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Simple present tense
object +
+ To
To be
be (are/am/is)
(are/am/is) +
+ Verb
Verb 3
3++ Subject

The cake is decorated by the chef.

(kue tersebut dihias oleh chef)

The book is read by her in the library.

(Buku dibaca olehnya di perpustakaan)

That fruits are washed by Bambang in the river.

(Buah-buahan dicuci bambang di sungai)
Simple past tense
Object +
+ To
To be
be (was/were)
(was/were) +
+ Verb
Verb 3
3++ subject

This shoes was bought by me yesterday.

(Sepatu ini dibeli olehku kemarin)

Fried chicken was ate by Amir last night.

(Ayam goreng dimakan Amir tadi malam)

Soccer was played by Rahmat yesterday.

(Sepak bola dimainkan oleh Rahmat kemarin)
Present continuous tense

Pasif Object + To be (are/am/is) + Being+ Verb 3

A cake is being maked by her.

(Sebuah kue sedang dibuat olehnya)

Soccer is being played by Dibyo and us.

(Sepak bola sedang dimainkan oleh Dibyo dan kita)

A book is being bought by me.

(Sebuah buku dibeli olehku)
Present perfect tense
Subject + has/have +been + verb 3

I have been became her friend up until now.

(Aku menjadi temannya hingga saat ini)

They have already been met me in the park.

(Mereka telah bertemu denganku di taman)

Your message have been waited by me since last night.

(Pesanmu aku tunggu sejak semalam)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3

He must be punished by the teacher.
(Dia harus dihukum oleh guru itu)

This book must be learnt by him.

(Buku ini harus dipelajari olehnya.)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3

That thief can be punched by all people.
(Pencuri itu bisa dipukuli oleh semua orang)

A car can be driven by him.

(sebuah mobil bisa dikemudikan olehnya.)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3

Amir will be given a gift by Rahmat tonight.
(Amir akan diberikan sebuah hadiah oleh Rahmat malam ini)

My room will be decorated by Amir today

(kamar saya akan dihias oleh Amir hari ini)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3


An apple may be eaten by her.

(sebuah apel boleh dimakan olehnya)

The book may be written by student.

(buku itu boleh ditulisi oleh siswa)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3

Going to

He is going to be fired from his position as soon as possible by Amirah.

(Dia akan diberhentikan dari jabatannya secepatnya oleh amirah)

The food is going to be cooked by Amiranti.

(makanan itu akan dimasak oleh Amiranti)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3

Have to
The police have to be called by me for help.
(polisi harus
harus dipanggil
dipanggil oleh
oleh saya
saya untuk
untuk meminta
meminta bantuan)

The car has to be washed by me

(mobil harus dicuci oleh saya)
Modals Verbs
Pasif modals +be + verb 3

Want to

This house wants to be sold by my mom.

(rumah ini ingin dijual oleh ibuku)

The chicken
chicken wan
wan to
to be
be seen
seen by
by my
my sister
(ayam ini ingin dilihat oleh saudara perempuan saya)

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