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 bronchi/o bronchus
 laryng/o larynx
 nas/o, rhin/o nose
 pharyng/o pharynx
 phren/o diaphragm
 -pnea (suffix) breathing (a suffix used as dyspnea,
 which means “difficulty in breathing”)
 pneum/o, pneumon/o, pulmon/o lung
 sinus/o sinus cavity
 trache/o trachea
 apnea absence of breathing .
 asthma a lung disease characterized by
 inflammation and constriction.
 bronchial pneumonia inflammation of the smaller
 ( bronchopneumonia) bronchial tubes.
 bronchiolitis inflammation of the bronchioles
 bronchiostenosis narrowing of the bronchial tubes.
 bronchitis inflammation of the mucous
 membrane of the bronchial tubes.
 bronchospasm abnormal contraction of bronchi.
 dyspnea difficult breathing
 emphysema condition in which the alveoli are
 inefficient because of distension.
 laryngectomy excision of the larynx.
 laryngitis inflammation of the larynx.
 pharyngitis inflammation of the pharynx.
 phrenalgia pain in the diaphragm.
 pneumonia, inflammation of a lung caused by
 pneumonitis infection, chemical inhalation, or
 trauma.
 rhinitis inflammation of the inner lining of
 the nasal cavity.
 sinusitis inflammation of the sinuses.
 tracheitis inflammation of the trachea.
 tracheostenosis abnormal narrowing of the trachea.
Root or Suffix Refers to

 cholecyst/o gallbladder
 colon/o colon
 duoden/o duodenum
 enter/o small intestine
 esophag/o esophagus
 gastr/o stomach
 hepat/o liver
 ile/o ileum
 jejun/o jejunum
 pancreat/o pancreas
 phag/o eating; swallowing
 sial/o salivary glands
 -scopy suffix meaning “visual examination”

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