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Session- 2021-22



Shreyansh Chaudhary
Submitted To:
Mr. Narendra Singh Yadav
O Introduction
O Culture, art , craft and architecture of north
east india
O Difference between north india and south
 Regarded as the central science, Chemistry involves the study of
how different substances change colours, shape, size and their
forms when reacted with another material or a set of substances.
Furthermore, the application of various Branches of
Chemistry across different fields has led to many discoveries and
high-end innovations which has helped mankind in one or the other
way. Understanding Chemistry in everyday life is important
O The food we eat, the cosmetics we use or the medicines we take,
all of these undergo chemical reactions.  
O It can help you make decisions related to a wide range of things
like watering plants based on seasons, setting the temperature to
bake a cake, choosing the right medicine for acidity, applying a
particular SPF sunscreen, etc.
O It helps you understand which element does your body needs more.
For instance, some may require Vitamin D more than others. 
Culture, art, craft, and architecture of north east india:-

O Having lived in close proximity with nature since centuries, people

were depended on Mother Nature for everything. From traditional
handicrafts, fishing and hunting tools etc – the people developed
many unique skills over the years and even today many of these
skills are passed down. Apong (rice/millet wine) is the prominent
drink induced by the people, especially in festivals. People used to
drink it to honor the spirit guardians.

O Dance is an important element of the people’s heritage and

traditional dancing along with priest/priestess chants, war dance and
ritual dance with Buddhist connection etc are mostly performed by
men. Ponung/Ponu is performed in groups by both men and women
for the celebration of joyous and fortunate events in the future. A
rich oral collection of folklores and chants, usually in a ballad tone,
have been passed down from centuries about the historical events,
myths, power of spirits and calling of deities.
Photos from A.P
O Arunachal Pradesh is gifted with traditional craftsmen skills
that have been passed on from generations to generations.
O Local men are skilled in weaving, carpet making, wood
carving, painting, pottery, ornament making, cane and
bamboo work, smithy work, basketry and many others. The
women are expert in making handicrafts and handlooms.
O About three major styles of architecture are followed in
Arunachal like high altitude building, medium-altitude
building, and low altitude building.
O Because of the uneven topography and hilly terrain the high
altitude building is planned as scattered to sustain in the
region, stones, and timber used as the core material to build
with stone masonry for basement and woods for the main
O Like every other state in India, Arunachal is one of the fast-
emerging states in the scene of development and today the
high altitude buildings are built with glass, plaster and painted
woods to compromise with modernism
O This type of buildings are constructed in flat terrain regions
with bamboo as the core material as it is the most available in
the place, they follow the row architecture style and today
even steels, painted woods and cement are added to their
historical vernacular architecture to make it stronger, attractive
and for the longevity too.
O At least the low terrain buildings still hold the vernacular
architecture in the state of Arunachal Pradesh, the houses in
low altitude places like changing and trap follow vernacular
architecture with bamboo, timber, dry paddy straws and thatch
grass for roof.
Difference between art, craft, culture and
architecture of north india from south india:-
O The culture differences between south and north India has been widely
seen in all aspects. They actually show a peculiar uniqueness in their way
of food, dressing, cultural activities, music etc. As the south India hold all
three type of seas around them that will also make a change in their
characteristic compared to north India. Narrow or widely it specifies the
classification around them. The cultural difference between South and
North India is so obvious, that you feel they belong to two different
O Dravidian temple architecture usually has a Raja Gopuram (biggest tower)
at the main gate and a small tower for the sanctum sanctorum (exception
being Tanjore Big temple). South Indian temple gopurams are extremely
intricate filled with statues, whereas most.
O This is quite the reverse in North Indian temples, where the height of the
structure is progressive starting from a lower height gate leading to a tall
tower where the sanctum is present. Also North Indian temple towers are
mostly presented in a minimalist fashion with less or no statues in them.
O From the above observation we conclude that
there is a lot of difference between the art,
craft, culture and architecture of north india
and south india.
O From own experience
O By communication
O Some peoples of north india and south india

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