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Learning Media

By Neng Rekha Amaliah

Unit One
Offering Service or Help

May I help You?

Kompetensi Dasar

 3.27 Menerapkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan
tindakan menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks
penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan May I help you? What can I do
for you? What if ...?)
 4.27 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks
Tujuan Pembelajaran

 Menawarkan jasa, serta menanggapinya, sesuai dengan konteks

penggunaannya. (Perhatikan unsur kebahasaan May I help you?, What can I do
for you? What if ...?)
 Menyusun teks interaksi interpersonal lisan dan tulis sederhana yang
melibatkan tindakan menawarkan jasa, dan menanggapinya dengan
memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar
dan sesuai konteks
Materi Pembelajaran

 Menawarkan atau memberi bantuan adalah tindakan yang mulia. Dalam unit
ini, peserta didik belajar berkomunikasi melalui lisan atau tulis tentang
menawarkan jasa beserta cara menolak dan menerima jasa dari orang lain
Offering Service or Help

 Do you need any help?

 How can I be of assistance?
 May I help you?
 Is there anything I can do to help?
 Would you like me to help you?
 Would you like me to do something?
 Would you mind if I lend you a hand?
 Well wo hands are better than one, right?
 Here, let me help you.
Refusing Service or Help

 No, thanks, I am ok
 No, thanks, I think I can manage
 Thank you very much, but I can do it myself
 No, thanks, it’s all right
 No, thanks. I don’t want to burden you.
Accepting Service or Help

 Yes, please. Thanks a lot

 Yes, please. If it’s not too much trouble
 Thanks. That’s very kind of you
 Thank you very much. I’d appreciate that
 What a heart you got there.
Discuss with your friends when you come to a new city
Reading: Read the following text


There are six must have experiences that you should do if you visit Seattle where city and
nature come together. If you visit Seattle, arrive with this list in hand and you’ll be off to a
foolproof start for exploring the Emerald City’s most unforgettable sights and sounds if you
visit Seattle:
Feel the fresh air on your face as you sail to Bainbrige Island on a Washington State Ferry.
From the Ferry you can enjoy the view of the Seattle skyline. You can also stroll around
downtown’s galleries, boutiques, coffeehouses and cafes. Seasonal gardens and natural
woodlands at the Boedel Reserve is another option.
Why don’t you tour Pike Place Market’s produce stands and buy something you never
tasted. The Pike Place Market is much more than a farmer’s market. Its entire district full
of shopping, attractions and favourite sights. The area is festival sounds, tastes, and smells
is part of the reason it’s called the “Soul of Seattle” Amid all the joyful hubbub, make sure
you take time to spot these beloved icon.
Book the night of the many cozy B & Bs or resorts available throughout the Sun Juan Islands. Cozy
bed and breakfast are perfect way to enjoy the friendly island culture. Here you can tour the
numerous art galleries in Friday Harbour. You can also enjoy naturalist-guided tours, wildlife
spotting, whale watching and storm watching.
See exciting and experimental works at Chihuly Garden and Glass. A visit to this site in an
opportunity to take full advantage of the location at the Seattle Center, a premier destination for
arts, entertainment and leisure activities. Explore the Space Needle and Pasific Science Center.
Experience Music Project and a variety of cultural activities offered throughout the yaer.
Watch the world’s most sophisticated aircraft be built before your eyes at the Boeing factory in
Mukilteo. Explore the dynamics of flight and experience new aviation innovation. Go behind the
scenes at Boeing to watch the very same jets you may one day be a passenger on being assembled
For a sweet treat, tour the Theo Chocolate factory in Freemont and learn how their delicious
confections are made. This factory has a mission to create change in the Democratic Republic of
Congo where has 300.000 square miles of farmable land, but only 2% is being farmed due to
conflict there. The factory, trains 2.000 Congolese farmers to grow high quality cocoa.
Dialog 1
How to accepting an offer
Rena : Where are you going, Andy?
Andy : I am going to pick up all the stuff we need
Rena : I think you don’t have to. The guys from Production Department will bring the stuff here soon.
Andy : Is there anything I can do to help them?
Rena : Not at the moment, thank you.
Andy : Really? You look so busy
Rena : Oh, there is one thing you could do.
Andy : Just say the word
Rena : Would you mind moving the tables and chairs to the porch?
Andy : Do you want me to put the cloth on the table as well?
Rena : Oh, that would be very good
Andy : By the way, has the secretary prepared the name tags for the participants?
Rena : That’s good question. Let me ask Julia about them.
Andy : All right. I am going out to grab some lunch. You want me to bring something?
Rena : Just a cup of hot coffee, please. Thank you
Dialog 2
How to refusing an offer
Rafa:My extended family is going to give a surprise birthday party for my
grandmother next week
Via : Wow! That sounds great. How old is she?
Rafa: She will be 75 on August 13
Via : Really? I didn’t know that she was that old. I thought that she was still
around 60. She looks much younger.
Rafa: Thanks.
Via : What if I help you with the preparation?
Rafa: Oh, It’s very nice of you. But I’m going to do it with my sister. Thanks for
the offer
Via : Okay, no problem.

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