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Emergency management of


• Heat related emergencies and their
• Cold related injuries
• Lightning
• Altitude related emergency
• More Physically active individuals participation in outdoor
athletic activities results, increase in environmentally related
• Heat-related illness, hypothermia, lightning strikes, and high
altitude illnesses are multi system emergencies that require
IMMEDIATE, specific therapy treatments.
• Heat Exposure illness including heat exhaustion and heat
• Cold exposure and illness including hypothermia and
• Severe thunderstorms and lightning emergencies
• Altitude illness including acute mountain sickness
• Prevention and care of environmental emergencies
• Heat Exposure illness including heat exhaustion and heat
• Cold exposure and illness including hypothermia and
• Severe thunderstorms and lightning emergencies
• Altitude illness including acute mountain sickness
• Prevention and care of environmental emergencies

• Heat emergencies may be the cause of death

every year
• Although the proportion of heat related
deaths is reduced
Body Temperature Regulation
• Body depends on water for normal function
• Long duration of sweating or excessive
sweating without fluid replacement could be
• Muscles work during exercise results in
tremendous amount of heat generation
• Efficient function of many of the body’s various organs and
system require that core temperature to be maintained with a
narrow range
• As the body core temp: rises and water and electrolytes
• Body uses a number of different mechanisms to dissipate
Heat Cramps
• First stage of heat-related emergencies
• Occur mainly in the leg area such as the calf and hamstring
• Recognized by intense pain with persistent muscle spasms in
the working muscle during prolong exercise
• Heat cramp generally caused by muscle
fatigue with rapid water and electrolyte loss
via sweating mechanisms
• Acclimatization , resulting in less efficient
sweat mechanism and excessive sweating
irregular meals , resulting in less electrolyte
Heat Exhaust
Conditions where the body is near to total collapse because of
dehydration elevated core temperature.
• Not considered as medical emergency, although it is a serious
condition and considered to be a precursor to heat stroke
Heat exhaust cont..
• An athlete suffering from heat exhaustion, the body’s cooling
mechanism will remain intact but are no longer functioning
• The sign and symptoms are progressive in nature and health-
care professionals should take notice of them as soon as the
athlete exhibits any of the signs
Heat Stroke
• The most severe heat-related condition
• Involves a breakdown of the body’s heat regulation
mechanism resulting in a dangerously high core temp.
• The most notable symptoms of heat stroke are hot and
red-colored skin.
• Common misconception that a victim will first
suffer from heat exhaustion before heat
stroke. This can occur , NOT ALWAYS.
Prevention of Heat-Related Emergencies
• Recognition of all environmental factors and on site
emergency action plan (EAP)
• Conduct pre-participation physical examination; athletes
MAYBE predisposed to heat illness
• Educate athletes and coaches
• Practice and game guidelines for weather
• Consider practice and game times with respect to weather
• Ensure sufficient fluid replacement is available and consumed
before, during and after athletic activities.
• Weight athlete before and after athletic activities when
weather is hot and humid
• Serious health conditions can result from prolonged exposure
to cold weather. The most common cold-related emergencies
are hypothermia and frostbite. Signs and symptoms for cold-
related emergencies, especially hypothermia, can be subtle,
and an accurate diagnosis often is difficult because they can
occur even when temperatures outside are not considered
very low.
• Cold-related emergencies occur when the body is unable to
protect itself from the outdoor environment.
• Inadequately clothed athletes are at risk for accidental cold
injuries caused by prolonged exposure to low air
temperature, humidity, and wind.
• Clothing made wet as a result of perspiration from activity or
from wet weather conditions.
• Exposed body parts not protected by clothing are particularly
susceptible to freezing in frigid temperatures.
• Hypothermia is a condition in which the body’s temperature
becomes dangerously low. Many of the body’s organs can be
damaged by hypothermia. Normal body temperature ranges
between 97.2°F and 99.5°F. If the body temperature is just a
few degrees lower than this, bodily functions tend to slow
down and become less efficient. If the body temperature
drops too low and stays low for more than a couple of hours,
the body’s organs can begin to shut down, and death will
ultimately result.
• Re-warming the athlete must be done slowly to prevent a
rush of blood to the surface of the body away from the vital
organs that need blood.
• The duration of the effects of hypothermia depends on how
badly the athlete’s organs have been damaged.
• In many cases the athlete will recover in 3 to 12 hours with
treatment. In some cases, hypothermia can result in
permanent disability or death.
• Frostbite is a medical condition in which the nerves, blood
vessels, and other cells of the body are temporarily frozen by
exposure to cold temperature.
• Frostbite commonly occurs at the extremities: toes, fingers,
tip of the nose, earlobes, and cheeks.
Frostbite comes in three different levels of severity
1. Frost nip: skin appears white and waxy. There is possible
numbness or pain in affected areas. No skin blistering
2. Superficial frostbite: skin appears white, blue, or gray.
Superficial skin feels hard but deeper tissue is soft and
insensitive to touch. This is a serious medical condition;
permanent damage is imminent. Skin blistering to affected
areas is possible.
3. Deep frostbite: skin is white or blue and has a hard,
wooden feel. The tissue underneath is hard and cold to
touch. The entire area is numb. Skin blistering occurs to
affected areas. It is a life-threatening emergency because
of probable hypothermia and later risk of infection to
affected body parts.
Prevention of Cold-Related Emergencies
1. Have a wind chill chart on hand to determine the possibility of
hypothermia or frostbite.
2. Dress in layers.
3. Cover the head to prevent excessive heat loss.
4. Stay dry by wearing breathable and water-repellent clothing materials.
5. Stay adequately hydrated before and during activity.
6. Eat regular and nutritious meals so the body is well fueled and therefore
more efficient; this also ensures adequate calories available for shivering.
7. Avoid alcohol and nicotine because they accelerate heat loss.
8. Educate athletes, coaches, officials, and parents to recognize cold-related
9. If unsure whether an athlete is suffering from hypothermia and/or
frostbite, always stay on the side of caution and treat accordingly.

• Most consistent and significant weather hazard that mat

affect athletics.
• The chance of being struck by lightning is very low, if proper
safety precautions are followed.
• Many peoples do not understand how lighting strikes occur
and how to reduce their risk.

1. Direct strike: most commonly occur to the head, and

lightning current enters the orifices.
2. Contact strike: most occurs when the lightning victim is
touching an object that is in the pathway of the lightning
3. Side flash: most commonly occurs when the lightning strikes
an object near the victim and then jumps from the object to
the victim.
4. Ground current: most commonly occurs when the lightning
current flowing in the ground radiates outward in waves from
the strike point.
5. Blunt injury: Most commonly occurs when the lightning
current causes violent muscular contractions that throw
victims a distance from strike point.
• Establish a chain of command that identifies who is to make
the call to remove individuals from that athletic field.
• Have a means to subscription to a weather monitoring system
to receive forecasts and warnings
• Designate a safe shelter for each outdoor venue. A safe
shelter should be a building with four solid walls, electrical
wiring, and plumbing, all of which aid in the grounding of the
• Use the flash-to-bang count to determine when to go safety.
• Wait at least 30 minutes after the last lightning flash before
resuming a activity
• Avoid being, or being near, the highest point in an open
field. Do not take shelter under or near trees, flagpoles,
or light poles.
• For those individuals who are caught in the open and who
feel their hair stand on end, feel their skin tingle, or hear
“crackling” noises, assume the lightning safety position.
This position includes crouching on the ground, with
weight on balls of the feet, feet together, head lowered,
and ears covered
• An individual should never lie flat on the ground.
• Observe the emergency first aid procedures in managing
victims of a lightning strike
• All individuals have the right to leave an athletic site to seek
a safe shelter if the person feels in danger of impending
lightning activity—without fear of penalty from anyone.
• Blue sky and the absence of rain are not protection from
lightning. Lightning can, and does, strike as far as 10 miles
away from the rain shaft. It does not have to be raining for
lightning to strike
• In high-altitude sports participation, the most obvious change
is an increase in pulmonary ventilation, which can give the
feeling of being out of breath. The response is highly variable
among athletes and may not be felt for a few days. Because
there is less oxygen in the atmosphere at altitude, the heart
rate in an athlete may be elevated to increase cardiac output
and maintain an adequate oxygen supply to the body, both at
rest and during exercise.
• Common in athletes who ascend from near sea level to
altitudes higher than approximately 3000 m, but it may
occur in altitudes as low as 2000 m.
• General symptoms for acute mountain sickness are
characterized by headache, lightheadedness,
breathlessness, fatigue, insomnia, loss of appetite, and
nausea. Usually, these symptoms will begin 2 to 3 hours
after the athlete has reached peak ascent, but the condition
is generally self-limiting and most of the symptoms
disappear after 2 to 3 days
• The best way to prevent acute mountain sickness is by
ascending gradually and allowing for acclimatization.
• Acclimatization is the process of the body adjusting to the
decreasing availability of oxygen. Some authors suggest that
with any ascent to an altitude above 3000 m, there should be
a 2- to 3-day rest before further heavy athletic activity occurs.
• Treatment of acute mountain sickness by oxygen or descent is
not usually required; aspirin, or ibuprofen may relieve most
• Another form of altitude illness is high-altitude pulmonary
edema, or fluid in the lungs. Although it often occurs with
acute mountain sickness, it is not felt to be related and the
symptoms for acute mountain sickness may be absent.
• Causes of the edema are not clearly understood; it may have
to do with changes in cellular permeability in some people at
altitude. Signs and symptoms of high-altitude pulmonary
edema may include extreme fatigue, breathlessness at rest,
severe cough with sputum, gurgling breaths, chest tightness,
and blue- or gray-colored lips and fingernails.
• The treatment for high-altitude pulmonary edema is
immediate descent to a safe altitude level. This must be done
with the utmost urgency. Delay may be fatal.
• A safe altitude is usually described as the last elevation where
the athlete felt well on awakening from a restful sleep.
• Oxygen should be administered if available. Medications may
be given by a physician to help relieve the symptoms of high-
altitude pulmonary edema.
• rare but potentially serious, even fatal. It is defined as a
condition in which the brain swells and ceases to
function properly.
• Like high-altitude pulmonary edema, the cause of high-
altitude cerebral edema is poorly understood but is again
likely related to changes in cellular permeability.
• Once high-altitude cerebral edema is present, it can
progress rapidly and can be fatal within a few hours.
Athletes with this illness are often confused and may not
recognize that they are ill.
• The classic sign of high-altitude cerebral edema is a change in
mental status. Signs and symptoms may include confusion,
changes in behavior, unusual or irrational behavior, and
• It may be easier to recognize a characteristic loss of
coordination called ataxia. This is a staggering walk that
resembles the way a person walks while intoxicated on
• The most extreme cases of high-altitude cerebral edema may
involve the athlete going into a coma with death occurring
within hours.
• The treatment for high-altitude cerebral edema is descent to a lower
altitude as quickly as possible. Oxygen should be administered if available.
Medications can be given by a physician to decrease the severity of the
• Athletes with high-altitude cerebral edema sometimes recover rapidly
after descent to a lower and safer altitude. Practicing sports medicine in
high-altitude environments can be challenging for the athletic trainer.
• Medical conditions related to the altitude require additional training and
experience because they can be unique to the standard practice setting.
As sport medicine knowledge progresses, the athletic trainer will have
increasing resources to better serve the athlete at high altitudes.

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