
have a 5 years relationship with
my first girlfriend whom I also
treat as my best friend . I always
keep in mind that woman’s heart
should be protected like what I do
to my sisters and to my mother

Faithful and Committed will best describe me as a person, it is not

only for the woman I love but as well as to the other special
people in my life like my friends.
Me as an impatient and hot tempered man:
The people who knows me well knew that I am not perfect, I easily get mad over the
things that are too shallow and I do not want anyone to make me wait. There are
instances that I overact that worsens the situation. I am outspoken and I am not of
sugarcoating words or thoughts but despite of this I make sure I do not go beyond my
limits and If I made a mistake I accepts it wholeheartedly.
Many will probably get confused with this
presentation because I was asked to describe
myself and yet I inserted here my family, my
girlfriend and friends, my hobbies and
favorites activities. It is only because those
represents who I am. I am
THANK loving son, a
supportive boyfriend/friend, a man who loves
basketball and other outdoor activities.
“What you see in me is not what you get”
there are sides of me that I do not really show.
Only few people understand what I really feel

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